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What is Auto-CAD ?

CAD = Computer Aided Design Follows your instructions Quickly produces the exact drg. you want, or You would draw them manually

What are features of Auto-CAD?

To correct drgs. error easily To make revision without re-doing the entire work To display information about the drg. To let you modify the drg. in a variety of ways To plot any drg. very easily To provides a set of entities for use in constructing drg. It produces clean, precise final drg. It can improves accuracy It works for you

What are various Commands of Auto-CAD ?


View Insert Format Tools


Window Help Command:

How to operate Commands of Auto CAD ?

1st Method Type name of command & enter 2nd Method Choose name of command from Command menu. 3rd Method Choose fly out icon of desired command.


Line Polyline Polygon Rectangle Arc Circle Donut Ellipse Point Hatch Text

Ray Construction line Multiline Spline Block Boundary Region

3D Polygone Surface Solid

Erase Copy Mirror Offset Array Move Rotate Scale Trim Extent Break Fillet Explode

Stretch Lengthen Chamfer

3D Operation Solids Editing Solid

EDIT Commands

Cut (Ctrl + X) Copy (Ctrl + C) Copy with base Point (Ctrl+shift+C) Clear (del) Select all (Ctrl + A) Find

Draw - Point
Draws point/ points as specified
Command : Single point/ Multiple point/ Divide/ Measure Single point : Draw single point as specified Multiple Point Specify a point Go on drawing points. No need of going to single point command Divide Select object to divide: suppose a line Enter no of segments or [Block] 5 (let ) Result it will divide line into 5 equal parts. Measure Select object to measure: line (let) Specify length of segment or [Block] 2(let) Result it measures 2 units and divides the line segments

Draw - Ray
Creates a semi infinity line Ray creates semi-infinite lines commonly used as construction lines. A ray has a finite starting point and extends to infinity. From the Draw toolbar, choose the Ray fly out or At the command prompt , enter Ray From point: specify a point(1) Through point :specify the point (2)through which you want the ray to pass or Enter. Auto CAD draws a ray & continues to prompt for through pts, enabling you to creates multiple rays. Press ENTER to End Command.

Draw Construction Line

Creates a infinity line Similar to ray It has a finite Start point & extends to infinite (both sides) From the Draw toolbar, choose the construction line fly out or At the command prompt , enter Construction line From point: Specify a point(1) Through point: Specify the point (2) through which you want the Construction line to pass or Enter.

Draw - Line
Creates straight line segment The Line command creates a line whose endpoints are specified using two dimensional or three dimensional Coordinates From the draw toolbar, choose the line fly out, or At the command prompt, enter Line From point : Specify a point or press Enter To point: Specify a point To point: Specify a point Auto CAD draws a line segments and continues the prompt for points, Enabling you to draw continuous line. However each line segment is a separate object. Press Enter to End Command.

Draw Multi Line

Creates 2 or more parallel lines From the draw toolbar, Chose the fly out, or At the command prompt, Enter Multiline Specify start point or [ Justification/ Scale/ Style] Specify Start point, Specify next point or [Undo] Specify next point, or [close/undo] Justification: J Enter Justification type [Top/Zero/Bottom] <Top>: Specify start point or [J/Scale/Style]: Justification Top ~ Crusher shall be on Top line If scale is entered /selected Enter Mline Scale<1:00>: 10 (let) Spacing between line shall be 10 times If style is entered /selected Enter m line style name or [?] Standard

Draw Spline

Draws special lines with closed boundary with specified tangent Single identity/ object From the draw toolbar, Chose the fly out, or At the command prompt, Enter Spline Specify 1st point or [ Object ]: Specify 2nd point : Specify next point, or [close/Fit Tolerance] <Start Tangent>: .. Close Specify Tangent: Result: Fit Tolerance It will automatically fit the tolerance Result:

Draw - Polyline
Creates 2-D polylines It is single identity From the draw toolbar, choose the polyline fly out, or At the command prompt, Enter polyline Specify start point: Specify next point or (Arc/ Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width) Specify next point or (Arc/ Close/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width)
Arc (Pline)
Changes Pline to aec mode, in which you add arc segments to the polyline
Angle/ Centre/ Close/ Direction/ Halfwidth/ Line/ Radius/ Second Pt./ Undo/ Width/ <end pt.>

Draw - Polygon
Creates an equilateral closed polyline A polygon is a polyline object. AutoCAD draws polylines With zero width and no tangent information . you can use the PEDIT command to change the values. From the draw toolbar, choose the polygon fly out, or At the command prompt, Enter polygon Number of sides<current: Enter a value between3 & 1024 Or press Enter Edge/Center of polygon>: Specify a point (1) or Enter

