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Debashish Bagg (2010298) Saket Rathi (2010196)

Introduction Evolution of Grid computing

 1st Generation  2nd Generation  3rd Generation

Grid Topologies Resource based grid Three layer architecture Benefits Companies involved in grid computing References

computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities. -Kesselman & Foster[1]

The term the Grid was coined in the mid 1990s for advanced science and engineering The term grid computing was used as a metaphor for making computer power as easy to access as an electric power grid in Ian Foster's and Kesselman's work[1].

Grid technologies[4] support the sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in dynamic Virtual Organizationsthat is, the creation, from geographically and organizationally distributed components, of virtual computing systems that are sufficiently integrated to deliver desired Quality of Service Ian Foster gave the following checklist[3] that was widely accepted: 1. Coordinates resources that are not subject to centralized control. 2. Uses standard, open, general-purpose protocols and interfaces . 3. Delivers nontrivial qualities of service

Year of Project 1960 1976-77 1995

Project US Department of Defense (DODs) project on ARPANET FAFNER (Factoring via Network-Enabled Recursion) I-WAY (Information Wide Area Year)

First Generation Grid

Issues with the first generation: 1. Homogeneity: Need for homogeneous resource across administrative domain 2. Scalability: As the grid grew performance degraded 3. Adaptability: Adapting to resource failure and performance

The main design features required at the data and computational fabric of the Grid are:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Administrative Hierarchy Communication Services Information Services Naming Services Distributed File Systems and Caching Security and Authorisation . System Status and Fault Tolerance Resource Management and Scheduling User and Administrative GUI

Year of Project 1996 2001

Project Globus (U.S. multi-institutional research ) Legion (University of Virginia ) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Jini (used Java Remote method invocation RMI ) Common Component Architecture Forum Grid Resource Brokers Condor Portable batch systems (PBS) Sun Grid Engine (SGE) Load Sharing Facility (LSF)

Second Generation Grid

A collaboration of Argonne National Laboratorys Mathematics and Computer Science Division, the University of Southern Californias Information Sciences Institute, and the University of Chicago's Distributed Systems Laboratory. Started in 1996 and is gaining popularity year after year. A project to develop the underlying technologies needed for the construction of computational grids. Focuses on execution environments for integrating widely-distributed computational platforms, data resources, displays, special instruments and so forth.

The Globus Resource Allocation Manager (GRAM)

 Creates, monitors, and manages services.  Maps requests to local schedulers and computers.

The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)

 Provides authentication services.


The Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS)

 Provides information about system status,

including server configurations, network status, and locations of replicated datasets, etc.

Nexus and globus_io

 provides communication services for

heterogeneous environments.


Global Access to Secondary Storage (GASS)

 Provides data movement and access mechanisms

that enable remote programs to manipulate local data.

Heartbeat Monitor (HBM)

 Used by both system administrators and ordinary

users to detect failure of system components or processes.


The Condor project started in 1988 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The main goal is to develop tools to support High Throughput Computing on large collections of distributively owned computing resources.


Runs on a cluster of workstations to glean wasted CPU cycles. A Condor pool consists of any number of machines, of possibly different architectures and operating systems, that are connected by a network. Condor pools can share resources by a feature of Condor called flocking.

Job management services:


Supports requests about the job queue . Puts a job on hold. Enables the submission of new jobs. Provides information about jobs that are already finished.

A machine with job management installed is called a submit machine.


Resource management:
 Keeps track of available machines.  Performs resource allocation and scheduling.

Machines with resource management installed are called execute machines. A machine could be a submit and an execute machine simultaneously.


A version of Condor that uses Globus to submit jobs to remote resources. Allows users to monitor jobs submitted through the Globus toolkit. Can be installed on a single machine. Thus no need to have a Condor pool installed.


Condor Portable Batch System (PBS)

Executes batch jobs on a variety of UNIX platforms a batch queuing and workload management system operates on a variety of UNIX platforms GUI for job submission

Sun Grid Engine (SGE)

Load Sharing Facility (LSF)

of Toronto [Zhou93]

software developed by Genias known as Codine/GRM.

commercial system from Platform Computing Corp. evolved from the Utopia system developed at the University

Storage service providers (SSPs) Application service providers (ASPs) Resource sharing is conditional constraints on when, where, and what can be shared. Sharing in a client server/ peer-peer basis.

