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Shreeram Sharma

y Hyperion is a BI & BPM tool. y Functions: Planning, Consolidation, reporting,

analysis etc.


Hyperion BI+ Reporting

Hyperion BI+ Application

Hyperion BI+ Data Management

Hyperion Essbase

HFM (Hyperion Financial Management)

MDM (Maser Data Management)

FDQM (Financial Query Data Management) HAL (Hyperion Application Link)

Analyzer Reports

HSF (Hyperion Strategic Financial)

Interacting Reports

Hyperion Planning HPM (Hyperion Performance Management)

Production Reporting

DIM (Data Integrated Management)

OLTP ( Online Transactional Processing) Transactional Processing Time Sensitive Operator View Organized by Transactions ( order, input) Relatively small database Many concurrent users Volatile Store all data Non-Flexible

OLAP ( Online Analytical Processing) Query Processing History Oriented Manager View Organized by subject (customer, product) Large database Relatively few users Non-Volatile Store relevant data ( high cost) Flexible

y Hyperion Essbase
y Multidimensional database y OLAP server, an analytic platform for reporting,

analysis, modeling and planning.

Sales Slice of the Database

y Fact y Dimensions y Dimension Hierarchy y Members

Example: Year Qtr Month Day

(Dimension) Dimension Hierarchy

Members ()

y Creating the database y Dimensional Building y Data loading y Performing the calculation y Generating the reports y Server support (on going support)

y Tree structure for dimensional hierarchy

y Components: y Dimension y Dimension Hierarchy y Members y Alias, UDAs, Attributes, Member formulae etc.

y Example:
Year Qtr Month Day (Members) (Dimension)
(Dimension Hierarchy)

y Dense y Sparse

Types  Standard Dimension ( Store data) y Account y Time y Country y General/None  Attribute ( Store characteristics; at max 14 attribute can be there.)

y Consolidation Operators ( +, y UDAs y Alias y Data Storage

y Store only y Dynamic Calc y Dynamic Calc and store y Shared member y Never Share y Label only

, *, /, %, ^, ~)

y Attributes

y Parent y Child y Sibling y Ancestors y Descendants y Root y Leaf y Generation y Level

y Dynamic Time Series


y Expense Reporting
y Expenses

(Budget-Actual) y Non-Expense (Actual-Budget)

y Time Balance Properties
y TB None y TB First y TB Last y TB Avg.

y Skip Property ( # MISSING and zero s) y Two Pass calculation (e.g.: profit%)


Manually Dynamically ( using rule files) Generation Reference Method Level Reference Method Parent child Method Essbase Integration Services (EIS) Essbase Studio Automation using Maxl Type of Data Sources: RDBMS Flat Files

y Create a rule file y Open data source y Set the delimiter y Define the fields y Set the build method y Validate, save and close the rule file y Load the data

* Check outline association


` Manual Data Loading ` Data Loading with Esscmd/MaxL.

` Free Form ( Specific Format , at least 1 member

association) ` Rules Files

` Excel Lock & Send ` Loading Data using EIS ` Essbase Studio. ` ODI ` MaxL


` ` ` `

Transfer data from data source to Essbase Understands star Schema Generates SQL queries Work flow:
Data Source OLAP Metaoutline

OLAP Model


` Steps:
` ` ` `

Build model Build hierarchy (OLAP Metaoutline) Load Metadata Load data

* Drill through reports (HOLAP) generated via EIS.


y Essbase Studio = EIS+EAS y Steps:

y Data source Connection. y Mini Schema y Hierarchy(Dimension) y Hierarchy (Measure) y Cube Schema y Cube Deployment


3 ways to perform calculation:

Unary /Consolidation Operators Member Formulas Calculation Scripts.
Consists of three parts.
Housekeeping Roll-up Member Formulas


y FIX:
y FIX is Index driven y Evaluated w/o bringing all the data blocks into memory,

brings only the required blocks. y E.g.: FIX ( NY ) ENDFIX. y Applied to Sparse Dimensions.
y IF:
y All the blocks are brought into memory. y Applied to Dense Dimensions.


