3 Idiots - Final

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A Case Study on Character Sketches

Presented by: Section B - Group 3

Each character has been written (and researched, for that matter) very beautifully, so much so that you can relate a bit of yourself in each, be it the free-spirited Pia (Kareena Kapoor), or Farhans ideals clashing with his parents, or Rajus constant fears and himself getting trapped in the myths of the world, or even Ranchos ways of getting past the system by doing things his own way. Rancho (Amir Khan), Farhan (Madhavan) and Raju (Sharman Joshi) are classmates in a premier engineering college in India. They are from different backgrounds (one ultra rich, one middle class and another poor economic background). Dean Viru (Boman Irani) follows a strict regime and believes in putting peer pressure on students.

Rancho has the courage to give wings to his dreams and imagination, yet he doesnt forget to help others realize their dreams making both Farhan and Raju follow their hearts. He also spent time to make Joy Lobos plane fly. A do-gooder in the world who hasnt forgotten the meaning of the word 'good', a man of rebellious spirit in a world that is ruled by conventions, a guy who believes that excellence is the be-all-and-end-all of life and that success is only one of the many faces of excellence, that one should study to know the subject and not to get the grade; A man who talks from the heart and preaches about the heart to a world that has forgotten the relevance of the word, 'heart'!

Behaviour:  A character who is ridiculed for making things sound simple!  He is talented and a free spirit.  Is a philosopher, self-help guru, science genius, man of the world, a loyal friend.  He is a genius who studies for the sheer joy of learning.  He irritates his lecturers by giving creative and unorthodox answers.

Traits: Big Five theory: Closest match - Openness to experience: original, flexible, has broad interest and is willing to take risks.


High Range :  Warmth: Influential, Gels Easily, Highly Participative  Reasoning: Out of the box thinking, Likes to learn new things
 Ex: Ranchos Unique way of describing a book when he is thrown out of class

 Emotional Stability: Calm and Composed, Maintains temperament  Liveliness: Spontaneous, Cheerful, Motivating
 Ex: He helps build Joy Lobos plane

 Social Boldness: Unafraid of failure, Expressive

 Ex: Isnt afraid of getting thrown out of class. Just goes and site in another class

 Openness to Change: Innovative, Tries new things

 Ex: Joy Lobos plane, Entering into a wedding ceremony uninvited

Low Range:  Dominance: Co-operative, Tries to help his friends

 Ex: Motivates Raju and Farhan to chase their dreams rather than their parents

 Vigilance: Accepting & Trusting


Moderate Range:  Rule Consciousness: Breaks rules but stays within limits
 Ex: Steals question paper but never sees it himself

 Sensitivity: Expresses his joys and sorrows reservedly  Abstractedness: Thinks Out of the Box but is practical
 Ex: Joy Lobos Plane/Camera

 Privateness: Shares select information. Hides real identity  Apprehension: Confident but hides true identity
 Ex: Doesnt let his friends know his real address

 Self-Reliance: Individualistic but works well in Team  Perfectionism: Organized but gets involved in his work

Farhan is the reticent but thoughtful wildlife photographer trapped in an engineers body. He has a feeling of great intensity toward a particular activity that is wildlife photography. He suffers from lack of ambition. He is good as a student who has his heart set elsewhere. He sacrificed his interests for the interest of his family.

Traits: Big Five theory: Closest match Conscientiousness : Orderly, responsible and dependable.


High Range:  Warmth: Outgoing, Warm Person, Approachable
 Ex: Loves animals, wildlife photography

 Reasoning: Creative, High Mental Ability  Liveliness: Cheerful, Spontaneous

 Ex: Photographer, likes to capture candid/spontaneous moments

 Rule-Consciousness: Conscientious, Obedient

 Ex: Values his parents decisions


Sensitivity: Sentimental, Respects Values Abstractedness: Imaginative, Thinks Creatively Privateness: Keeps his secrets, Takes time to open up Apprehension: Doubts his capabilities
 Ex: Afraid to send his portfolio to a renowned photographer

 Tension: Afraid of authority


Low Range:  Emotional Stability: Reacts Emotionally, Afraid of authority  Dominance: Humble, Co-operative
 Ex: Listens to parents, friends and authority

