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Data flow & Behavioral Modeling

Data Flow Modeling

Continuous assignment: wire c,a,b; assign c=a + b; Implicit continuous assignment: wire c = a & b; Delays: //regular delay assignment wire c,a,b; assign #5 c = a + b; // Implicit continuous assignment delay wire #5 c = a + b; // net declaration delay wire #5 c; // delay specified on net. assign c = a + b;

describes system in terms of expressions instead of primitive gates. Expression formed using operands & operators. Operands are data types used in expression.they are : constant,parameter,net,register,bit select,part select,memory element. eg., c= a+ b => a, b,c operands Operators act on operand to produce desired result.

Logical Operators
&& p logical AND || p logical OR

p logical NOT Operands evaluated to ONE bit value: 0, 1 or x Result is ONE bit value: 0, 1 or x
A = 6; B = 0; C = x; A && B p 1 && 0 p 0 A || !B p 1 || 1 p 1 C || B p x || 0 p x

but C&&B=0

Bitwise Operators (i)


p bitwise AND | p bitwise OR ~ p bitwise NOT ^ p bitwise XOR ~^ or ^~ p bitwise XNOR Operation on bit by bit basis

Bitwise Operators (ii)

c = ~a; c = a & b;

a = 4b1010; b = 4b1100;
c = a ^ b;

a = 4b1010; b = 2b11;

Reduction Operators
& | ^ ~& ~| ~^ or ^~


One multi-bit operand p One single-bit result

a = 4b1001; .. c = |a; // c = 1|0|0|1 = 1

Shift Operators
>> p shift right << p shift left

Result is same size as first operand, always zero filled

a = 4b1010; ... d = a >> 2; // d = 0010 c = a << 1; // c = 0100

Concatenation Operator
{op1, op2, ..} p concatenates op1, op2, .. to single number Operands must be sized !!
reg a; reg [2:0] b, c; .. a = 1 b 1; b = 3 b 010; c = 3 b 101; catx = {a, b, c}; caty = {b, 2 b11, a}; catz = {b, 1}; Replication .. catr = {4{a}, b, 2{c}};

// catx = 1_010_101 // caty = 010_11_1 // WRONG !! // catr = 1111_010_101101

Relational Operators
p greater than < p less than >= p greater or equal than <= p less or equal than

Result is one bit value: 0, 1 or x

1 > 0

b1x1 <= 0
10 < z

p1 px px

Equality Operators
== != === !==

p logical equality p logical inequality p case equality p case inequality

Return 0, 1 or x

Return 0 or 1

4b 1z0x == 4b 1z0x


4b 1z0x != 4b 1z0x p x 4b 1z0x === 4b 1z0x p 1 4b 1z0x !== 4b 1z0x p 0

Conditional Operator
cond_expr ? true_expr : false_expr

Like a 2-to-1 mux ..

A B 1 0 sel Y Y = (sel)? A : B;

Arithmetic Operators (i)

Arithmetic Operators (ii)

Arithmetic Operators (iii)

Arithmetic Operators (iv)

Operator Precedence

Use parentheses to enforce your priority

Continuous Assignements
a closer look

assign #del <id> = <expr>;
optional net type !!

Where to write them:

inside a module outside procedures

they all execute in parallel are order independent are continuously active

Example: Half Adder

A B C wire S, C, A, B; A B Half Adder S C assign S = A ^ B; assign C = A & B; endmodule S module half_adder(S, C, A, B); output S, C; input A, B;


Behavioral Model - Procedures (i)

Procedures = sections of code that we know they execute sequentially Procedural statements = statements inside a procedure (they execute sequentially) e.g. another 2-to-1 mux implem:
Execution Flow

begin if (sel == 0) Y = B; else Y = A; end

Procedural assignments: Y must be reg !!

Behavioral Model - Procedures (ii)

Modules can contain any number of procedures Procedures execute in parallel (in respect to each other) and .. .. can be expressed in two types of blocks:
initial p they execute only once always p they execute for ever (until simulation finishes)

Initial Blocks
Start execution at sim time zero and finish when their last statement executes
module nothing; initial $display(Im first); initial begin #50; $display(Really?); end endmodule

Will be displayed at sim time 0

Will be displayed at sim time 50

Always Blocks
Start execution at sim time zero and continue until sim finishes

Events (i)
always @(signal1 or signal2 or ..) begin .. execution triggers end

every time any signal changes execution triggers every time clk changes from 0 to 1 execution triggers every time clk changes from 1 to 0

always @(posedge clk) begin .. end

always @(negedge clk) begin .. end

3rd half adder implem
module half_adder(S, C, A, B); output S, C; input A, B; reg S,C; wire A, B; always @(A or B) begin S = A ^ B; C = A && B; end endmodule

