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Sequence of memory elements of same data type. Sequence of 10 integers stored one after another in memory represents an array. int a[10];

Fixed number of data items of same type. Data items-Elements Type int ,float and long etc.. Array of datatype character - strings

ARRAY Declaration
Data type int a[10] Name of array Size of array

a array of 10 integers Square braces represents number of elements Array index starts from a[0] as shown below:
Note: In

C, array indices always begin with zero.

Accessing ARRAY Elements

28 15 86 54 78 21 34 7 91 67

Array index points to particular elements in an array. Example:

a[3]=54 a[7]=7 a[5]=21 a[10]=?

Usage of for loop

Commonly used to access array elements. for(i=0;i<9;i++) { printf(%d \n, a[i]); } Prints the array elements If you try to access the undefined element, result will be unpredictable.(compilation will be successful)

Initialization of ARRAY
Can be initialized once they are declared. int a[10]={28,15,86,54,78,21,34,7,91,67}; Values should be given in curly brackets. Less than 10 elements-0 will be filled. Greater than 10 elements-excessive element declared warning will be reported. List of values-separated by commas.

Name of the array

Take the case where a is an array of 10 integers. a-Name of the array If a is used without any subscript in the printf, what will be the output? What will be the output of the following statement? printf(%d, sizeof(a)); Note : a =&a[0]

To handle matrix and tables, we need array with multiple subscripts. Two-dimensional array-two subscripts Row and column-starts with zero 2-D array can also be called as matrix.

2-D ARRAY Declaration

Data type

float marks[4][3]
Name of the array 0 1 40.5 55.5 70.0 85.0 2 45.5 60.5 75.0 90.0

Size of an array 4 rows 3 columns

0 1 2 3

35.5 50.5 65.0 80.0

Elements are accessed as follows: Marks[0][0]=35.5 Marks[1][1]=55.5 Marks[2][1]=70.0 Marks[3][1]=85.0

Storage of 2-D ARRAY

200 0 200 4 200 8 201 2 201 6 202 0 202 4 202 8 203 2 203 6 204 0 204 4

Marks[0][0] Marks[0][1]




Initialization: Float marks[4][3]={

{35.5,40.5,45.5}, {50.5,55.5,60.5}, {65.0,70.0,75.0}, {80.0,85.0,90.0} };

Passing ARRAY to a Function

/*Pass by Value*/ main( ) { int i ; int marks[ ] = { 55, 65, 75, 56, 78, 78, 90 } ; for ( i = 0 ; i <= 6 ; i++ ) display ( marks[i] ) ; } display ( int m ) { printf ( "%d ", m ) ; }

Passing ARRAY to a Function

/* Demonstration of call by reference */ main( ) { int i ; int marks[ ] = { 55, 65, 75, 56, 78, 78, 90 } ; for ( i = 0 ; i <= 6 ; i++ ) disp ( &marks[i] ) ; } disp ( int *n ) { printf ( "%d ", *n ) ; }

Write a program to add two matrices using function Eg: function addmat()


Facts to be considered:
Array elements are always stored in contiguous memory locations. Pointer when incremented always points to immediately next location of its type.

main() { int num[ ]={24,34,12,44,56,17}; int i=0,*j; j=&num[0]; while(i<=5) { printf(Address=%u \n,&num[i]); printf(Element=%d \n,*j); i++; j++; } }

Accessing array elements using pointer is faster than accessing them by subscripts. Should be accessed using pointers, if the elements are to be accessed in a fixed order. If there is no fixed logic, then subscript can be used but pointer will be faster always. Pointer notations: num[i] = *(num+i) = *(i+num) = i[num]

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