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-46 ECE, 8th SEM



Represents analog signal by a digital component and an analog component

Both the components are transmitted by a communication system

Combination of analog and digital components provides exact representation o

Also known as Signal Code Modulation(SCM)


SNR improvement is low in analog modulation Quantization introduces error in digital modulation When analog signal is digitized, unrecoverable distortion is introduced SCM can vary data rate according to available SNR SCM can transmit signal over channels with different SNRs

PROCESS: Analog signals are sampled at appropriate rate and quantized Digital symbols, D are transmitted using digital modulation schemes Quantization residual is transmitted as analog symbol, A

Continued.. Steps to produce quantization residual, A : Quantized data is converted to analog form Subtracted from original input signal Symbol A is amplified by a gain of 2N 2N amplitude gain of analog signal gives noise immunity of 22N to boost SNR

Sampling And Quantizing

The SCM signal is generated by carrying out three basic operations:
1. 2.

Sampling Quantizing

1. 2.

Sampling operation generates a flat-top PAM signal. Quantizing operation approximates the analog values by using a finite number of levels. This operation is considered in 3 steps
a) b) c)

Uniform Quantizer Quantization Error Quantized PAM signal output

SCM TECHNIQUE : x(t) : bandlimited analog signal, with bandwidth B Hz. Channel of bandwidth Bc Hz, has AWGN of noise spectral density N0 Watts per Hz Average power of transmitter : P Watts Sampling rate : fs = 2B samples per second Sampled signal : x(n)

Continued Analog signal is quantized to b bits Digital representation and analog residual signal x a(n) are produced M = 2 b values q , q ,, q distributed on [-1, 1] , where 1 2 M For x(n), we find nearest value qi(n) Analog residual x a (n) = x(n) - q i(n) is a scale factor

Continued Digital signal is transmitted over channel of bandwidth Bd = d .B Analog signal is transmitted over channel of bandwidth Ba = a.B Bandwidth expansion factor  a = B a /B and Let a= 1, and d =B /B d = d 1 = B /B c

Total power P = p + p a d


Channel SNR for no bandwidth expansion is SNR of analog channel SNR of digital channel

P B.N0


Let signal power is divided in proportion to bandwidth. Analog and digital channels have same spectral density of transmitted signal so, Output SNR is  Demodulated signal is


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