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Cyber Crimes

Dr.V.Mariappan Dept of Banking Technology Pondicherry University

February 1, 2012

Cyber crimes

Agenda for the session

y Cyber crime definition y Cyber Crime Vs. Normal Crimes y Victims of Cyber Crimes y Classification of Cyber Crimes
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Cyber Crimes
Definition of Cyber Crime, computer crimes, cyber frauds, computer frauds etc.
Legal definition: I.T. Act No Accepted definitions and usages
Illegal behavior that targets the security of computer systems and/or the data accessed and processed by computer networks An act where computer is an object or a subject of crime Any crime where an I.T. gadget is used in the act Cyber Crimes are technological variants of normal crimes. The Act of committing, investigation, trial, evidence .. ALL VARY Theft, forgery, fraud, blackmail, harassment, law of torts .

February 1, 2012

Cyber crimes

Cyber Crimes - definition

All crimes performed or resorted to by abuse of electronic media or otherwise, with the purpose of influencing the functioning of computer or computer system. COMPUTER CRIME is any crime where Computer is a target or a tool of crime or just incidental to crime. A harmful acts committed from or against a computer or network. (McConnell International Report, 2000)

February 1, 2012

Cyber crimes

Cyber Crimes and Normal Crimes

 Scene of crime issues  Investigation mechanism and process  Process of trial  E-evidence: Volatility, production of an e-evidence  Acceptability, irretrievability, technological issues  Jurisprudence and related issues  Irrefutability and reliability of records and process  Justice should not only be done but should also appear to have been done

February 1, 2012

Cyber crimes

Victims of cyber crimes

Against persons:
defamation, cyber stalking, phishing, id theft, email spoofing,

online gambling, card frauds, virus, DoS, etc

Against property:
larceny, data, information, software piracy, trade marks,

copyrights, IPR etc

Against government: cyber terrorism Combination of one or more of the three

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Classification of Cyber Crimes

y Computer as a target of crime y Computer as a tool in the commission of crime y Computer as incidental to crime

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Cyber crimes

1.Computer as Target of Crime

y Sabotage of computer and computer systems or

computer networks y Theft of data / information y Theft of intellectual property such as computer software y Theft of marketable information y Blackmails based on information gained from computerized files such as medical information, personal history, sexual preferences, financial data etc.
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2.Computer as a Tool in commission of crime

y Fraudulent use of ATM cards and accounts y Credit card frauds y Frauds involving NEFT y Frauds involving stock transfers y Frauds relating to e-commerce y Telecommunication frauds
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3. Computers as incidental to crime

y Internet crimes y Web Based crimes

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Cyber crimes


A. Internet Crimes
y Hacking
y Theft of information y Theft of passwords y Theft of credit card numbers y Launch of malicious programmes

y Espionage y Spamming

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B. Web Based Crimes

y Web based crimes y Crimes through e-mails y Usenet related crimes y Internet relay chat crimes y Offences related to computer y Offences against confidentiality, integrity and

availability of data and systems y Offences related to contents y Offences related to crime on web
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B.1 Web site Related Crimes

y Cheating and Frauds y Insurance frauds y Gambling y Distribution of pornography y Sale of pirated software
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B.2 Crimes Through e-mails

y Threats y Extortion y E-mail bombing y Defamation y Launching of malicious programmes
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B.3 Usenet Related Crimes

y Distribution / sale of pornography material y Distribution / sale of pirated software y Discussion on methods of jacking y Sale of stolen credit card numbers y Sale of stolen data
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B.4 Internet Relay Chat Crime

y Cyber stalking y Fraudsters use chat room for developing relations with

unsuspecting victims
y Criminals use it for meeting conspirators y Hackers use it for discussing their expertise of showing

the techniques
y Pedophiles use chat room to allure small children
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B.5 Offences against confidentiality etc.,

y Illegal access y Illegal interception y Data interference y System interference y Illegal devices
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B.6 Offence related to computers

y Computer related forgery y Computer related fraud y Computer sabotage y Cyber stalking

