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Presented to: Dr.

Upasna Joshi

Presented by: Shivani Sharma


To alter, modify, revolutionize, transform.

For an individual, change may mean a new behavior. Similarly from the point of view of a businessman, it may mean a new business process or new technology. From the social view, it can be a new act or policy.

Why do organisations need change? Why do the organisations need to manage change?

They always say time changes things but you actually have to change it yourself -- Andy Warhol

Company that enjoy enduring success have a core purpose and core values that remained fixed while their strategies and practices endlessly adapt to a changing world.

Everybody has accepted by now that change is unavoidable. But that still implies that change is like death and taxes it should be postponed as long as possible and no change would be vastly preferable. But in a period of upheaval, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. --

Peter F.Drucker

Managing Change is an aspect of management focusing on and ensuring that the firm responds to the environment in which it operates

Change Management means to make changes in a planned and systematic way by introducing new methods in an ongoing organization. Change Management is concerned with two sets of people i.e., one those who want to effect change and second is those on whom change is to be effected. Change management is the effective process of a business change such that executive leaders, managers and front line employees work in consonance to successfully implement the technology or organizational changes.

Change is the result of dissatisfaction with the present strategies It is essential to develop a vision for a better alternative It is necessary to develop strategies to implement change Resistance to the proposals at some stage

Operational changes affect the way the ongoing operations of the business are conducted, such as the automation of a particular area. Strategic changes occur in the strategic business direction

Cultural changes affect the basic organizational philosophies by which the business is conducted, e.g., implementing a continuous quality improvement (CQI) system. Political changes in staffing occur primarily for political reasons of various types, such as those that occur at top patronage job levels in government agencies.


often arises from:

The development of new products The entry of new competition Changes in consumer tastes & preferences Layoffs

Change affects all aspect of people management

Organizational structure Personnel of teams Process Location Work load Work role Work practices Supervision Work teams

Change Process.Kurt Lewin


Changing or Moving


Breaking down existing ways of doing things Discarding conventional methods & behavioral patterns Introduce new methods & behavior Education, Communication, Participation in decision-making, etc.


Move towards proposed change New learning It is a time of trial & error Careful guidance problems arise tackled efficiently

New beliefs, attitudes gained, behavior learnt are implemented Manager Change agents role


Change Agents

Change Agents
Persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process.

Types of Change Agents

Managers: internal entrepreneurs Non-managers: change specialists Outside consultants: change implementation experts

Establishing Sense Of Urgency Powerful Guiding Coalition Creating a Vision Communicating the Vision

Empowering Others Short Term Wins Consolidating Improvements Institutionalizing

Step change
Dramatic or radical change in one shot Radical alternation in the organization Gets it over with quickly May require some coercion


Incremental change
Ongoing piecemeal change which takes

place as part of an organizations evolution and development

Tends to be more inclusive



A degree of resistance is normal since change is:

Disruptive Stressful


Self interest Misunderstanding Low tolerance of change Disagreement over the need for change

Unannounced significant changes threaten

employees sense of balance in the workplace.

Misunderstanding and lack of skills

Without introductory or remedial training, change

may be perceived negatively.

Emotional Side Effects

Forced acceptance of change can create a sense

of powerlessness, anger, and passive resistance to change.

Lack of Trust
Promises of improvement mean nothing if employees

do not trust management.

Fear of Failure

Employees are intimidated by change and

doubt their abilities to meet new challenges.

Threat to Job Status/Security

Employees worry that any change may

threaten their job or security.

Fear of increased responsibility

Some staff may question whether they will have more

responsibilities and/or accountabilities as a result of a change.

Change is often resisted because of failures in the way it is introduced Failure to explain the need for change Failure to provide information Failure to consult, negotiate and offer support and training Lack of involvement in the process Failure to build trust and sense of security Poor employee relations

Education and communication Participation and involvement Facilitation and support Negotiation and agreement Leadership

Change can produce positive benefits for the individual Opportunities for personal change and development Provides a new challenge Reduces the boredom of work Opportunity to participate and shape the outcome


Do not ignore the people side of change Management

The practice of Change Management is a combination of the methods used by people (usually management teams) within organizations to ensure organizational transition is completed efficiently and effectively. It is extremely important that management teams consider the people side of any organizational change. Too often, managers look at change management as a technical process, rather than a human one. This makes sense, since the field of Change Management is described as the study of approaches or processes an organization follows when moving from its current state to a desired state.

Interpersonal and communication skills

Improve their interpersonal and communication skills

so that they could help their staff overcome the pains associated with change.

Stop thinking of change management as a stand-alone initiative and start accepting it as an everyday reality Anticipate what and where the resistance will be and plan for it accordingly.
All managers need to realize that resistance to

change is normal. Given that change is an everpresent reality in todays work place, it is safe to say that resistant behavior is inevitable in most organizations. Managers need to identify this behavior and help staff manage it by utilizing the proper interpersonal and communications skills.

Explain the Reasons for the change Talk to people in person Tell people the truth Express your feelings Take first steps


Important to talk to employees both formally and informally Specific purposes for meetings Announce a change Provide new information and clarification Involve them in planning and implementation Provide feedback

Behavior/Situation+Feelings+Effects+ Needs= Clear Communication

Environmental analysis. Set out the strengths and weaknesses of the organization Current provisions Resources Identify the change required Determine the major issues Identify and assess the key stakeholders Win the support of key individuals Identify the obstacles Determine the degree of risk and the cost of change Understand why change is resisted Recognize the need for change, identify current position devise a suitable method

Building the vision

Develop a clear vision Make it clear to people about what a

change involves and how they are involved in it What is involved What is the proposed change Why should we do it What the major effects will be How we can manage the change

Plan the change

Devise appropriate strategies to introduce change Design the change Identify the significant steps in the change process Discuss the need for change and the full details of what is involved Allow people to participate in planning change Communicate the plan to all concerned Produce a policy statement Devise a sensible time scale Produce action plans for monitoring the change Allow people to participate in planning change Get all parties involved in and committed to the change Inspire confidence by forestalling problems and communicating regularly Devise a sensible time scale for implementation of change Anticipate the problems of implementation


Implementing the change

Check on and record progress Make sure that change is permanent Evaluate the change Improve on any weak areas Overcome resistance Involve all personnel affected Keep everyone informed Devise an appropriate reward system Be willing to compromise on detail Ensure that strategies are adaptable Select people to champion change Provide support and training Monitor and review

Allowing too much complexity Failing to build a substantial coalition Failing to understand the need for a clear vision Failure to clearly communicate that vision Permitting roadblocks against that vision Not planning for short term results and not realizing them Declaring victory too soon Failure to anchor changes in corporate culture

Change comes from awareness.

Change can not be managed, it can only be facilitated.

Don't struggle against change; Learn to use it to your advantage.

Life itself is almost synonymous with the concept of change..

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to them.

The Marin Company has more than 100 field sales representatives who sell a line of complex industrial products.Sales pf these products need close work with the buyers to determine their product needs. All sales representatives are college graduates in engineering and science. Recently the firm established a new company wide control report system using a large computer.The system doubles the amount of time the industrial sales representatives spends filling out forms and supplying information that can be fed into computers.


Q.1 Comment on sales manager analysis. Q.2 What alternative approaches do you recommend for this situation?


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