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UNIX Part - II

ls command with options
grep command with options
gzip and gunzip command
Remote Login - telnet
FTP Protocol
Introduction to Shell
Shell by examples
By:- Kunal Chhajed

© Copyright 2002 - 2006 HSBC Software Development India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
ls command
–l - to view the permissions
–F - tells which are directory
–a - displays hidden files also
-t - shows you the files in modification time
-r - reverses the order of how the files are displayed
-1 - print one entry per line of output
-c - use time of last modification of the i-node
-m - stream output format; files are listed across the
page, separated by commas
-s - give size in blocks, including indirect blocks, for
each entry

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Regular Expressions
* Zero or more occurrences
g* Nothing or g,gg,ggg,etc
. A single character
.* any number of characters
[pqr] A single character p,q or r
[1-3] A digit between 1 and 3
[^pqr] A single character which is not a p,q or r
[^a-zA-Z] A non alphabetic character
^pat pattern pat beginning of line
pat$ pattern pat at the end of line
^pat$ as the only word in line
^$ Lines containing nothing

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grep Command
grep [options] pattern filename

Ignoring the case :-
grep –i ‘jain’ emp.lst

Inverting(Deleting Lines):-
grep –v ‘director’ emp.lst > otherlist

Displaying Line no.(- n):-

grep –i ‘marketing’ emp.lst

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Counting the lines (-c) :-
grep –c director emp*.lst
emp.lst: 4
emp1.lst: 1
emp2.lst: 8

Displaying File names only (- l) :-

grep –l ‘director’ *.lst

Matching Multiple pattern (- e) :-

grep –e ‘director’ -e ‘manager’ emp.lst

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gzip, gunzip Compress or expand files
E.g gzip libc.html

-v - display the name and percentage reduction for each file

compressed or decompressed.
-N - Useful when the time stamp has been lost after a file
- f - force compression or decompression if the corresponding
file already exists
-h – displays the help
-q - suppress all warnings

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Uncompressing a gzipped file

gunzip libc.html.gz or
gzip –d libc.html (Same .gz assumed)

Recursive Compression (-r)

Compress all the files found in the subdirectories
gzip –r progs (Compress all the files in progs)

For Decompression
gunzip –r progs or gzip –dr progs

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Link Command
Calls the link function to create a link to a file.
link FILE1 FILE2

link computer.txt hope.txt

The above example would create the file hope.txt in the same
directory and be a linked to the computer.txt file. Any changes that
occurred with either of these files would affect the other file or link.

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Telnet allows you to log on a remote machine

You can use telnet with hostname or IP address

As long as you are logged in,anything you type is sent to the remote
machine, and your machine acts as dumb terminal.

Any files you use or commands that you run will always be on the
remote machine.

Cntrl + d or type exit to return your local shell

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File Transfer Protocol - FTP
put:- send one file
get:- receive one file
binary:- set binary transfer
prompt:- force interactive prompting on file
mput:- send multiple files
mget:- get multiple files
size:- show size of remote file
bye:- terminate ftp session and close
modtime:- show last time modification time of remote

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© Copyright 2002 - 2006 HSBC Software Development India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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