Draw - Rectangle
Draws Rectangle  Specify 1st corner point or [chamfer/elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]: Chamfer Specify 1st chamfer distance for rectangle<0.000>: 1 (let) Specify 2nd chamfer distance for rectangle<0.000>: 1 (let) Elevatron  Specify the elevation for rectangle <0.000>: 1(let)  Specify 1st corner point  Specify 2nd corner point  Result Fillet  Specify 1st corner  Specify 2nd corner point  Result Thickness  Specify thickness for rectangle<0.000> For 3-D Width  Specify width for rectangle<0.000>  Specify 1st corner point  Specify 2nd corner point  Result

Draw - Arc
Creates an Arc
Commands : 3rd points Start, Center, End Start, Center, Angle Start, Center, Length Start, End, Angle Start End, Direction Start, End, Radius Centre, Start, End Centre, Start, Angle Center, Start, Length Specifies the starting point of Arc, Specifies the centre of the circle of which an arc is a part. Specifies the endpoint of the arc Result

Draw - Circle
Creates a circle
Commands : Center, Radius Center, Diameter 2 points 3 points Tan, Tan, Radius Tan, Tan, Tan Centre Point: Draws a circle based on a centre point and Diameter or radius. Diameter/ <Radius><Current> specify a point(2), enter a value, enter d or press Enter. 2P (Circle): Draw a circle based on two endpoints of the diameter. 1st point of diameter: specify a point (1) or enter a value. 2nd point on diameter: Specify a point (2) or enter a value. 3rd (Circle): Draw a circle based on three points on the circumference. 1st point: specify a point(1) or enter a value 2nd point: specify a point(2) or enter a value 3rd point: specify a point(3) or enter a value

Draw - Donut
Draws fill circle and ring Used to mark a object

From the Draw toolbar, choose the donut fly out, or At the command prompt, enter donut Inside Diameter <current>:specify a distance or press enter (Note : If you specify an Inside Diameter of zero, the donut is a Filled circle) Outside diameter <current>specify a distance, or press Enter. Center of doughnut: specify a point (1) Result : Donut

Draw - Ellipse
Create an ellipse or an elliptical arc Command :Ellipse Center Axis End The PELLIPSE system variable determines the type of ellipse created;1 create a polyline representation of an ellipse and 0 creates a true ellipse object. From the Draw toolbar, choose the ellipse fly out, or At the command prompt, enter ellipse Arc/Center/Isocircle /<Axis endpoint 1>:Specify a point or enter an option.

Draw - Text
To Write Text in the drg. Command: Text (Multiline text/ Single line text) Multiline Text : to write text in multiline  Specify 1st corner or [ht./ Justify/line spacing/Rotate/Style/Width] Specify opposite corner & write multiline text & confirm Height: Specify ht<0.2>: Justify: [TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MRBL/BC/BR] TL Line spacing: Enter line spacing type [At least exactly]<At least>: Rotate: Specify Rotation Angle<0>:45o (let) Style: Enter style name or[?] <standard> : Width Specify width:5

Draw - Block
Creates a block definition from a set of objects Command :  Block  Make Select objects Pick Points OK Names the block Note: Block names can be up to 31 character In length. And can contain letters, digits, and the special characters dollar sign($), hyphen(-) and underscore(_).

Draw - Hatch
Fills a selected pattern to a defined boundary Used to marked/ identify an object It is a single identity Command : Hatch or select hatch fly out  Select desired pattern  Define scale  Define angle Select objects, or Pick Points OK
Selected hatch pattern with defined scale & angle shall be filled

Draw - Boundary

Pick points: Determine a boundary from existing objects that form an enclosed area. If Island Detection is enable in the advanced option dialog box , AutoCAD detects objects within the Outer most boundary as island that are hatched as specified by the Hatch style. The boundary hatch dialog box disappears and auto CAD prompts for points specification. Select internal point: specify a new point with the area to be hatched. Select internal point: specify a point ,enter u or press enter To enter the last selection ,enter u or undo.

Erase Copy Mirror Offset Array Move Rotate Scale Trim Extent Break Fillet Explode

Stretch Lengthen Chamfer

3D Operation Solids Editing Solid

Modify Commands & their features

Describe the command you will use to Modify or Edit your drg. Using this command one can (Modify) : Erase objects you have drawn Retrieve objects you erase inadvertently Move object to other location Make copy/multiple copy Rotate, Enlarge or shrink objects Create mirror image of existing object Change the properties (layer, color, etc.) of object Break the existing object Trim or extend objects Creates fillets or chamfers Divide one object into equal part Explode a block or Polyline Draw the lines || to existing one Reverse (Undo) the effect of most drawing & editing commands, etc.