Behavioral edge-triggered DFF implem

module dff(Q, D, Clk); output Q; input D, Clk; reg Q; wire D, Clk; always @(posedge Clk) Q = D; endmodule

Events (ii)
wait (expr)
always begin wait (ctrl) #10 cnt = cnt + 1; #10 cnt2 = cnt2 + 2; end

execution loops every time ctrl = 1 (level sensitive timing control)

e.g. Level triggered DFF ?


res a b Y

c clk

always @(res or posedge clk) begin if (res) begin Y = 0; W = 0; end else begin Y = a & b; W = ~c; end end

Timing (i)
d initial begin #5 c = 1; #5 b = 0; #5 d = c; end c b 0 Each assignment is blocked by its previous one 5 Time 10 15

Timing (ii)
d initial begin fork #5 c = 1; #5 b = 0; #5 d = c; join end Assignments are not blocked here c b 0 5 Time 10 15

Procedural assignment
Assignment statement within an initial or an always statement . 2 kinds :i)blocking assignments (ii)non-blocking Blocking: = operator is used. statements executed in they order they are specified. reg a = 2b 11; reg b = reg a Non-blocking: <= operator used allows scheduling without blocking execution of statements in sequential block. always @ (posedge clk) begin reg1 <= in1; reg2 <= reg 1;//old value of reg1 end

Timing controls
Provides simulation time at which procedural statements execute. 3 forms:1)delay based(2)event(3)level sensitive Delay : i)regular :time between when statement is encountered and when executed. # 3 a=2b11; ii)intra-assignment :assignment to right x = 0;z=0; y = #10 x+z; iii)zero delay : statement executed last # 0 x=1; Level sensitive: waits for certain condition to be true before statement wait(enable) # 20 c=c+1;

Event based timing control: change in value on reg or net.
Regular event: @(clk) q=d; Event or control:-transition on any one of multiple signals. always @ ( rst or clk or d) - Named event : declared by keyword event, triggered by symbol.

Block statements
Used to group multiple statement to act together. Sequential block: begin and end executed sequentially. Parallel block : fork and join executed concurrently. ordering controlled by delay. reg x,y; reg[1:0]z,w; initial fork x=1b0; #5 y=1b1; # 10 z = {x,y}; # 20 w = {y,x}; join

Procedural Statements: if
E.g. 4-to-1 mux:

if (expr1) true_stmt1; else if (expr2) true_stmt2; .. else def_stmt;

module mux4_1(out, in, sel); output out; input [3:0] in; input [1:0] sel; reg out; wire [3:0] in; wire [1:0] sel; always @(in or sel) if (sel == 0) out = in[0]; else if (sel == 1) out = in[1]; else if (sel == 2) out = in[2]; else out = in[3]; endmodule

Procedural Statements: case

E.g. 4-to-1 mux:

case (expr) item_1, .., item_n: stmt1; item_n+1, .., item_m: stmt2; .. default: def_stmt; endcase

module mux4_1(out, in, sel); output out; input [3:0] in; input [1:0] sel; reg out; wire [3:0] in; wire [1:0] sel; always @(in or sel) case (sel) 0: out = in[0]; 1: out = in[1]; 2: out = in[2]; 3: out = in[3]; endcase endmodule

Procedural Statements: for

for (init_assignment; cond; step_assignment) stmt;
module count(Y, start); output [3:0] Y; input start; reg [3:0] Y; wire start; integer i; initial Y = 0; always @(posedge start) for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) #10 Y = Y + 1; endmodule

Procedural Statements: while

module count(Y, start); output [3:0] Y; input start; reg [3:0] Y; wire start; integer i; initial Y = 0; always @(posedge start) begin i = 0; while (i < 3) begin #10 Y = Y + 1; i = i + 1; end end endmodule

while (expr) stmt;

Procedural Statements: repeat

module count(Y, start); output [3:0] Y; input start; reg [3:0] Y; wire start; initial Y = 0;

repeat (times) stmt;

Can be either an integer or a variable

always @(posedge start) repeat (4) #10 Y = Y + 1; endmodule

Procedural Statements: forever

Typical example: clock generation in test modules
module test; reg clk;

Tclk = 20 time units

forever stmt;
Executes until sim finishes

initial begin clk = 0; forever #10 clk = ~clk; end other_module1 o1(clk, ..); other_module2 o2(.., clk, ..); endmodule

Mixed Model
Code that contains various both structure and behavioral styles
module simple(Y, c, clk, res); output Y; input c, clk, res; reg Y; wire c, clk, res; wire n; Y not(n, c); // gate-level always @(res or posedge clk) if (res) Y = 0; else Y = n; endmodule

res c clk n

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