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Who is In Charge?

Dr. Yan Huang


NTRP F251,TTh 10:00-11:00am 10:00Or by appointment



Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Text Book: Database System Concepts, 5th edition, ISBN: 0072958863 Publisher: McGrawMcGrawHill Science/Engineering/Math Oracle Reference: Oracle9i Programming, A PRIMER, ISBN 0321194985 Publisher: Pearsaon and Addison Wesley Supplement:

Elmasri, Navathe, Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals Of Database Systems W/cd, W/cd, 5rd, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0321369572 ISBN: Hector Garcia-Molina, J. Ullman, J. Widom, Database GarciaUllman, Widom, Systems - The Complete Book, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0013-03199513-031995-3.
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Evaluation Scheme

Exams 45% Homework 30% Project 20% Class participation 5% PrePre-requisite: CSCE3110 (csci3400) data structures


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction

Topics to be Covered

Conceptual Database Design Relational Data Model SQL Relation Database Design Access Methods Transactions XML Data Warehousing/Data Mining (if time allows)
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Chapter 1: Introduction

What is a DBMS? A little history of DB Major Components of a DBMS Three Levels of Abstraction


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction

What is a DBMS?

DataBase Management System ataB A bunch of programs Users use a language to ask questions about data that a DBMS manages DBMS understands the language and give answers as fast as possible


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


1960s: network model (CODASYL) and hierarchical (IMS). 1970: E.F. Codd s seminal paper on relational model for databases 1970s:

Ingres: Developed at UCB. This ultimately led to Ingres Corp., Sybase, MS SQL Server, Britton-Lee, Wang's PACE. BrittonSystem R: Developed at IBM San Jose and led to IBM's SQL/DS & DB2, Oracle, HP's Allbase, Tandem's Non-Stop SQL. Non-


1976: P. Chen proposed the Entity-Relationship (ER) model Entity1980s: Commercialization of RDBMS, Oracle was the first Early 1990s: OO databases MidMid-later 1990s: Web DB/data warehousing/data mining

asp, Front Page, Java Servlets, jsp, JDBC, Enterprise Java Beans, ColdFusion, Dream Weaver, Oracle Developer 2000/OLAP

Earlier 2000s: consolidation of vendors, IBM (bought Informix), Microsoft, and Oracle.
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Major Vendors
Overall Oracle IBM DB2 (Informix) SQLServer Sybase 32 34.6 16.3 2.6 Unix/Linux 63.3 24.7 N/A ?? Windows 34 20.7 39.9 ??

Market share $dollas vallue, source CNET May 2002


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction

DBMS Architecture


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction

Major Components of a DBMS


Query processor/Query optimizer Transaction manager Security/authorization manager Storage manager


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Query Processor/Optimizer

Decompose user queries into primitives Find the best way (IO efficient) to execute the query Two kinds of queries:

DML: data manipulation language

Insert, delete, update, select Create/drop/alter a table/index/view

DDL: data definition language


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Query Languages

SQL: standard/declarative language

ISO SQL-86, SQL-89, SQL-92, SQL-99, SQL-2003 SQLSQLSQLSQLSQLSELECT name, age FROM student WHERE gender = female


Supported by most DB vendors


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Query Languages

Relational algebra: formal, procedural language Query by example Domain relational calculus Tuple relational calculus Datalog


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Transaction Manager

A transaction is unit of work either completed as a full or not at all atomicity Example transaction:

Begin transaction A = A+10 B = B 10 End transaction

Other than atomicity, concurrency control of transactions is also important

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Concurrency Control

Informally, concurrency control means transactions executing currently should not produce results other than a serial execution of the same transactions What will happen without concurrency control?

Partial work will be seen by others dirty read Your work may be mistakenly over written by others dirty write Example?


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction



Define user roles


Admin User

Define what users can access which part of the database system:

Tables Indices Views


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Storage Manager


Manage how data are stored in physical space, e.g. disk How to read/write data We can also create indices on existing data

Storage of indices need to be managed as well


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Application Architectures
Examples of Web application servers are Netscape Application Server, BEA Weblogic Enterprise, Borland AppServer and IBM's WebSphere Application Server


Two-tier architecture: E.g. client programs using ODBC/JDBC to communicate with a database Three-tier architecture: E.g. web-based applications, and applications built using middleware
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Benefits of DBMSs Compared to File systems


A unified database interface vs. customized programs to interact with data Data integrity Currency control Specialized fast query answering system, e.g. indexing, query optimization Example?


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Database Examples

Human resource systems Library systems Airline reservation systems Product catalogs Banking systems


Yan Huang - CSCE4350 - Introduction


Three Levels of Abstraction


Conceptual layer things and their relationships Logical layer how things and their relationships are specified in a DBMS Physical layer how things and their relationships are stored in physical space, e.g. disks The separation of these three layers allow the change of one or more layers without affecting the other layers
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Major Database Management Systems



Oracle Microsoft SQL-server SQLIBM DB2 + Informix Sybase MySQL PostgreSQL XML databases native xml and relational database extensions to support XML Most have object-relational database extensions objectAlso some main memory databases: timesTen (acquired by Oracle recently)
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In This Class, We Will



Talk about query languages: relational algebra, SQL A logical data layer: relational database How to design a relational database Basic concepts in object oriented and object relational databases (maybe) XML Access Control (indexing) Transactions Introduction to data warehousing/data mining if time permits
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