Entity Selection (Selection Set)

Object selection: (Select object) (Point)= one object Multiple= Multiple object selected Last= last object Previous= All objects in previous selection set Window=Object within windows Crossing=Object within or crossing window Box=automatic crossing Auto=automatic boxing Single= One selection (any type) Add=add mode Remove=remove mode Undo=Undo remove last ~When you are satisfied with the selection set, Enter Return

Modify - Erase

Lets you specify entities that you want permanently removed from the drawing. Command: ERASE Select object: L/W/C After selection is over, confirm/ press enter (Note.: OOPS command can be used to retrieve the last thing your erased)

Modify - Move
To move one and more entities from their present location in a drawing to a new one without changing their orientation and size Command: MOVE Select object (Show what to move): L/W/C/. Base point of displacement : Specify 1st point 2nd point of displacement : Specify 2nd Point Result

Modify - Copy
To copy exiting objects, enter the copy command It is similar to move command but it places copies of the selected object at the specified displacement, leaving the original intact. Copies are oriented and scaled the same as the original. Command: Copy Select Objects : (Show what to copy) Base point of Displacement >/Multiple: Specify 1st point 2nd point of displacement: Specify 2nd point Multiple

Modify - Mirror
Make mirror images of exiting objects in drawing, either deleting or retaining the original object. Command: Mirror Select objects: Select the object/ objects 1st point of mirror line: Specify 1st Point 2nd point of mirror line : Specify 2nd Point Delete old object <N>: <Y or N> Result: Mirror of Text or Attributes To get ride of mirror image of text, use Mirror Text Command by using SETVAR Command Mirrtext = 0 (for errect) Mirrtext = 1 (invested)

Modify -Offset
Used to construct an entity parallel to another entity at either a specified distance or thro a specified point. Command: Offset Offset distance or through <last>: Select object to offset: Select object Thro Point: Specify point/ distance An example of offsetting a polyline using the Through point method is : (Note: Offsetting of an entity other than a line, Area circle or polyline is not possible)

Modify - Array
Allows you to make multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular or polar (circular) pattern. Format : Array select object: Rectangular or polar (R/P): For RNo of column(+/-): No of Rows(+/-): Space between them: For P Center point of Array: No of items in Array: No of Degrees to fill: Angle between item in array:

Modify -Rotate
Move objects about a base point to a desired point From the modify toolbar, choose the rotate fly out, or At the command prompt, Enter Rotate Select objects: Use an object selection method Base point; Specify a Point(1) <Rotation angle>/ Reference: Specify an angle or enter R, or specify a point Result:

Modify - Scale

For Up-Arrow or Down-Arrow size of an object or objects as per requirement. Command: Scale Select object: Select Specify Base Point: specify as per requirement Specify scale factor or [reference]: 2 (let) Result: 2 times

Modify - Trim
Allows us to Trim/cut/erase part of existing object w.r.t. a define object in a drawing Command :Trim Select objects: Select Select object to trim: Select Result: Ex.:

Modify - Extend
Allows us to lengthen existing objects in a drawing so they end precisely at a boundary defined by one or more other objects in the drawing. Command: Extend Select objects: Select objects to extend: Result: Ex.:

Modify - Break
Erase (Deletes) part of live ,trace, circle, Arc or Polyline or splits the object into two object of same type. Command :Break Select object: Enter 1st point Enter 2nd point Result: Ex.:

Modify - Fillet
Connects two lines, arcs, or circles by means of a smoothly fitted are of a specified radius It adjusts the Length of the original lines or arcs, so they end exactly on the fillet arc. Command: FILLET Polyline/Radius/<select two object> Ex.:

Modify - Chamfer
Trim two intersecting lines a specified distance from the intersection and connects the trimmed ends with a new line segment. Its operation similar to FILLET Command: Chamfer Polyline /Distance/<select 1st line >:distance Chamfering two Lines Chamfering works by extending two selected lines, if necessary, until they intersect. It then trims the 1st line by the 1st chamfer distance, trims the 2nd line by 2nd chamfer distance and connects the trimmed ends with a straight line Ex.:

Modify - Stretch

For stretch a part of an object as per requirement. Command: Stretch Select object: select Again click the selected object Then stretch as per requirement Ex.:

Modify - Explode

To make fregment of a polyline /polygone/hatch pattern/

Command: Explode Ex.:

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