 Social Boldness: Shy, Hesitant  Self-Reliance: Afraid to take initiative

 Ex: Needs to be pushed to do something

 Openness to Change: respects and follows traditional values Moderate Range:  Vigilance: Trusting, Accepting

Sharman Joshi is a guy from a poverty-stricken family. He suffers from acute mental worries resulting from being the sole provider to his entire family. He has too much riding on his shoulders, so he plays safe. Every little bump in life threatens to shatter his very existence. He is a family oriented person. Raju is very religious and prays daily. In the end, he acquired the right attitude which impressed the interviewers and got him a job offer. He didn't fear death or poverty. He is so bogged down by the pressures of being the next bread-earner of the family that he has forgotten what it feels to be young and happy. Traits: Big Five theory: Closest match - Neuroticism: anxiety, depression, self-consciousness, and impulsiveness


High Range:  Rule Consciousness: Dutiful, Afraid of breaking rules
 Ex: Afraid of parents. Attempts suicide when caught

 Vigilance: Trusted his friends blindly  Sensitivity: Aware of his responsibilities, Emotionally sensitive
 Ex: Worried about sisters marriage

 Tension: Insecure, Worried about his future Moderate Range:  Warmth: Loving person, Trusting  Reasoning: Intelligent, Lacked Innovation
 Ex: Learnt by rote


Liveliness: Comfortable only within group, Hesitant Privateness: Uncomfortable about his family, Hid details Apprehension: Not confident initially, Attempted Suicide Perfectionism: Organised, Moderately Compulsive


Low Range:  Emotional Stability: Emotionally charged person, Worried a lot
 Ex: Often showed emotions, Attempted Suicide when unhappy

 Dominance: Accepted his friends word  Social Boldness: Not confident, Shy  Abstractedness: Lacked Innovation, Followed orders
 Ex: Easily influenced. Listened to Rancho when he asked him to follow his dreams

 Openness to Change: Conventional person, Believed in God  Self Reliance: Relied on Rancho/Farhan heavily
 Ex: Relied on the other two to keep him in check

Omi Vaidya played the role of a jealous and self-centred geek. An NRI whose knowledge of Hindi language is negligible. His accent is funny, his chuckles are hilarious and he has a great screen presence. Chatur is a hilarious character-though prone to be looked at as a stereotype. Chatur alias Silencer is driven by an urge to be successful and rich. He being a serious guy in the class, always study and aims to become the champion. Traits: Big Five theory: Closest match - Extraversion: talkative, assertive, energetic, sociable.


High Range :  Dominance: Competitive, Strived to stay ahead of everybody
 Ex: Always trying to stay in the good books of Prof Viru

 Rule - Consciousness: Obedient, Conformist, Followed Rules  Social Boldness: Liked to take initiative to please the Dean  Sensitivity: Extremely Sensitive, Showed emotions publically
 Ex: Placed a bet with Rancho as to who would be more successful


Privateness: Extremely private, Hid/Manipulated information Self-Reliance: Only trusted himself Perfectionism: Organised, Compulsive Tension: Afraid of failure, Insecure about Rancho

Moderate Range:  Vigilance: Trusted authority but not Rancho/Farhan/Raju  Warmth: Extrovert,thought of classmates as distractions  Apprehension: Insecure about Rancho


Low Range:  Reasoning: Followed conventional methods, Learnt by Rote
 Ex: Gave the verbatim definition for a Machine, thus pleasing the professor

 Emotional Stability: Extremely sensitive, Fickle Minded  Liveliness: Reserved, Serious nature
 Ex: Always worried about standing first in class

 Abstractedness: Conventional Thinking, Not Creative

 Ex: Was always found learning by rote before exams

 Openness to Change: Conservative, Averse to Change

Dean Virus (Boman Irani) follows a strict regime and believes in putting peer pressure on students. He was very insensitive and a prudish man. He was very strict , dominating, imposed his decisions on his students . His mannerisms are well crafted. He was a man of principles and was very punctual. As a cruel and heartless educationist, he played his role at par to anyone. You will love to hate him till the end.

