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The Real World Agile Roadshow Getting started with Agile Application Lifecycle Management

The Real World Agile Roadshow Planning Deck

Michael Koester
Developer Tools Sales Lead

 Roadshow Summary, Value Props and Agenda  Where to Look for Wins and Revenue Impact  Roadshow Offerings  Elevator Pitch  Resources (BOM)  How the Program Works: Step-by-Step  Workflow Diagram  WE Delivery Details and Schedule  Appendix

Roadshow Idea Summary

 1 day event focusing on specific (Microsoft) technologies  Connects selected technologies with our ALM/DevTools story  Leads with technology ALM is introduced during the day as     

the solution for development issues and problems Uses selected technologies to introduce real world ALM A mix of exciting, glossy and inspiring demos and valuable information for both practitioners and newbies Shows that getting started is easy and safe with our tools Morning sessions: overview and introduction (Level 100) Afternoon sessions: deep dive into ALM (Level 200/300) At least 50% of the agenda is partner-driven

Roadshow Agenda (DRAFT)

Keynote: Becoming and Being Agile What Does This Mean?

An introduction to the meaning and importance of agile processes, lean development and Application Lifecycle Management. This session sets the big picture for the day and shows how we at Microsoft see ALM and how our platform supports Agile.

Agile in Action - Act 1: Set Up, Planning, Requirements Gathering and Architecture (*)

Part 1 of 3 this session introduces Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio 2010 and shows how to work with TFS in Agile projects, talks about proper team set up using agile principles, introduces our demo project and covers topics like requirements gathering and the role of business analyst. Finally, the architect role and architecture tools in VS are introduced as we create the architecture for our demo application.

Agile in Action Act 2: The Backend The Windows Azure Platform (*)

Part 2 of 3 this session begins implementation of our application and introduces the Windows Azure platform which we will use for the backend and data tier. This session covers the developer role and highlights features like source control, team build as well as other features in Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio 2010.

Agile in Action Act 3: The Frontend HTML5 and Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 (*)

Part 3 of 3 this session introduces HTML 5 and Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 which we will use for the front end tier(s) of our application. This session will focus on test and stakeholder roles and will introduce reporting and automated and manual testing. It will also show how to build applications that target multiple form factors.

Getting Started What can you do today to get value from Agile?

This session wraps up the day and provides tips, information and additional resources from Microsoft and Microsoft partners so that you can start immediately on your road to Agile!

(*) We will migrate a classic Tier 1 application to the Microsoft platform. The demos will run through all project phases and touch all team roles. We will demo all the features of TFS/VS in an Agile context and highlight the value of Software Quality.

Value Proposition: Gives and Gets

Exposure and opportunity generation mechanism fully funded by Microsoft. Commitment Gives
Delivers: 1 or more event session(s) Follow-Up: Opportunity follow-up Closing: Closes DevTools deals FY12 Closing: Oppties fully closed and invoiced by June 2012

Opportunity acceleration and closure mechanism with dedicated corporate engagement and resources. Commitment Gives
Funding: Fund and organize local event and identify and invite target customers Win Commit: Field must provide opportunity pipeline follow-up and win commitment after the event FY12 Results: Upon successful program completion field must commit to give feedback

Opportunity velocity, revenue and market momentum with broadened field compete focus. Commitment Gives
Funding: Funds partner integration and content creation Execution Support: Centralized execution support and dedicated speaker resources BOM: End-to-end program deliverables for field and partners

Funding: funding for deployment, services & migration services (DPS) Sponsorship: Microsoft Field/Corp sponsorship and sales support MSFT Integration: Low risk/cost exposure to MSFT customer base

Revenue: DevTools revenue upside Opportunity Momentum: Increase pipeline and migration visibility in GSX

Funding: Funding and resources for event preparation and oppty follow-up. Dedicated Services: Corp provides speakers for event and follow-up

Where to Look for Wins

Top 5 Opportunities Rationale

Oppty Size # Accounts

1 2 3 4 5

# Accounts

# Accounts

# Accounts

# Accounts Total Opportunity # Accounts

| 6

Revenue Impact
 Small Subs: between $3k and $50k per sub
 1 Opportunity per event  Customer team size: between 5 and 10 IC team members  SKUs purchased:
 Visual Studio with MSDN (Premium or Ultimate): 1 license per team member or  Test Professional: 2 licenses per team

 Medium Subs: between $6k and $100k per sub

 2 Opportunities per event  All other assumptions similar to small sub

 Large Subs: between $9k and $150k per sub

 3 Opportunities per event  All other assumptions similar to small sub
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Roadshow Offerings
 End-to-end process with in-a-box offerings in each step:
 Planning, Execution, Follow-Up, Closing

 Content and BOM creation:

 Complete agenda, presentations, demos ready for re-delivery  Where applicable: speaker and partner management and support  Marketing BOM: invitation mail, landing page, digital promo materials

 Special focus on opportunity generation/driving sales:

 After-event mailing material/contact cadence/telesales process  Partner(s) integrated into opportunity follow-up  1:1 follow-up through partners and/or MSFT resources  Heavy push of Deployment Planning Services as follow-up  Telesales materials for opportunity follow-up
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Elevator Pitch

Resources (BOM)

Real World Agile Roadshow event site (and Silverlight/HTML5 demos) Internal SharePoint site Marketing Collateral (Web site, Banner Ads, invitation mail templates etc.) Roadshow Presentations and Demo Scripts Roadshow Follow-Up Resources All Roadshow Materials (external link): Data Mining Excel Sheet Data Mining Reports:
http://gmobi/Services/Analytics/Analytics%20Report/Forms/Current%20reports.asp x


The Real World Agile Roadshow Getting started with Agile Application Lifecycle Management

Step-by-Step How the Program Works

Define internal collaboration (EPG/BMO/SMS&P) Define external collaboration (UG/MVPs/Partners) Define event parameters Identify partners Identify target customers Set up landing page (T-4) Send 1st invitation (T-4) Personal invitation (T-4) Breadth communication Invitation follow-up (T-2) Pull registration report Send reminder to negs (T2)

Event agenda/speakers Event presentations/demos Partner materials On-site info package Attendee feedback forms

Create event report First follow-up mail (T+1) Telesales follow-up (T+2) Create opportunities in GSX Final follow-up to negs (T+3) Create opportunity list

Opp. handover to partner(s) or Execute MSFT follow-up or Initiate DPS process Create final report (FY end)





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Workflow Diagram
Plan Execute FollowFollow -Up Close


Contact, engage with stakeholders Identify target customers

Invitations Run event

Event report (Attendance, Feedback, Leads)

Send first Follow-Up (T+1)

Start telesales Follow-Up (T+2)

Send final Follow-Up to negatives (T+3)

Put WIN in GSX, Get agreements signed

Opportunity has been created in GSX by Opportunity has been created in GSX by Telesales/SSP and is now at 40% stage Telesales/SSP and is now at 40% stage


Mktg. collateral, content and speaker support

Review results, define potential

Conversation to discuss Corp involvement

Review leads, define actions

Initiate 1:1 Follow-Up

Deliver engagement(s)

FY End Report FY End Report

Track process, report on success metrics, etc.


Deliver Session(s)

Review results, Define potential

Conversation to discuss partner involvement

Review leads, define actions

Initiate partner Follow-Up

Deliver engagement(s)


Customer registers

Customer attends and fills out feedback

Customer responds to Call to Action from 1st Follow-Up

Customer responds to telesales Follow-Up

Customer agrees to 1:1 activities



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