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Spinor BEC and Multi-component Quantum Gases

Jason Ho The Ohio State University

Center for Advanced Study Tsinghua University December 13, 2005

What have we learned ? What is new? What novel things awaiting for us? What can we do with multi-component Bose gases?

Examples of multi-component Bose gas

Spin 1/2 : Two different spin states of Rb Spin-1 : |F=1 > hyperfine state of Rb-87 and Na-23 Spin-2 : |F=2 > hyperfine state of Rb-87

How do the ground states of these differ from scalar Bose gas and from each other? Do we expect any other ground states beside Bose condensed states?

What else besides Bose condensed states? What are the reasons for un-condensed ground states in Bose systems?
Why do they occur in multicomponent systems?

Conventional Bose condensate : all Bosons condenses into a single state.

Vanishing in thermodynamic limit


1D No condensation

What happens when there are several degenerate state for the Bosons to condensed in?
G: Number of degenerate states N: Number of Bosons

What happens when there are several degenerate state for the Bosons to condense in?
G: Number of degenerate states Pseudo-spin 1/2 Bose gas: G =2 N: Number of Bosons

G: Number of degenerate states Spin-1 Bose gas : G=3, G<<N

N: Number of Bosons

G: Number of degenerate states Spin-1 Bose gas : G=3, G<<N

N: Number of Bosons

Bose gas in optical lattice: G ~N

G: Number of degenerate states Spin-1 Bose gas : G=3, G<<N

N: Number of Bosons

Bose gas in optical lattice: G ~N

Fast Rotating Bose gas: G>>N

Penrose-Onsager characterization of Bose condensation

Existence of a single macroscopic eigenvalue in

& &  ] (r )](r ') "

& & & & P R * ( r )R ( r ') ] (r )](r ') "! E E E 



P E & R (r ) E

: Eigenvalues : Eigenfunctions

P0 ~N

P1,P2 ,...~O(1)

Off-Diagonal Oder

Phase Coherence

 & &  & & ] (r )](r ' ) "! ] (r ) " ](r ' ) "

P0 ~N

P1,P2 ,...~O(1)

Other possibilities ?

Fragmented condensate
P0 ~N
P ,P ,...~O(1) 1 2

0 1 2 3




Strongly correlated
P ,P ,P ,...~ O(1) 0 1 2

3 2

By varying the external environment, one can go from one regime to another

P ~N 0

0 1 2 3




0 1 2 3

Single condensate state of spin-F Bosons Single particle density matrix contains a single eigenvalue of order N

& & & & P f *(E ) ( r ) f (E ) ( r ') ] ( r )]R ( r ') "! E Q R





=1  & ] Q ( r ) "!   =2  

=1  &   ] Q ( r ) "! =2    =3  

Single component


 ! 2  g  &     ] ]  V (r )] ]  ] (r)] (r)](r)] (r)   2 2M


 ! 2  1      ] Q ] Q  V (r)] Q] Q  gQR] Q]R]R] Q    2M 2

Q !o,q

Two component

H ! s 

!2  & & &  ]  V ( r )] ]  KB ]  F ]   ] Q Q Q Q Q QR R  2M   

&   B F )2  ] ( L]Q     QR R 


& & 1    ]  F F ] ]  c  0]Q]E]E]Q  c2]Q E QR EF F R    2 


T.L. Ho, PRL (98), K. Machida J. Phil Mag (98)

Internal conversion in Spin-1 and Spin-2 Bose gas

Absent in spin 1/2 Bose gas!

Can there be other possibilities ?


Fragmented condensate

P0 ~N

P ,P ,...~O(1) 1 2


P 0 E1


P ,P ,P ,...~ O(1) 0 1 2


3 2

Bosons in double well:

Bose gas in double well <==> A simple model of two component Bose gas

1 t

A Quick Overview
What we have now and what we look for.

