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Foundations of Philippine Polity

Pat Ray M. Dagapioso

Pre-Spanish Government
A settlement composed of more or less 100 families Possesed the four elements of a state:
A. Government B. People C. Territory E. Sovereignty

Pre-Spanish Government
Rules by a Datu Assisted by the Council of Elders (Maginoos) Roles of a Datu:
A. Chief Executive B. Law-Giver C. Chief Judge D. Military Head

Pre-Spanish Government
Barangay: Two of the known laws promulgated:
A. Kalantiaw Code (1433 AD) B. Maratas Code (1250 AD)

Laws promulgated are either:

A. Written B. Unwritten

Spanish Government
Las Islas de Filipinas was under the Spanish Colonization for four decades Spans exactly in 333 years Philippines has been under the power of different Spanish agencies

Spanish Government
Philippines was governed:
A. Mexico: 1565-1821 B. Council of Indies: 1821 1837 C. Council of Ministers: 1837-1863 D. Ministry of Ultramar: 1863-1898

Spanish Government
Spanish Government in the Philippines can be described as:
A. Centralized B. National in scope

Spanish Government
Political Divisions:
A. King of Spain B. Council of Indies C. Governor General D. Encomendero/Alcalde Mayor E. Gobernadorcillo F. Cabeza de Barangay

Spanish Government
Political Divisions:

Spanish Government
Executive and Legislative Powers are vested in the Governor General The Governor General is assisted by the Board of Authorities and the Council of Administration Judicial System:
A. Royal Audiencia B. Courts of First Instance C. Justice of the Peace Courts

Revolutionary Government
Filipino freedom fighters organized themselves into a de facto government after the existence of the Katipunan was revealed to the Spanish authorities. Filipino governments during the revolution:
A. The Katipunan B. Biak-na-Bato Republic C. Distatorial Government D. Revolutionary Government E. First Philippine Republic

First began as a secret society in August 26, 1896. Organized by Andreas Bonifacio, its central government was vested in the Supreme Council (Kataastaasang Sanggunian) Provincial Council was established for provincial operations. Popular Council established for town level operations. Endeth on March 21, 1897.

Biak-na-Bato Republic
Established on November 1, 1897 by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo. Has a constituion that is in effect (supposedly) for 2 years. The Biak-na-Bato declared the separation of Philippines from Spain. Endeth of December 15, 1897.

Dictatorial Government
Established on on May 24, 1898, by Gen. Aguinaldo through the orders of the Americans. Achievements:
A. Proclamation of Philippine Independence B. Reorganization of Local Governmenta

Endeth on June 23, 1898.

Revolutionary Government
Established on June 23, 1898, by Aguinaldo again. Aims:
A. Struggle for independence of the Philippines B. Recognition of Philippines as an independent State C. Prepare the Philippines for a real republic

Endeth on Septemebr 15, 1898.

First Philippine Republic

Established on September 15, 1898. Framed through the famed Malolos Constitution. Several departments were created through this republic, among these are:
A. Department of Education B. Department of Foreign Affairs

Existed up to March 23, 1901.

American Government
After the Spaniards, the Americans came to subjugate Filipinos under its imperialistic aims of being the next superpower. Three governments under the Americans:
A. Military Government B. Civil Government C. Commonwealth Government

Military Government
April 14, 1898 the military government was established by the Americans. Lasted up to 1901. The highest officer of the land is the Military Governor. Powers:
A. Executive B. Legislative C. Judicial

Civil Government
July 4, 1901 civil government was inaugurated in the Philippines. Headed first by a Civil Government, later renamed as Governor-General. Most famous Governor General was William Howard Taft, who went ot become a president of the USA.

Civil Government
Powers of Governor General:
A. President of the Philippine Commission. Philippine Commision (upper house) and the Philippine Assembly (lower house) lawmaking bodies in 1901-1916. Both are precursor to the Senate and House of Representatives today. B. Executive Powers.

Civil Government
During this time, two Resident Commissioners were elected by the Philippine Legislature. These commissioners had seats in the House of Representatives in the US. However they dont have the right to vote on issues at hand.