Development of Generation 2nd:

1. 2.

interoperability reuse existing components and information resources Homogeneity was dealt with scripting languages. Dealing with failure and automatic recovery Optimize resource

Needs for Generation 3rd:

1. 2. 3.

Thus it was meant to be an automated grid with minimal human interventions.

Standardization in Generation 3rd: 1. SOA Protocol (XML Protocol) 2. Web service Description Language (WSDL) 3. Universal Description Discovery and Integration(UDDI) 4. Web service Flow Language (WSFL)

Departmental Grids
 localized to a specific group of people  generally, same hardware and software  designed for high throughput and high performance over a dedicated network  service to numerous groups within a single company or campus  resource heterogeneity increases  company-wide local area network  service to multiple companies, partners, and customers within a particular

Enterprise Grids

Extraprise Grids

Global Grids

domain  domain based private network

 established over the public-Internet

SEEK-BEAM Workshop Dec 2004


Compute Grids
 desktop nodes  server nodes  high-performance computing clusters

Data Grids
 performance-based distributed storage  replication for fault-tolerance

Collaboration Grids
 support for video-conferencing, visualization and data sharing

Utility Grids
 maintained and managed by a commercial service provider  compute resources acquired on a per-need basis  application resources that are purchased on a per-use or per-minute basis

SEEK-BEAM Workshop Dec 2004


Exploit Underutilized resources

 CPU Scavenging, Hotspot leveling

Resource Balancing Virtualize resources across an enterprise

 Data Grids, Compute Grids

Enable collaboration for virtual organizations


1. Avaki 2. Axceleon 3. CapCal 4. Centrata 5. DataSynapse 6. Distributed Science 7. Elepar 8. 9. Grid Frastructure 10. GridSystems 11. Groove Networks 12. IBM 13. Intel 14. Jivalti 15. Mithral

16. Mind Electric 17. Mojo Nation 18. NICE, Italy 19. Noemix, Inc 20. Oracle 21. Parabon 22. Platform Computing 23. Popular Power 24. Powerllel 25. ProcessTree 26. Sharman Networks

30. Ubero 31. United Devices 32. Veritas 33. Xcomp

Kazza 27. Sun Gridware 28. Sysnet Solutions 29. Tsunami Research

1. 2.

I.Foster, C.Kesselman, The Grid: Blue print for a new computing infrastructure, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. I.Foster, C.Kesselman and S.Tuecke, The Anatomy of Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations, International Journal of High Performance Computing Application, vol 15, pp. 200-222, Sage Publishers, London, UK, 2001. Foster I (2002) What is the Grid? . A three point checklist. http://www-



I.Foster, C.Kesselman, J. M. Nick and S.Tuecke, The physiology of the Grid: An Open grid services architecture for distributed systems integration", Open Grid Service Infrastructure, W.G. Global Grid Forum, June 2002. C. Goble and D. De Roure, "The Semantic Web and Grid Computing," in Real World Semantic Web Applications, vol. 92, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, V. Kashyap and L. Shklar, Eds.: IOS Press, 2002. A. Malcolm, D. David, Web service grids: an evolutionary approach, UK e- science Technical Report Series, July 2004, ISBN 1751-5971. Rajkumar Buyya and Srikumar Venugopal, A gentle introduction to grid computing and technologies, Computer Society of India Communications, July 2005, pp. 9-19. Elizabeth Sherly, Grid data architecture for a distributed data management system, Computer Society of India Communications, July 2005, pp. 20-23. Wolfgang Gentzsch, Grid computing in Industry, Computer Society of India Communications, July 2005, pp. 30-34. M. Surridge, S. Taylor, D. Roure and E. Zaluska, Experience with GRIA- Industrial application on a Web service grid, Proc. Of First International Conf. on Science and Grid Computing, 2005.





9. 10.


2. 3.

D. Roure, M. A. Baker, N. R. Jennings and N. R. Shadbolt, Grid Computing: making the global infrastructure a reality,Chapter3: The Evolution of the Grid , Wiley series of communications networking and distributed systems, ISBN-0-470-85319-0 C.S.R. Prabhu, Grid and Cluster Computing , Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, ISBN-978-81-203-3428, India, 2008 P. Plaszczak and R. Wellner, Grid Computing The savvy managers guide, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN-81312-0292, India, 2006.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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