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Created By: JACKIE LOU V.


Involves the use of medicines to block pain sensations (analgesia) during surgery and other medical procedures. Anesthesia also reduces many of your body's normal stress reactions to surgery.

Types of Anesthesia
GENERAL is given into a vein (intravenously) or is inhaled. It affects the brain as well as the entire body. You are completely unaware and do not feel pain during the surgery. Also, general anesthesia often causes forgetfulness (amnesia) right after surgery (postoperative period).

LOCAL involves injection of a local anesthetic (numbing agent) directly into the surgical area to block pain sensations. It is used only for minor procedures on a limited part of the body. You may remain awake, though you will likely receive medicine to help you relax or sleep during the surgery.

REGIONAL involves injection of a local anesthetic (numbing agent) around major nerves or the spinal cord to block pain from a larger but still limited part of the body. You will likely receive medicine to help you relax or sleep during surgery. Major types of regional anesthesia include: PERIPHERAL NERVE BLOCKS EPIDURAL AND SPINAL ANESTHESIA

Peripheral Nerve Blocks A local anesthetic is injected near a specific nerve or group of nerves to block pain from the area of the body supplied by the nerve. Nerve blocks are most commonly used for procedures on the hands, arms, feet, legs, or face. Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia A local anesthetic is injected near the spinal cord and nerves that connect to the spinal cord to block pain from an entire region of the body, such as the belly, hips, or legs.

Medicines used for Anesthesia

Medicines used for anesthesia help you relax, help relieve pain, induce sleepiness or forgetfulness, or make you unconscious. Anesthesia medicines include: Local anesthetics such as bupivacaine or lidocaine, tetracaine, or procaine that are injected directly into the body area involved in the surgery. Intravenous (IV) anesthetics such as morphine sulfate,alfentanil, remifentanil, suffentanil, fentanyl, diazepam, ketamine, midazolam, propofol, or sodium thiopental, that are given through a vein. Inhalation anesthetics such as halothane, enflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, oxygen, or nitrous oxide, that you breathe through a mask.

Other medicines that are often used during anesthesia include: Muscle Relaxants which block transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. They are used during anesthesia to temporarily relax muscle tone as needed. Reversal Agents which are given to counteract or reverse the effects of other medicines such as muscle relaxants or sedatives given during anesthesia. Reversal agents may be used to reduce the time it takes to recover from anesthesia

The 4 Stages of Anesthesia

ONSET/INDUCTION extends from the administration of anesthesia to the time of loss of consciousness. EXCITEMENT/DELIRIUM extends from the time of loss of consciousness to time of lid reflex. It may be characterized by shouting, struggling of the patient.

SURGICAL extends from the loss of the lid reflex to the loss of most of the reflexes. Surgical procedure is started. MEDULLARY/ STAGE OF DANGER respiratory/ cardiac depression or arrest. It is due to anesthesia overdose. CPR must be done.

Complications of Anesthesia
Local Anesthesia allergic sensitivity to the local anesthetic agent Local infection or malignancy Septicemia Extreme nervousness, apprehension, excitability or inability to cooperate because of mental state or age

Spinal Anesthesia spinal headache Auditory and other ocular disturbances Tinnitus and diplopia General Anesthesia potentially toxic to the liver depresses the respiration Limited relaxation of the abdominal muscles May lower the blood pressure

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