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Submitted to:Prof.

Vivek pachori Assistant Professor ITM Universty Gwalior

Submitted by:Nirpeksh Jain Abhishek Lohiya Ankur Tiwari Maharshi Sharma Sweety Rani

The Oilwell Cable Division is part of the Industrial and Energy Segment of TRW that represent 24 percent of its sales and 23 percent of its operating profits.


Oilwell Division is a acquired business by TRW what wasCrescent Wire and Cable Company of Trenton.

The four reasons for moving the Oilwell cable (Crescent Wore and Cable
Company) from Trenton to Lawarence are-

Lawerence is considerably closer to the customer Lawerence has a more supportive labor environment. The wage rate for the Lawerence area are very reasonable There is an already existing building

CONTD. Gino stripoli, formal general manage, was given the task to start operations in Lawrence and he established new management system. He established eleven team relating the activities and all teams were doing their jobs very well. There is also a coordination team. The team is successful. Though there were some problems initially

There There

was a good deal of mistrust among employees regarding managements motives. were also some technical problems. But after two years Ginosolved the problems. Though TRW has ten competitors in the cable market, its market mainly depends on the demand of the submersible pumps. the basic product produced by the Oilwell Cable Division is wire that provides power to submersible pumps used in oil drilling.


Q:- Evaluate team management at TRWs Lawrence plant. What organizational behaviour system is it most similar to? Does it reflect theory X or theory Y assumptions? ANS:- There were in total 11 teams where five production teams are formed around the production process.

* Each team meets on a weekly basis or as needed and resource team

meets every two weeks. That increases the coordination between the team and team members.

* There was no formal agenda but the meeting on production process

and labour scheduling which increases the production.

* Team

also build relationship between various level of theorganizationsCollegial organizational behaviour system is most similar to. It reflects Theory Y assumption.

Q:-Examine the results from team management at Lawrence. Do they support a satisfaction causes productivity or a productivity causes satisfaction relationship? Explain. ANS:-There were some initial start-up problems, but late it seems to be success.

* In

the beginning there was a good deal of mistrust among employees. But later it being solved. there was a lot of frustration with a high level of turnover. Because there was only one union employee brought from Trenton.To solve the problem a compensation scheme was developed that encouraged employees to master the various pieces of equipment in the plant.

* First

Turnover dropped from in excess of 12 % to a range of 2 to

4percent. Also employment had dropped from a high of 132 to what seemed to be a more optimal level of 125.

They support satisfaction causes productivity. From the

workers point of view, the major benefit of team management is their ability to control their jobs. This control has resulted in a high level of commitment by the employees, as evidenced by the numerous suggestions made by the teams that have resulted in significant improvements in quality and productivity

Q:- Can participative and team management approaches work equally well during times of organizational crises as well as during normal times? ANS:- NO, from my opinion, though during normal times participative and team management approaches work equally but during organizational crisis it can't work equally. The responsibility of the team management is to solve any problem equally and help other team members to solve the problems. But in participative approach people can deny to help others. Beside this when contradiction between the people exist the situation also become more complicated in participative approach.

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