Good Teaching

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Good Teaching

Prepared by Winston Ebagat, AB-BSE

of Good Teaching } Teacher Style } Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education } Nurses as Teachers
} Hallmarks

Good Teaching
} The

process involves knolwedge of education theory and research, willingness to learn new roles and teaching methods to reflect ones performance.

} Ability

Hallmarks of Good Teaching

} In

1966 Jacobson identifies 6 ways of effective teaching in nursing; Competence display confidence in professional abilities;
} } }

} Professional

Knowledge of the subject matter Clinical expertise Accuracy of the information

Hallmarks of Good Teaching

} Interpersonal

relationship with Student

Empathic Listening teachers should listen to their students. Acceptance accept learners as they are. Honest communication openness between educator and students.

Hallmarks of Good Teaching

} Personal

characteristics magnetism, cheerfulness, self-control, patience, flexibility, sense of humor, good speaking voice, self confidence, willingness to admit errors and caring attitude.

Hallmarks of Good Teaching

} Teaching

Practices the mechanics, methods and skills in classroom and clinical teaching;

Students and coleagues value a teacher who has a thorough knowledge of the subject matter and can present material in an interesting, clear and organized manner.

Hallmarks of Good Teaching

} Evaluation

Practices providing timely feedback on student progress, correcting students tactfully, being fair and giving tests that are pertinent to the subject matter;

Criteria for evaluation should be made explicit

Hallmarks of Good Teaching

} Availability

to Students instructors should be available to help them give nursing care, amounts and supervision, answering questions and acting as a resource person.

Effective Teaching Identified by Non-Nursing Studies Non} Teacher

Clarity a mosaic of behaviours that teachers use in order to make what is to be learned intelligible, comprehensive and learnable Cruickshank, 1992

Effective Teaching Identified by Non-Nursing Studies Non}

Clear teacher is one who logically organizes instruction, explains what is to be learned, use simple terms to present new material, constantly assess whether students are understanding and can follow the teachers train of thought.

Effective Teaching Identified by NonNon-Nursing Studies

} Time

on task time being well used

} Class

Effective Teaching Identified by Non-Nursing Studies Non} Additional } Viewing

characteristics by Crandally 1993

learners as collaborators weaknesses

} Admitting } Teachers

recognized when their students are having diffiulty and figure out what to do to help.

Effective Teaching Identified by Non-Nursing Studies Non} Qualities } To

by Carnegie Professors

be a Good Teacher you really have the desire to be good because it takes a lot of work to succeed in every aspect of teaching teaching is about parenting

} Good

Teacher Style
} It

can be considered a blending of form and content (1980) believes that style in teaching is an ourgrowth of the teachers personality and character, which is undoubtedly true. is a blending of certain ways of talking, moving, relating and thinking.

} Eble

} Style

Teacher Style
} Parini } Some

(1997) teaching persona

teachers develop a humorous style and use cartoons, joke, and funny stories, not just to entertain students but to stimulate their interest and enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Teacher Style

personal style may include willingness to share stories from ones professional experience to illustrate certain points; it may be the ability to evoke emotions to the students; style be taught? Tuckman & Yates (1980)

} Can

Teacher Style
} Most

effective way of changing your style: to discuss your teaching style with a knowledgeable peer or consultant whi has seen you in action or who has reviewed videotapes of your teaching. Eble (1980) admirable style develops only after years of teaching.

} Kenneth

Seven Principles of undergraduate Teaching

} Encourage } Encourage

Student-Faculty Contact

Cooperation Among Students refers to collaborative learning, study groups, and a variety of group projects.

} Encourage

Active Learning refers to enabling students to actively manipulate the content they are learning.

Seven Principles of undergraduate Teaching

} Give

Prompt Feedback

} Emphasize

time in task means ensuring that students know how much time they should spend learning particular material and encouraging them to take studying and practice seriously.

Seven Principles of undergraduate Teaching

} Communicate

High Expectations refers to the challenge that teachers hold out to learners. Learners should be told that they are expected to work hard, and specific expectations should be clearly stated.

Seven Principles of undergraduate Teaching

} Respect

Diverse Talents and ways of Learning

} }

Learners have different styles; use variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners; Consideration Howard Gardner

Nurses as Teachers
} Nurses

take on the teaching role in many settings; may be pateint or client teachers, school nurses, staff development instructors or collegiate educators; believed that nurse should assume primary responsibility for patient education;

} They

} 74%

Nurses as Teachers
} 97%

believed that nurses responsibility for patient teaching would be greater in the future. who spend majority of their time in the educator role have more formal preparation for the education role and need to become expert teacher in order to prepare the next generation of patient educators.

} Nurse

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