Connect/Disconnect Retrieve Lock and send Zoom in / Zoom out Keep only/ remove only Pivot Navigate without data LRO Query designer Visualize and explore Member selection Flashback

y Report script is a way of retrieving data from Essbase. y It is used to extract data from one cube and load into

another cube. y Format:

y <Page (.,.,.) ----- (< y <Column (.,.,.) y <Row (.,.,.) y !

extract command)

bang command y { } formatting command

y Report Editor Report extractor Report Viewer y Extension : .rep

y Multidimensional Expressions y Focuses on Data Retrieval. y Format:

y Select Axes


From Cube Where Slicer

y Sets and Tuples y IIF condition y E.g.: Select {(Qtr1..Qtr4)} on columns
{(NY, USA, John), (Cal, USA, John)} on rows From cube name

` MaxL ` Steps:
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `


Login to server Log all details into some text file Start application and db Disable Connect Kill all sessions Load Meta Data Load Data Enable Connect Logout

E.g.. Import database dbname data from data_file filename


y Native Mode y Shared Services.

y http://hyperion1:28080/interpop/

y Externalize:

Application Security Externalize user


y Types of Data Loading:

y Complete Data Load y Incremental Data Load.

y Steps for data loading:

y Initialize Buffer y Load Data into Buffer y Load data from buffer to Cube / Slices y Merge all slices


Basis Aggregation Calculation time Write back What-if Analysis or allocation Scripts Storage space Member formulae Data storage Sparse/Dense

Aggregate Storage option (ASO) Less

Block Storage option (BSO) More

Not supported Not supported

Supported What-if analysis and allocation possible Calc script and MDX More storage space Possible Relatively small amount of data Both dense and sparse dimensions

MDX Less storage space Not possible Large amount of data Sparse dimensions

y Model Analysis y Hourly Glass model y Evaluate Dense / Sparse settings y System Tuning y Cache Setting y Optimize Data Loads y Optimize Retrievals y Optimize Calculations y Defragmentation y Partition

y Hyperion Planning is a Web-based, multi-tiered budget

and planning solution built on Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server.

y Hyperion Planning is a comprehensive approach for the

complete and closed-loop planning process that drives continuous business improvement.
y Hyperion Planning offers an efficient and optimized

budget planning process to all levels within an organization. All decision makers and line-level managers can communicate together giving them the ability to make budget plans relevant and useful.

yHigh processing time due to lack of strategic guidance and

missing link between financial and operational plans (limited flexibility ability to react)
yLow plan accuracy (variance accuracy) due to inaccurate data yLimited level of detail for the budget yHigh number of Excel sheets that need maintenance (versions /

yNeed to expand to: rolling forecasts, operational planning,

investment planning, bulk updates, pre-built depreciation calculations, version control

y End Users are friendly with handy tool like Spread

sheet. y But for budgeting, planning and forecasting when you have to deal with hundreds of such spread sheet this leads difficulty in control and orchestrate. y At that time Hyperion planning comes in picture which is capable to handle many iterations; distribute the planning process among many users.

y Ensure Accuracy y Reduce Budgeting time y Align the organization y Address finance needs quickly y Maximize modeling capabilities y Gain mass user acceptance y Reduce implementation

y The Hyperion Planning Process lets users track the

progress of a budget from any level in the organization using a Web-based client.

First Pass

(Not) Signed Off

Under Review


With the Hyperion s Planning Process users can:

y Approve a planning unit from any process state y Track the approval path independently y Add annotations and comments at each pass through

the review process

y Identify accountability through ownership y Audit information through annotations and process







Not Started

First Pass

Under Review Sign-off Promote

Signed Off


Reject Not Signed Off



Data Tier

Middle Tier

Client Tier

Relational Business Rules Desktop Admin Hyperion Reports Web Client Excel Add-In

Application Link


y Classic Method y http://hyperion1:8300/hyperionplanning/appwizard.jsp y EPM Application + workspace ( only one interface for

all planning activation, data file is ads format).

y Component of EPMA y Dimension library y Application library y Data synchronization module y Workspace y Task list y security

y Period (Time) y Year y Scenario y Version y Entity y Account y For multicurrency

y Hsp_rates

y 4 custom dimension can be added

y Creating application structures y Loading Meta-data ( Manual & EPMA) y Loading the data and calculating the database y Setting up security y Designing data forms y Adding business rules y Managing the planning process.