Condensed Spin 1/2 Spin-1 Spin-2 Textures Coreless vortex Fast Rotating : Great variety of vortex lattices Optical lattice: new states Low dimension: New solitons Coherent Spin dynamics Spinor BEC

Uncondensated From highly correlated to Generalized Schrodinger cats New type of excitations New quantum Hall states Very rich correlated structures New 1D and 2D correlated states Quantum Spin dynamics

Condensed Spin 1/2 Cornell Ketterle Spin-1 Chapman Spin-2 Sengstock StamperTextures Coreless vortex
Kurn Ho Machida Pu, Law Bigelow Ueda Li You

Uncondensated From highly correlated to Generalized Schrodinger cats New type of excitations
Cirac+Zoller, Ho+Mueller, Shouten+Read Ho, Ueda

Fast Rotating : Great variety Ho+Mueller, of vortex lattices Cornell, Ueda Optical lattice: new states Low dimension: New solitons Coherent Spin dynamics
Chapman Sengstock Li You, Bigelow, Bong, Sengstock

New quantum Hall states

Bloch, Fei Zhou, Yip, Delmer

Very rich correlated structures New 1D and 2D correlated states Quantum Spin dynamics
Bigelo w (Diener+Ho)

Spin-1 and Spin-2 Bose Gases Mean field description

Statistical Ferromagnet, spin-gauge symmetry


c2 " 0

antiferromagnetic Polar phase

]Q "! (0,1,0)

Found at MIT Science 1998

 Rb-87 c2 0 ]Q "! 1,0,0

ferromagnetic Quantum ferromagnet

Bong,Sengstock, PRL 04, Chapman PRL 04

Spin 1
Ferromagnetic Antiferromagnetic

  1   R   0   0  
Vector order parameter Spin-Gauge Symmetry Similar to 2-component case

  0   R   1   0  
Nematic order parameter

Analogous phases seen in 3He


Ax ! (a1  a1 ) / 2
Ay ! (a1  a1 ) / 2i

Az ! a0

Under spin rotation,

Spin textures Long sample

Short sample

Single Skyrmion
Ferromagnet Low rotation speed




Skyrmion pair
Ferromagnet Faster rotation speed




Skyrmion Lattice
Ferromagnet Faster rotation speed




Angular momentum carrying object: -disclination or 1/2 vortex

ze|z| 2     0  |z| 2  e  
Topological Singularity

Nematic order vanishes at core -- replaced with Ferromagnetic

Single Disclination
Order: pink=nematic Green=ferromagnetic


Density Ferromagnetic order

Four Disclinations
Order: pink=nematic Green=ferromagnetic


Density Cores aligned antiferromagnetically

Disclination Lattice
Order: pink=nematic Green=ferromagnetic



Fast Rotating 2 component

Mueller and Ho, PRL 88, 180403 (2002)

How lattices intermesh:




Square Stretch

Interaction between components Interaction within components

g12 g11g22

Fast Rotating Spin-1/2 and Spin-1 Bose gas

Difference between BEC and quantum Hall state BEC N=2 L=4 N=4

Vortex core 1 L=2 2 1 QH


Difficulty in stabilizing correlated states : expansive in kinetic energy Advantage: Zero potential energy

New Quantum Hall systems: Quantum Hall states with large spins Bilayer (or Multilayer) quantum Hall systems Composite QH systems Spin-1 Bose gas



Density -- 5 particles

Total Density
T.L. Ho and E. Mueller, PRL89, 050401 (2002)

Component Densities

Optical Lattice: A whole host of new states

Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Spin-1 Bose Gas
A deep harmonic trap



Only the lowest harmonic state is occupied => a zero dimensional problem

Spin dynamics of spin-1 Bose gas

Spin-1 Bose Gas
A deep harmonic trap

& 2 H  ! cS
Hilbert space

Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Spin-1 Bose Gas
A deep harmonic trap



Ax ! (a1  a1 ) / 2 Ay ! (a1  a1 ) / 2i Az ! a0

rotates & & & like a 3D Cartesean vector Ai p R( )ij A j .  &  

R(  ) : 3D rotation

 Under spin rotation, aQ p (e 

& & i S


Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC Spin-1 Bose Gas
A deep harmonic trap

& S! 



Ax ! (a1  a1 ) / 2 Ay ! (a1  a1 ) / 2i Az ! a0

 & a S a Q QR R QR

: spin-1 matrix N ! a aQ
Q  Q

& &  &  S  ! iA v A

& &  N  ! A A

Effect of spin degeneracy on BEC

Spin-1 Bose Gas
A deep harmonic trap

c 0 : Ferromagnetic , c " 0 : Antiferromagnetic

& 2 H  ! cS

& S!

a S a Q QR R QR


& 2 &  2 H ! cN  c( A ) A  
What is the ground state for c>0 ?