Traits : Big Five theory: Closest match Neuroticism: anxiety, depression, self-consciousness, and impulsiveness


High Range :  Dominance: Required Obedience, Conformist
 Ex: Decreed that his children be either engineers or doctors

 Rule - Consciousness: Conformist, Dutiful, Moralist

 Ex: Had fixed nap intervals, eating breaks, shaving breaks etc.

 Emotional Stability : Unflexible, Rational Person

 Ex: Same as above

 Self Reliance: Didnt trust anybody else  Vigilance: Extremely Vigilant, Required Conformism to Rules  Privateness: Stayed aloof, Didnt share his feelings
 Ex: Didnt share his sons deaths grief with anybody

 Perfectionism: Extremely Compulsive, Habitual person

 Ex: Was ridiculed by students for his unchanging habits


Moderate/No Evidence : 1. Reasoning: Conservative, Conventional Person 2. Social Boldness 3. Abstractedness 4. Apprehension 5. Tension Low Range:  Warmth: Cold and Calculated, Formal
 Ex: Punished Raju and Farhan repeatedly

 Liveliness: Stayed aloof, Restrained, Silent  Sensitivity: Insensitive, Unwilling to Change

 Ex: Fixed, Routine thought process

 Openness To Change: Extremely rigid, Followed rules to the letter

Though he was illiterate, he was a adorable character. He had a knack to mingle with everyone. He is also shown as a follower, since towards the end of the movie he is shown to have followed Rancho to his new setup.

Traits : Big Five theory: Closest match - Agreeableness: good natured, can get along with others, trustful.


High Range:  Warmth: Friendly, Warm
 Ex: Helped our protagonists in the first meeting


Liveliness: Helpful, Spontaneous, Expressive Emotional Stability: Faces Reality Calmly, Adaptive Social Boldness: Uninhibited, Bold Openness to Change: Experimental, Liberal
 Ex: Follows Rancho to his new location leaving his old life behind

Moderate/No Evidence : 1. Rule Consciousness: Disregards Rules, Self-Indulgent 2. Abstractedness: Creative, Willing to learn 3. Perfectionism 4. Sensitivity: Loving, Caring 5. Self Reliance: Took care of himself 6. Privateness 7. Reasoning


Low Range:  Dominance: Extremely helpful, Advised the protagonists
 Ex: Regularly helps the 3 heroes

 Vigilance: Casual, Trusting  Apprehension: Self-assured, Confident  Tension: Relaxed, Patient

Kareena aka Pia is the unconventionally strong girl who knows how to stand up against the wrongs in life . Her role is small but gives maximum impact. She is quite impulsive while making decisions in the movie. Her character was very intelligent written and appealing in the movie .

Traits : Big Five theory: Closest match Agreeableness: good natured, can get along with others, trustful.


High Range:  Warmth: Easy-going, Interactive
 Ex: Makes friends with Rancho immediately

 Reasoning: Intelligent  Emotional Stability: Mature, Doctor, Caring

 Ex: Almost single-handedly helps Rancho deliver her sisters baby

 Social Boldness: Uninhibited, Open to displaying her feelings

 Ex: Expresses distaste at her fiances love for costly things

 Sensitivity: Loving, Caring, Cherishes her mothers possessions

 Ex: Can be seen from the way she treasures her mothers watch

 Liveliness: Spontaneous, Bubbly  Rule-Consciousness: Afraid of breaking rules, Conformist

 Ex: Respectful of her fathers wishes

 Openness to Change: Willing to learn, Not traditional  Self-Reliant: Confident about abilities, Trusts her Instincts  Perfectionism: Organised


Low Range:  Dominance: Cares for others, Respectful
 Ex: Goes to work even when the city is flooded

 Vigilance: Unsuspecting, Trusting

 Ex: Her interaction with her father and fiance show her to be dutiful until flustered


Abstractedness: Practical, Goes by Rule Book Privateness: Straightforward, To the point demeanor Apprehension: Confident, Self-Assured Tension: Composed, Sure about self
 Ex: The way she handles the delivery of her sisters baby show her to be of a calm demeanor

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