y Creating application ( 10 % of total work) y Loading data (10 %) y Managing users (10 %) y Design data forms (10 %) y Creating reports (40 %) y Defining business rules (10%) y Application backup(5 %) y Managing and monitoring planning server health (5%)

y Essbase
y TB first y TB last y TB average y None

y Planning
y First y Balance y Average y y Flow (Sum of all child) y Actual 365 weight y Actual Actual weight

y There are three Plan type database

y Plan 1 y Plan 2 y Plan 3

y Workforce y Capex

y Special-purpose planning module y Focused upon headcount, salary, and

compensation planning y Pre-built functionality (metadata, calculations) and best practices incorporated in the application y Simplifies the planning of workforce and workforce related expenses, such as bonuses, fringe benefits, overtime and merit increases. y Seamlessly links workforce expense plans into Oracle Hyperion Planning, to deliver accurate and real-time awareness of the business impact of your workforce decisions on your overall expense plans.

y Specialized planning module that automates the

planning of capital assets and capital asset related expenses, such as depreciation, maintenance and insurance that easily plan for all your capital expenses.

y Includes pre-built functionality and best practices

y Directly linked to Oracle Hyperion Planning, so

you can immediately assess the impact of your capital expenses on your overall expenses and financial statements

Workspace is

the common portal for all Oracle Hyperion Applications.

BI+ repository

contains different reporting objects (Financial reports, Dashboards, etc

y Task lists

detail current status and steps needed to complete the different processes.

Web forms

provide a consistent, web-based data entry input.

Web forms can

be opened in Smart View in Excel.


can be launched from forms.

Data can be

adjusted (increase / decrease by amount, percent) and spread. Check totals to targets can provide feedback.

Users can input, adjust, edit and submit their financial data via Smart View in Microsoft Excel. Form can be taken offline and input.

y Supporting

detail can provide textual informatio n behind assumptio ns, changes or data elements.

y Multi step calculation y Same as calculation script y Graphical representation y B.R. can be associated with run time prompt y B.R. stored in central location so locating and

upgrading is easier. y Just design the graphical interface and its calculation script is written.

y User authentication y Task authentication y Object authentication y Data authentication y Exporting and Importing security
y Import y Import security planning app.admin password y Export y Export security /A=planningapp./u=admin

y If you want upgrade a planning version. y Export all the security and data form and application

using XML export. y Upgrade the version of planning y Then import back these XML files.

y Workspace
y y y y

Thin client : DHTML Basic analysis Client uses interface so no installation 100% running on the server

y Web client studio

y Java applet y Advance analysis y Security issue as java applet is know for bugs

y Data base connection for web analysis is created in

workspace y http://Hyperion1:19000/WebAnalysis/LogOn.jsp

y Hyperion Web Analysis provides a highly scalable

dashboard tool that can be accessed either directly from the web or through the Oracle Hyperion Workspace. Key benefits of Hyperion Web Analysis include: y Rapid Development
y No code y Drag and drop development

y Personalized views controlled through a centralized

security model y Data is exportable to Microsoft Office (Excel, Word & PowerPoint)

y KPI (key performance Indicator) y Cell text y Save user POV y Add URL (smart cut) y Drilling up/down/through/across y Sort top/bottom y Restrict data y Calculation simple arithmetic only.

y Web

Analysis dashboar ds for adhoc, dashboar d analysis.

y Unlike web analysis Data connection can be done in

F.R. studio or workspace. y When you copy data points the inter connection of all dimension is considered y With planning connection you can get data form RDBMS also which is not applicable to Essbase.

y Financial

Reporting for highly formatted presentation style reports.

y Easily-formatted/ high-quality y Report automation y User control y Rapid report creation y Reusable content . y Multiple source applications

y Web Analysis
y Highly graphical y Web based analysis tool

y F.R.
y Perfect for producing

more suited to dashboards, pin boards etc with slice and dice capability. y Web Analysis is more for Online Interactive Analysis. Does not really have a strong printing output feature.

standardized monthly reporting such as P&L, balance sheets etc. y Highly formatted. y Print well in PDF format.

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