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B.7 Offences related to contents

y Offences related to Child pornography

y Offences related to infringements of copyright and

related rights

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B.8 Offences related to crime on Web

y Computer network break-ins y Industrial espionage y Software piracy y Cyber pornography y Mail bombs y Password sniffers y Spoofing y Credit card frauds y Cyersquatting
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Alternative Classification of Crime

y Data crimes y Software crimes y Online crimes y IPR crimes y Physical crimes

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1.Data related computer crimes

Unauthorized access Data diddling (False data entry) Data manipulation Data spying Scavenging Data Leakage Piggy backing and tailgating Masquerading
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Unauthorized Access
y Any person who secures access or attempts to secure

access to a computer system or networks that is protected from unauthorized entry.

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Data Diddling
y One of the most common forms of computer crime is data

diddling - illegal or unauthorized data alteration. These changes can occur before and during data input or before output. y Data diddling cases have affected banks, payrolls, inventory records, credit records, school transcripts and virtually all other forms of data processing known.
y Case: The New Delhi Municipal Corp Electricity Billing Fraud Case that took

place in 1996 is a typical example. Collection of money, computerized accounting, record maintenance and remittance in the bank were exclusively left to a private contractor who was a computer professional. He misappropriated huge amount of funds by manipulating data files to show less receipt and bank remittance.

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Data Manipulation
y A misuse of statistics occurs when a statistical

argument asserts a falsehood.

y In some cases, the misuse may be accidental. y In others, it is purposeful and for the gain of the

perpetrator and it attracts civil/ criminal liability.

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Espionage / Data spying

y Espionage, commonly known as spying, is the practice of secretly y y y

gathering information about a foreign government or a competing industry, with the purpose of placing one's own government or corporation at some strategic or financial advantage. Access to the network is done from a remotely located computer; like a home PC using the legitimate password or breaking the password. The data collected is either used or sold for money. It involve the analysis of diplomatic reports, publications, statistics, and broadcasts, as well as spying, a clandestine activity carried out by an individual or individuals working under secret identity to gather classified information on behalf of another entity or nation. In the United States, the organization that heads most activities dedicated to espionage is the CIA.
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y Scavenging is the obtaining of information left around

a computer system, in the computer room rubbish bins, etc. Bin diving (called 'Dumpster Diving' in the US) also involves obtaining sensitive information from an organisation's rubbish receptacles and bins. y This also refers to scavenging from areas of hard disks that are not in use by files but are currently 'file slack' or 'unallocated clusters'

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Data Leakage
y Data leakage is the removing of information by

smuggling it out as part of a printed document, encoding the information to look like something different, and removing it from the facility.
y Many instances of employees of software companies involved

in leaking of corporate information of customers.

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Piggy backing and tailgating

y Physical access is one method used in piggybacking/

y Examples include following someone in through a door with a badge

reader, electronically using another's user identification and password to gain computer access, and tapping into the terminal link of a user to cause the computer to believe that both terminals are the same person.

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y IP masquerading is a form of network address translation (NAT) which

allows internal computers with no known address outside their network, to communicate to the outside. It allows one machine to act on behalf of other machines.
y It's similar to someone buying stocks through a broker. The person

buying stocks, tells the broker to buy the stocks, the broker gets the stocks and passes them to the person who made the purchase. The broker acts on behalf of the stock purchaser as though he was the one buying the stock.