To find the optimal spinor condensate | ] "! we minimize

 ( ^ Q aQ ) N Q

& 2 ] | H | ] ! c S  cN . 


| vac " ,

  0  &   S 1 For c>0, diamagnetic case, we have ^ !   since  ! 0 ; and   & N 0    N (z A ) a0 | ] "!  N! | vac "! N! | vac "   Since H is rotationally invariant, the optimal states are given by 

& N (n A  ) the polar family | ] "! | vac " , N! 

n real.

& 2 H  ! cS


Conventional condensate :

| c "!

N 0

|0" N!

  1 N    0 aQ aR "!  1 0 1 2   1   N 0 ! 0, Ns1 ! N /2

&  S "! 0
2 (N1


& 2 H  ! cS
Exact ground state :


 2 5 ! 2a1 a1  a0 =

| S ! 0 "! 5

N /2


 0  0  1 N    0 aQ aR "!   1 0  3   0  0 1 

N 0 ! N1 ! N 1 ! N / 3
2 (N1


Relation between singlet state and coherent state z Average the coherrent state over all directions Because

2 (N1



The system is easily damaged

Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero

Bosonic enhancement

Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero

Bosonic enhancement

Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero

Transformation of singlet into coherent states as a function of External field and field gradient: If the total spin is non-zero

With field gradient



Dynamical Evolution of Spin-1 Bose Gas

Spin dynamics of spin-1 Bose gas

Spin-1 Bose Gas
A deep harmonic trap

0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 Chapman cond-mat/0309164

Watch how

change with time

Data in Chapman cond-mat/0309164 Oscillatory behavior in Large fluctuations

t=0 starts here, According to Chapman

Small fluctuation

To a large extent, can be explained by time-dependent GP equation

What happen if one evolves the state properly by quantum mechanics?

0.1% magnetization

Large fluctuation


For simplicity, consider zero field

is a sum of two theta functions !


to those at




Cr Condensate : Tilman Pfau, PRL 2005.

Dipolar coupling in fluids


~ 2-20 nm

Application: rotary seals in disk drives dampers for audio speakers

Cond-mat/ Nov 2005

Signiture of Quantum dynamics: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Complete revival Periodic variation between cat states and coherent states Entire spacetime structure is control by scaling Printing of phase can be deprint at later time Can be detected by population histogram at time p/q

What have we learned ? What is new? What novel things awaiting for us? What can we do with multi-component Bose gases?

What have we learned ? What is new? What novel things awaiting for us? What can we do with multi-component Bose gases?

Periodic changes from coherent state to Schrodinger Cat state

Can introduce phase difference between difference component of the Cat, and retrieve those information later.

Question: What really new things BEC has brought us? Ans: Bose gas with internal degrees of freedom --Pseudo-spin 1/2 Bose gas, Spin-1 and Spin-2 Bose gas New ground states, a whole host of new quantum phenomena, forces on to reexamine BEC with greater depth

Work done with Dr. Roberto Diener Prof. S.K. Yip

Tin-Lun Ho and Sung Kit Yip, Physical Review Letters 84, 4031 (2000) R. Diener and Tin-Lun Ho, to be published Work supported by NSF and NASA

Single component


 ! 2  g  &     ] ]  V (r )] ]  ] (r)] (r)](r)] (r)   2 2M


 ! 2  1      ] Q ] Q  V (r)] Q] Q  gQR] Q]R]R] Q    2M 2

Q !o,q

Two component

H ! s 

!2  & & &  ]  V ( r )] ]  KB ]  F ]   ] Q Q Q Q Q QR R  2M   

&   B F )2  ] ( L]Q     QR R 


& & 1    ]  F F ] ]  c  0]Q]E]E]Q  c2]Q E QR EF F R    2 


T.L. Ho, PRL (98), K. Machida J. Phil Mag (98)

T.L. Ho, PRL 87, 81, 742 (1998)

Na23, K 39 Rb87 & & & & V (1,2) ! H( r1  r2 ) c 01 c 2 F1 F2 


 c 0 ! (2g2  g0 ) / 3,

c 2 ! (g2  g0 ) / 3,
antiferromagnetic ferromagnetic

c2 " 0



1 2 1 2  1 2 & & 2f 2 F1 F2 ! F! 0 F (F  1) Pf  2 f ( f  1)1  & & 2 F1 F2 ! 6 P2  2 P1  4( P2  P1 P0 )  1! P  P  P 0 1 2 & & 1! P  P F1 F2 ! 2 P2  2P0  0 2

