Brisbane Australia

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Babb Monday January 30,2012

Australia is known as the Unknown southern land. It is smallest continent in the world. Brisbane is the capital of Queensland. It is the third most populated city Australia.

Brisbane's population:2,043,185
Australias population:22,819,1884

Absolute:27.28 degrees South latitude and 153.02 degrees East longitude. Relative: East side of Australia, south of Rockhampton.

The flags colour is blue, with a United kingdom flag in the upper left corner. The reason the United Kingdom flag is in it is because, Australia use to belong to Great Britain.

The small white stars represents the Southern Cross Constellation. The biggest star is the Commonwealth Star. On September 3rd 1901 is Australia's National Flag Day because it was first put up on that day.

The in Brisbane is humid and has subtropical climate. During the summer time it is warm and hot. When it is winter it is mostly warm. In Brisbane it is common for thunderstorms to come often.

Long ago Brisbane was filled with Australian Aboriginal people. Later on settlers entered this place and Robert Dixion an explorer developed Brisbane in 1840. Moreton Bay was explored by Matthew Flinders. The Moreton Bay is important to Brisbane because it provides food for the people.

During World War 2 Brisbane was used as the South West Pacific headquarters. Brisbane also had the Commonwealth Games Hosted there. Archery,Badminton,and Boxing are some of the sports for the Commonwealth Games.

The climate in Brisbane makes it have good crops. Important foods are wheat,barley,sugarcane, and fruits. Main meals is vegetables, meat, and dessert. Kangaroo and crocodile meat is also eaten. Foods around the world can also be the main meal.

Drinks is mostly water or a soft drink. Wine is made through vineyards it is a popular drink.

Ekka is held September, it is a big celebration which is at the South Bank Parklands. It is agriculture show . The main religion is Roman Catholic.

One of the traditions is when you turn 21. It is to show that you are a full adult. People have celebations.

Brisbane has good roads and rails to travel. You can also travel by air. When moving goods in Brisbane has huge trucks which is what they mostly use. But when it is really far they use planes or boats. People can use cars, ferries, and trains to travel.

Allison J. Robert. Australia. Austin Texas , Raintree Steck-Vaughn publishers., 1996 Banting, Erinn. Australia the people. Crabtree Publishing Company, 2003 Banting, Erinn. Australia the land. Crabtree Publishing Company, 2003

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