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Cyber crimes


2.Software related crimes

Virus related crimes: Malware, Spyware Virus, Worm attacks Trojan Horses Salami Techniques Trapdoors Logic Bombs and Time Bombs Software Piracy Program and source code manipulation Hacking, phishing, vishing attacks
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Software related crimes cont..,

y Steganography y Cyber Stalking y Pornography y Pedophilias y DoS and DDoS y Spoofing: email, IP etc y Botnets y Card Skimming

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Software related issues cont

y Spam mails y Marketing mails y Cyber squatting y Communication interception y Inappropriate, inefficient coding y Software errors y Inefficient testing methodologies

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Virus related crimes:

y Malware, is a malicious software designed to infiltrate a computer system

without the owner's informed consent. Software is considered to be malware based on the perceived intent of the creator rather than any particular features. Malware includes computer viruses, worms, trojan horses , spyware, crimeware etc.
y Spyware is a type of malware that can be installed on computers and collects

bits of information at a time about users without their knowledge. The presence of spyware is typically hidden from the user, and can be difficult to detect. Spyware is secretly installed on the user's personal computer. y Sometimes, spywares such as keyloggers are installed by the owner of a shared, corporate, or public computer on purpose in order to secretly monitor other users.

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Virus / Worm Attacks

y Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to

spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. A virus might corrupt or delete data on the victims computer, even erase everything on the victims hard disk. (Brain) y Worms, unlike viruses do not need the host to attach themselves to. They merely make functional copies of themselves and do this repeatedly till they eat up all the available space on a computers memory.
1: The VBS_LOVELETTER virus (better known as the Love Bug or the ILOVEYOU virus) was reportedly written by a Filipino undergraduate. In May 2000, this deadly virus became the world s most prevalent virus. Losses incurred during this virus attack were pegged at US $ 10 billion. y VBS_LOVELETTER utilized the addresses in Microsoft Outlook and e-mailed itself to those addresses. The e-mail, which was sent out, had ILOVEYOU in its subject line. The attachment file was named LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs.
y Case
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Virus / Worms ,
y Case: 2 In 2002, the creator of the Melissa computer virus was convicted. The

virus had spread in 1999 and caused more than $80 million in damage by disrupting personal computers, business and government computer networks.
y Case -3: The most famous worm was the Internet worm let loose on the Internet

by Robert Morris sometime in 1988, then, still internet was developing years and this worm, which affected thousands of computers, almost brought its development to a complete halt. It took a team of experts almost three days to get rid of the worm and in the meantime many of the computers had to be disconnected from the network.

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Cyber crimes


Trojan Horses
y A Trojan, as this program is aptly called, is an

unauthorized program which functions from inside what seems to be an authorized program, thereby concealing what it is actually doing.
y Case- 1: A young lady reporter was working on an article about online

relationships. The article focused on how people can easily find friendship and even love on the Internet. During the course of her research she made a lot of online friends. One of these friends managed to infect her computer with a Trojan. y She stayed in a small one bedroom apartment and her computer was located in one corner of her bedroom. Unknown to her, the Trojan would activate her web camera and microphone even when the Internet was switched off. A year later she realized that hundreds of her pictures were posted on pornographic sites around the world!
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Salami Techniques
y These attacks are used for committing financial crimes. The key here is

to make the alteration so insignificant that in a single case it would go completely unnoticed. y For instance, a bank employee inserts a program, into the bank s servers, that deducts a small amount of money (say Rs. 2 a month) from the account of every customer. No account holder will probably notice this unauthorized debit, but the bank employee will make a sizeable amount of money every month.
y Case-1: In January 1997, Willis Robinson of Maryland USA, was sentenced to

10 years in prison for having reprogrammed his Taco Bell drive-up-window cash register - causing it to ring up each $2.99 item internally as a 1-cent item, so that he could pocket $2.98 each time. y Case -2: Four executives of a rental-car franchise in Florida USA defrauded at least 47,000 customers using a salami technique. They modified a computer billing program to add five extra gallons to the actual gas tank capacity of their vehicles.
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Key loggers
y Key loggers are regularly used were to log all the

strokes a victim makes on the keyboard generally installed on a computer used for online banking and other financial transactions. Key-loggers are most commonly found in public computers such as those in cyber cafes, hotels etc.

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Cyber crimes


Internet Time Theft

y The usage by an unauthorized person of the Internet

hours paid for by another person.

y Case- 1: In May 2000, the Delhi police arrested an engineer who had

misused the login name and password of a customer whose Internet connection he had set up. y The case was filed under the Indian Penal Code and the Indian Telegraph Act.

