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Prepared by:

Edgar C. Ferrer
MEM Student

Research ..

key to progress

 vital in government, in education, in trade and commerce,

and in all types and kinds of industries

Concepts and Definitions of Research

According to Carter V. Good, Good, research as a careful, critical, disciplined inquiry, varying in technique and method according to the nature and conditions of the problem identified, directed toward the clarification or resolution (or both) of a problem.

Gaudencio V. Aquino says the research is, simply, the systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or problem. After a careful, systematic search for pertinent information or data on a specific topic or problem, and after the research worker has analyzed and interpreted the data, he eventually faces another essential task report. that of preparing the research

Bienvenido B. Manuel and Paz C. Medel told that research as the process of gathering data or information to solve a particular or specific problem in a scientific manner.

As cited by Custodiosa A. Sanchez, Cristina P. Parel defines research as a systematic study or investigation or something for the purpose of answering questions posed by the researcher.

Eleanor Walters Treece and James William Treece commented that research in its broadest sense is an attempt to gain solutions to the problems. More precisely, it is the collection of data in a rigorously controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation.

The definition contains key words such as:

process scientific valid reliable problem

SCIENTIFIC research has to be exact as it is based on the factual

data that have been observed and verified to be accurate

presupposes appropriateness or the suitability of the instrument for a precise data collection in order for conclusions based on these data to be also valid

the accuracy based on the consistency of the observed data using a valid instrument for data gathering

the gap one can see from the bulk of existing knowledge. It is the basic question without an answer

Generally speaking, research may be regarded as a purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, organizing, presenting, and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for prediction, for invention, for the discovery of the truth, for the expansion or verification of existing knowledge, all for the preservation and improvement of the quality of human life.

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