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Introduction to Culture


Bell-ringer The Gods Must Be Crazy Reflection on culture Defining culture Components of culture

Bell-ringer: What is culture?


How would you define culture? If you had a name for your culture, what would it be?
Ex: American, Midwestern-American, GermanAmerican


What are the different parts of culture? What is the most important part of culture to you?

The Gods Must Be Crazy clip

Gods Must Be Crazy T Chart



5 cultural examples

5 cultural examples

Discussing The Gods Must Be Crazy



Did you like the clip? How do you think the bushman culture compared to the civilized culture? How does this clip demonstrate cultural exchange? Does technological advancement lead to a better life? Theoretical perspectives
Symbolic interaction Functional analysis Conflict theory

Defining culture

Culture can be defined as: the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and even material objects that are passed from one generation to the next. Culture society.


Culture adapts to the environment Culture is learned Culture can change Culture influences our behavior

Components of culture

Material culture
Tangible, human-made objects Jewelry, art, buildings, weapons, machines, eating utensils, hairstyles, clothing, and so on

Dying Gaul Roman art

Mohawk hairstyle

Components of culture

Nonmaterial culture
A groups way of thinking Beliefs, values, other assumptions about the world

Zeus Greek god


Nonmaterial culture

Cognitive component
Acquiring knowledge and understanding the world Knowledge, beliefs

Normative component
Deriving from the standard norm Norms, values

Symbolic component
Representing through symbols Language

Rosetta Stone

Six aspects of culture


Government and international relations Resources and economics Religion and spiritual beliefs Learning and technology Family life, community, and society Arts and crafts

Reflection on culture

Can we observe culture? How? What do you think are the most important aspects of culture? Can you think of an example where culture has changed over time?

Government and international relations


A societys particular style of government How a society relates to other societies

British Parliament

Resources and economics


Natural resources Goods produced Monetary system

Chinese currency

Religion and spiritual beliefs


Religious beliefs Beliefs about an afterlife, life on earth Strictness of adherence to beliefs

Tibetan monks

The Hajj in Mecca

Learning and technology


SmartBoard in a classroom

Education School system Curricula Technologies at school and at home

Family, life, community, and society

How important are groups?


Living together Daily customs Holidays

Arts and crafts


MF Doom

Types of art Handmade goods Written and creative works

Justin Bieber

An example of African art

Ulysses by James Joyce

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