Commonwealth Government
Tydings-McDuffie Law, establisehd the Commonwealth Government on March 24, 1934. Commonweath Government a transition government made to establish to prepare Filipinos to independence and self-governance.

Commonwealth Government
Inaugurated on November 15, 1935, its first President was Pres. Manuel Quezon. The Commonwealth Government possess:
A. Executive B. Legislative C. Judicial Powers.

Commonwealth Government
A. Executive:
Presidential and Republican in form.

B. Legislative:
i. Senate ii. House of Representatives

C. Judiciary:
i. Supreme Court ii. Inferior Courts

Commonwealth Government
Endeth on: President Osmenas term on February 27, 1945. Reality:
The Filipinos had utmost control over its domestic policies, but the Americans still has the final authority over foreign affairs.

Japanese Government
During World War II, the Japanese Imperial Forces occupied the Philippines as part of the Pacific Theatre of the war. Japanese Military Administrator was established in January 3, 1942. A civil government was established with executive and legislative powers: Philippine Executive Commission.

Japanese Government
Republic of the Philippines was established in October 14, 1943. Though, this can be branded as a puppet government it held a significant mark in Philippine history and politics. Ultimate source of authority was the Japanese military authority and government. Endeth on August 17, 1945.

Third Philippine Republic

July 4, 1946 after the liberation of the Philippines from Japan,Philippines has been declared independent with Manuel Roxas as president. Presidents during this era:
A. Roxas B. Quirino C. Magsaysay D. Garcia E. Macapagal F. Marcos

Marcos: Bagong Lipunan

Took office on Dec. 30, 1965, President Ferdinand Marcos has been branded as the most brillant of all Philippine Presidents, albeit the most corrupt. Amended 1935 Constitution to suit his whims, thereby the inauguration of 1973 constitution.

Marcos: Bagong Lipunan

Proclamation 1081: declared Martial Law in September 21, 1973. Martial Law: Congress was abolished, opposition leaders and critics were imprisoned or just disappeared. Desaparecidos: the Disappeared.

Marcos: Bagong Lipunan

Marcos assumed the powers of:
A. Executive B. Legislative C. Judicial

Presidential Decrees and fully controlled Batasang Pambansa made Marcos a complete dictator. Hes the only president who had been in Third and Fourth Republics.

Aquino Presidency: Democracy restored

February 2 1986 Marcos declared snap elections. A contest of the presidency was vied by both Marcos and Cory, the wife of Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr. Massive cheating and impatience of the Marcos government led to EDSA People Power Revolution on February 22-25, 1986.

Aquino Presidency: Democracy restored

Cory became the first woman president thereafter. Established the Fifth Republic through the Freedom Constitution through Proclamation no. 3. Convened a Constitutional Commission which is mandated to draft the 1987 Constitution. Did not run for office in 1992 presiddential elections.

Fidel Ramos: Tiger Economy

Former engineer, former military officer, became one of the most effective presidents of the country. Helped economic and structural problems in the country. Prioritized privitization and deregulation, and opening the country to foreign investment.

Fidel Ramos: Tiger Economy

Helped stabilize the electrivity problems that rocked the ountry in 1992. Signed peace agreement with the MNLF in 1996.

Joseph Estrada: Abrupt Presidency

A movie star who rose to the upper echelons of politics, his presidency was riddled wiht allegations of graft and corruption. Impeached by the House in Novemebr 2000, his trial was discontinued in 2001. Ousted in power, through EDSA People Power 2.

Gloria Arroyo: Strong Republic

Came into power after the EDSA People Power, former senator, former VicePresident. In Power for 9 years, made significant advances in business, economy and infrastructure. Her administration was best by scandals and corruption.

President Noy: Matuwid na Daan

Son of popular politcal actors: Cory and Ninoy, President Noy overwhelmingly won the 2010 presidential elections. Presidency bounded on reforms, transparency and accountability. Criticisms include: inefficiency, gross immaturity of Aquino bureaucracy, and economy backlog.

The End

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