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Web Jacking
y Just as conventional hijacking of an airplane is done by using

force, similarly web jacking means forcefully taking over control of a website. The motive is usually the same as hijacking ransom. The perpetrators have either a monetary or political purpose which they try to satiate by holding the owners of the website to ransom.
y Case-1: In an incident reported in the USA, the owner of a hobby website for

children received an e-mail informing her that a group of hackers had gained control over her website. They demanded a ransom of 1 million dollars and she ignored as fake. Three days later that she came to know that the hackers had web jacked her website. Subsequently, they had altered a portion of the website which was entitled -How to have fun with goldfish. They had replaced the word goldfish- with the word piranhas a tiny but extremely dangerous flesheating fish. Many children had visited the popular website and had believed the contents and tried to play with piranhas, and were very seriously injured.
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y Trapdoor is a programme by which the security

protocols are bypassed to directly enter into a specific portion of the programme through a short-cut.
y Used during the time of testing the programme to

reach to the specific portion quickly using short-cut. In case, if the trapdoor are not deleted before the launch of the program by oversight, the person who have this knowledge misuses it through authorized entry.
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Super Zapping
y A logic through which an intruder is able to penetrate

into the system areas and can even change the programmes.
y The intruder can create an extra-system administrator

level password for himself without the knowledge of the actual system administrator.
y Can introduce any crime related logic programmes like

Trapdoor, Salami logic and Virus etc.

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Logic bombs and time bombs

y This is a event related programme where an virus is

activated when an appointed time / even occurs.

y It explodes and become active only when a particular

event happens till then they lie dormant.

y Ex: Chernobyl virus.
by Chen Ing Hau of Taiwan) ( a Microsoft Windows computer virus written

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Program and source code manipulation

y Changing / altering the programme or source code of

the system with the help of malware, spyware with an intent to gain access and misuse.
y To render useless of the system for the user.

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Electronic eavesdropping
y Eavesdropping is the act of secretly listening to the

private conversation of others without their consent and later misuses those information for some benefit. y Eavesdropping can also be done over telephone lines (wiretapping), email, instant messaging and other methods of communication considered private y VoIP communications software is also vulnerable to electronic eavesdropping by via malware infections such as Trojan.
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Hacking, Phishing & Vishing

y Hacking is unauthorized access to computers /

networks with an intent to gain access to the computer / network and misuse for monetary or other gains.
y Oldest and most dangerous cybercrimes. y No geographical boundaries and great challenge to the

criminal justice system

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Cyber crimes


y Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in

such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity.
y Steganography includes the concealment of information within

computer files. In digital steganography, electronic communications may include steganographic coding inside of a transport layer, such as a document file, image file, program or protocol. Media files are ideal for steganographic transmission because of their large size.
y While cryptography protects the contents of a message, steganography

can be said to protect both messages and communicating parties.

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Cyber / Child Pornography

y Cyber pornography covers pornographic websites, pornographic

magazines produced using computers and Internet (to download and transmit pornographic pictures, photos, writings etc). y Images of children performing a variety of sexual acts on internet. y Pornography per se is not illegal in many countries, child pornography is strictly illegal in most countries. y Millions of pornographic websites flourish today.
y Case: The CEO of online auction website (a part of the ebay group)

was arrested by the Delhi police for violating India s strict laws on cyber pornography. An engineering student was using the bazee website to sell a video depicting two school students having sexual intercourse. was held liable for distributing porn and hence the CEO was arrested.
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Cyber Stalking
y Cyber stalking refers to the use of the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to harass or threatening individual / family repeatedly such as following, appearing at a person's home or business place, making harassing phone calls, or vandalizing a person's property.
y Case: A student of University of San Diego in USA terrorized five female

