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W hat i s p ro te i ?


Alter june domolon tm-09358789797


vis an important nutrient that builds muscles and bones and provides energy . Protein can help with weight control because it helps you feel full and satisfied from your meals .

PROTEIN came from the greek word protos meaning primary or holding first place

in addition to the basic carbon , h

Classification of proteins
A. Simple proteins are those which yield only amino acids upon hydrolisis. They include: 1.Albumins w/c soluble in water , coagulated by heat 2.Globulins w/c are insoluble in water , soluble in dilute salt solution and coagulated by heat 3.Glutelins w/c are insoluble in neutral solvent but soluble in weak acids and alkalis ,coagulated by heat 4.Prolamines w/c are soluble in 70 to 80 percent alcohol , insoluble in absolute alcohol , water and salt solutions 5.Albuminoids w/c are insoluble in all neutral solvents and in dilute acids and alkalis 6.Histones and protamines w/c are basic polypeptides , soluble in water , not coagulated by heat. They are found in nuclei of cells.

Provide a source of energy n 4 kcal per gram n Essential for synthesis of body tissue in growth, maintenance & repair n Collagen, hormones, enzymes, immune cells, DNA, RNA are composed of protein n Blood clotting, fluid regulation, & acid-base balance require

Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,& nitrogen n There are essential and nonessential amino acids n Complete and incomplete proteins n Essential amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, histidine, valine, phenylalanine

n n n n n

Albumin & Insulin are simple proteins Lipoprotein is a complex protein (Lipid & protein) Complete & Incomplete proteins

Nitrogen balance- intake & output of nitrogen equal n When intake of nitrogen exceeds output, body is in a positive nitrogen balance (growth, pregnancy, maintenance of lean muscle mass & vital organs, wound healing n The extra nitrogen is used for building, repairing, &

Negative Nitrogen balance- Body loses nitrogen faster than it gains it n Infection, Sepsis, Fever, starvation, head injury, trauma, burns n Increased nitrogen loss is the result of body tissue destruction or loss of nitrogen containing body fluids

How protein functions in the body

Provision of structure n Growth & maintenance of tissue n Regulation of body processes (hormones, enzymes, nucleoproteins) n Development of immunity n Circulation of blood and nutrients n Backup source of energy

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