It is useful to rewrite P in terms of spin operators. &2 &2 & & & & 2 & & 2  F2 F 2F F ! (F  F )  F 1 ! F2 ! f ( f  1)

& & & & & & V (1,2) ! H( r1  r2 ) g0 P0  g2 P2 ! H( r  r2 ) c 01 c 2 F1 F2 1   c 0 ! (2g2  g0 ) / 3, c 2 ! (g2  g0 ) / 3,

23, K 39 Rb87 Na & & & & V (1,2) ! H( r1  r2 ) c 01 c 2 F1 F2 


 Rb83 Rb85 & & 2 & & & & V (1,2) ! H( r1  r2 ) c 01 c 2 F1 F2  c 4 ( F1 F2 ) 



3Million yrs


133,Cs135 ,Cs137 Cs & & 2 & & 3 & & & & V (1,2) ! H( r1  r2 ) c 01 c 2 F1 F2  c 4 ( F1 F2 )  c 6 ( F1 F2 )  

Fragmented vs Coherent Condensates

Can there be other possibilities ?


Fragmented condensate

P0 ~N

P ,P ,...~O(1) 1 2


P 0 E1


P ,P ,P ,...~ O(1) 0 1 2


3 2

Various states of light:

Coherent (Gaussian) State Squeezed State

Cat State

Bosons in double well:

Bose gas in double well <==> A simple model of two component Bose gas

1 t


The Ground States of Zero Dimensional Spin-1 Bose Gas

S Squeezed


singlet Field gradient

Quantum carpet for a particle in a box M V Berry Quantum fractals in boxes J. Phys. A 29 6617-6629 (1996) C Leichtle, I S Averbukh and W P Schleich 1996 Multilevel quantum beats: an analytical approach Phys. Rev. A 54 5299-312 (1996) O Friesch, I Marzoli and W P Schleich Quantum carpets woven by Wigner functions New J. Phys. 2, 4.1-4.11 (2000)

Many simple questions have led us to remarkable surprises Nature has for us

0.2% magnetization

0.2% magnetization

Note: According to mean field, if all bosons are initially in the state, should remain constant, .

Our approach: Quantum evolution of the initial state

within the single mode approximation.

Key findings: 1. Find all the features observed in expt. 2. Obtain an analytic solution for the time evolution of the wavefunction. 3. The exact solution reveals many additional revival features at longer times 4. Our exact solution is also applicable to the studies of quantum carpets in the last decade in atomic and molecular physics. It is a concise summary of all numerical results in the last decade.

More details of our approach: A. We note that single mode approximation is valid in this case. Hence

B. Different spin component of a quantum state will dephase over time . Beyond this time, mean field approach is no longer valid. C. The general quantum state for is

Schrodinger Cat running on a Quantum Carpet: The large fluctuation is due to dynamical fragmentation of the condensate -- a periodic transformation between Schrodinger Cat state and a coherent state. Schrodinger Cat state occurs at ct = occurs at ct = coherent state

Phase imprinting at pi/8 (using quadratic Zeeman effect) will affect subsequent time evolution, and will change the coherent state structure. Deprinting the phase at 3\pi/8 can restore the original time evolution

Reference: (a) Roberto Diener and Tin-Lun Ho, to be published. (b) M.-S. Chang, C.D. Hamley, M. D. Barrett, J.A. Sauer, K.M. Fortier, W. Zhang, L. You, M.S. Chapman, cond-mat/0309164. (c) Schmaljohann, M. Erhard, J. Kronjger, M. Kottke, S. van Staa, L. Cacciapuoti, J. J. Arlt, K. Bongs, and K. Sengstock Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 040402 (2004)

N_o as a function of time, without magnetization, with magnetization, etc.

Phase impriting

M=10, N=1000

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Initial state : N_{o}=N, M=0

non-zero q, q=0.1

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QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

We have only talked about 3/5 of the major development last year. Two other major developments: *Spin-1 and Spin-2 Bose gas: Expt. (Chapman) (Sengstock) T.L.Ho, PRL, 81, 742 (1998) => Quantum dynamics of Spinor BEC and Superfragmented condensates => Periodic generation of Schrodinger Cat state
T.L. Ho and S.K. Yip, PRL 84, 4031(2000)

Low dimensional quantum gases

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