students over the Internet for more than a year through hundreds of violent and threatening e-mails, sometimes receiving four or five messages a day. The student, who pleaded guilty, told the police that he had committed the crimes because he thought the women were laughing at him and causing others to ridicule him. In reality, the victims had never met him.
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DoS and DDoS

y Denial of Service attacks (DOS attacks) involve flooding a computer

with more requests than it can handle. This causes the computer (e.g. a web server) to crash and results in authorized users being unable to access the service offered by the computer. y Another variation to a typical denial of service attack is known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack wherein the perpetrators are many and are geographically widespread.
y A series of distributed denial of service attacks in February 2000 crippled

many popular websites including, and y A series of more than 125 separate but coordinated denial of service attacks hit the cyber infrastructure of Estonia in early 2007. The attacks were apparently connected with protests against the Estonian government's decision to remove a Soviet-era war memorial from the capital city. It is suspected that the attacks were carried out by Russian hackers.
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Email bombing
y Email bombing refers to sending a large number of

emails to the victim resulting in the victims email account (in case of an individual) or mail servers (in case of a company or an email service provider) crashing. Email bombing is a type of denial-of-service attack.
y Case: In one case, a foreigner who had been residing in Simla, India for almost

30 years wanted to avail of a scheme introduced by the Simla Housing Board to buy land at lower rates. When he made an application it was rejected on the grounds that the scheme was available only for citizens of India. He decided to take his revenge. Consequently, he sent thousands of mails to the Simla Housing Board and repeatedly kept sending e-mails till their servers crashed.

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Cyber crimes


Spoofing email / IP
y A spoofed email is one that appears to originate from

one source but actually has been sent from another source
y e.g Pooja has an e-mail address Her ex-boyfriend,

sham spoofs her e-mail and sends obscene messages to all her acquaintances to damage her image.
y Case: In an American case, a teenager made millions of dollars by spreading false information about certain companies whose shares he had short sold, by sending spoofed emails, purportedly from news agencies like Reuters, to share brokers and investors who were informed that the companies were doing very badly, thousands of investors lost a lot of money.

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Email Frauds
y Most of these scam emails promise the receiver millions (or sometimes

billions) of dollars. Most commonly the email says that some rich African bureaucrat or businessman or politician has died and left behind a lot of money. y These scams mails are commonly referred to as Nigerian 419 scams. These scam emails are believed to originate from Nigeria and section 419 of the Nigerian Penal Code relates to cheating (like the famous section 420 of the Indian Penal Code). y In 2007, Asian School of Cyber Laws conducted a 3 month intensive investigation of hundreds of scam emails. The results were very surprising to say the least. Less than 10% of these emails had actually originated from Nigeria! A majority of these emails (more than 60%) have originated from Israel, followed by the Netherlands, UK and other European countries.

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Email Frauds
y Asking for bank details for deposit of money y Lottery scams

stating Microsoft / Yahoo etc y Employee of the Euro Lottery y British National Lottery y Promise to transfer property to people who pray (wealth and prayer)
y Case -1: In 2005, an Indian businessman received an email from the Vice

President of a major African bank offering him a lucrative contract in return for a kickback of Rs 1 million. The businessman had many telephonic conversations with the sender of the email. He also verified the email address of the Vice President from the website of the bank and subsequently transferred the money to the bank account mentioned in the email. It later turned out that the email was a spoofed one and was actually sent by an Indian based in Nigeria. y A new type of scam e-mail threatens to kill recipients if they do not pay thousands of dollars to the sender, who purports to be a hired assassin.
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y A group of computers infected with malicious kind of robot software, then the computer becomes a zombie or drone , unable to resist the command of the bot commander. y Bot is a programme that operates an automatic task on the internet and executes repeatedly the task during the operation. y The owner of the computer do not know that his computer is infected with robot software and remotely controlled by another person.
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Card Skimming
y Illegal copying of information from the magnetic trip

of the credit card / debit card either to produce a fake card for misuse or steel the information to access your account.
y More direct version of phishing.

