India 4

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War with China

19621962- brief but bloody war with China caused India great humiliation and yet poses a source of war in China

October 20, 1962- Chinese 1962Conquered Tibet India s northeast and northwestern borders A month later Chinese pulled back behind Himalayas

19141914- India claims the McMahon Line as its boundary to be that of Brahmaputra River Bejing still claims 83,000 of land occupied by India

Annexation of Sikkim
19501950- India succeeded Britain as the protector of the tiny kingdom of Sikkim in the Himalayas(7, King Palden Thondup Namgyal(1965Namgyal(1965-73) took over the government

April 15, 1973 by a referendum the people voted to abolish the 300 year old monarchy and join India The Indian parliament agreed to make Sikkim an associated state on April 26 and the annexation took place on May 15, 1973

From Nehru to Gandhi

Jawaharlal Neru- India s 1st and Nerulongest serving prime minister and Mahatma Gandhi s friend He is neutral accepting aid from both communist and democratic powers, and helped to establish the Afro-Asian conference of NonAfroNonAligned Nations

As leader of the world s largest democracy and leader of the 3rd World, Nehru also became one of the champions of decolonization Nehru died on May 27, 1964 at aged 75 Lal Bahadur Shastri- his friend took Shastriover but died soon after signing the Tashkent Declaration

Shastri was succeeded on Jan.1966 by Indira Gandhi, Nehru s talented daughter and widow of a parsee lawyer Indira Gamdhi ruled India for 14 years interrupted by 3 year rule of Morarji Desai in 1977-80 1977-

Desai government restored full democracy in India but conditions worsened, and Mrs. Gandhi won again in 1980. Her dictatorial leadership caused her to lose the 1977 elections and she was reelected in 1980.

She began a mass sterilization of males to solve population problem in India India became a nuclear power by exploding its 1st atomic bomb in 1974 Launch its 1st satellite in 1975 The green revolution boosted food production

Life expectancy doubled and illiteracy decreased She prepared a political dynasty but her 1st son died in an airplane crash in 1980 Mrs. Gandhi failed to bring peace to the communal fighting between Sikhs and the Hindus which erupted in 1984

Oct.31, 1984- Mrs. Gandhi was 1984assasinated by 2 of her bodyguards who were Sikh fanatics Rajiv Gandhi(44 in 1988) succeded his mother Rajiv political style was as authoritarian as his mother

Rajiv Gandhi s Achievement:

1. Sponsor

computers 2. He offered Pakistan President Zia a gentleman s agreement not to attack each other s territory 3. He reached Sri Lankan President to end the Tamil separatist movement in Sri Lanka

high technology and

India s Problem
1. Overpopulation- resists Overpopulationpopulation planning 2.Mass poverty- majority of povertyIndians are poor and literacy is high (64%) 3. Border wars- Pakistan and warsChina pose potential sources of war

Racial and religious strifestrifebitter divisions still haunt the nation May 22,1991- Rajiv Gandhi was 22,1991assassinated during an election campaign to regain prime minister ship


Another Asian Economic Giant

India is becoming another economic success story in Asia due to change of its economic system from socialism to capitalism May 1991- Ranjiv Gandhi was 1991assassinated by Tamil rebels

Indians were shocked and grieved at the lost of Gandhi (ended the 3 generation political dynasty Narisimha Rao- took over RaoRao appointed Manmotan Sihgh as finance minister- economic ministerprofessor

Jawaharlal Nehru

Rajiv Gandhi

Mrs. Indira Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Singh transformed the Indian economy into a more open and free capitalist one He reduced taxes, cut bureaucratic red tape, and welcomed foreign investors After 3 years foreign investments alone grew Inflation is down

Exports rose India needs to borrow from IMF and paid all its loan ahead of time

India Today
May 20004- Singh the former finance 20004minister, became prime minister His appointment was approved by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, heir of NehruNehruGandhi family political dynasty. Sonia Gandhi- turned down the GandhiIndian leadership because she is Italian by birth

Singh won against Hindu nationalists who had ruled over India for nearly 10 years due to their economic flop

India as Nuclear Power

May 11,1998- India astonished the world 11,1998by testing atomic bombs The explosions sent shock waves around the world PakistanPakistan- also exploded its nuclear bomb The balance of power in South Asia had changed with the emergence of these 2 nuclear powers.

Narisimha Rao

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