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3. On line scams
y Banking online account scams y Chain letter and pyramid scams y Health and medical scams y Identity theft scams y Investment scams y Job/ employment scams y Lottery / competition scam y Money transfer scam y Small business scams
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Banking & online account frauds

y Phishing y Phishing emails are fake emails usually pretending to be from banks or other financial institutions. They make up some reason for you to give your account details and then use these details to steal your money. y Phoney Fraud Alerts: y Scammers pretend to be from your bank or financial institution and tell you that there is a problem with your account. They ask for your account details to protect your money, but then use these details to steal your money
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Banking & online account frauds cont..,

y Credit Card Scams y There are many types of scams that aim to steal your credit card details, either by taking the card itself or by tricking you into giving them the card s details. y Credit card Frauds y Steeling the card details from the online databases and fraudulently take away the money from the bank accounts.

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Cyber crimes


Spam mails
y Most spam is commercial advertising, often for

dubious products, get-rich-quick schemes, or quasilegal services. y There are two main types of spam, and they have different effects on Internet users. Cancellable Usenet spam is a single message sent to 20 or more Usenet newsgroups. y Email spam lists are often created by scanning Usenet postings, stealing Internet mailing lists, or searching the Web for addresses.
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4. IPR Crimes
y Cyber squatting y Patent and copyright infringements y Software piracy y Industrial piracy y Corporate piracy
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y Cybersquatting (also known as domain squatting), is registering,

trafficking in, or using a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.
y The cyber squatter then offers to sell the domain to the person or

company who owns a trademark contained within the name at an inflated price.
y Some cybersquatters put up derogatory remarks about the person or

company the domain is meant to represent in an effort to encourage the subject to buy the domain from them

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Patent and copyright infringement

y One producer copies material or

process from another for profit.

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Software piracy
y Duplicating the original software without notifying to

the other and sell it for profit by an individual.

y It is illegal as it violates the copyright law. y It amounts to civil liability .

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Industrial Piracy
y A group of individuals attempt duplication and

distribution of copyright software s for larger profits.

y It is on the increase as the cost of the duplicator

machines fallen in the recent years.

y It is illegal as it violates the copyright law and amounts

to civil liability.
y Industrial piracy are more in developing nations.

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Corporate Piracy
y Installing one copy of the software application on a

LAN server, hundreds of employees gain unlicensed access to the software.

y It is a common phenomenon in most of the

y It is illegal as it violates the copyright law and amounts

to civil liability.
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Other Crimes
y Cyber defamation y Cyberventing y Cyber Terrorism

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Cyber defamation
y An act, deed, word, gesture etc. in the cyberspace

designed to harm a persons, institutions, organizations, country s reputation on the internet or even off-line.
y This type of violation is similar to cyberventing.

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y Setting up a website to anonymously air grouses in the

y Indulged by former employees, ex-boy/girl friends,

anti-government groups etc.

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Cyber Terrorism
y Use of cyber tools to shut down critical national

infrastructure such as energy, communication, transportation in order to coerce governments into submission.
y Internet bomb threats, internet harassment and tech

driven crimes such as focused virus strikes are the next wave of crime that the world has to encounter in the coming days.

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Physical crimes
Computer Larceny Sabotage Theft of storage devices: CDs, Pen-drives, hard-disks

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Computer Larceny
y Theft and burglary of computer systems /

computer parts or components / computer peripherals

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Computer sabotage
y Use of the internet to hinder the normal functioning

of a computer system through the introduction of worms, viruses or logic bombs.

y Some times used to gain economic advantage over a

competitor, promote illegal activities of terrorists, or to steel data or programmes for extortion purposes.

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Crimes where computer is used

Most of the crimes nowadays will fall under this classification Computer is used as a device for information exchange in most of the serious and major crimes Murders and kidnaps with computer data Data theft, Id theft, 419 Nigerian frauds Password theft, Phishing based crimes Crimes where mobile is used to communicate Offences where other electronic gadgets used

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Thank you

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Cyber crimes


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