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Introduction Description of device Experimental results- driven excitation Experimental results- self excitation Nonlinearities in the machine Future work Conclusions

Motivation: A Small Gas Turbine Generator

Microfabricated Gas Turbine Generator
To Convert

Chemical Energy (Fuel)

Electrical Energy

MicroEngine Shown: cross section and compressor rotor

Electric Generator Subcomponent

Generator options Magnetic

Conventional approach Magnetic materials High density materials spinning at high speed a challenge Lower temperatures (Process + Operating temp.)

Only conductors and insulators Low density materials low mass Compatible with typical fabrication process flows Only works well at small scales High temperatures (Process + Operating temp.)

The EQS induction turbine generator

The essence of an EQS induction machine

Stator with traveling potential wave Potential wave discretized into 6 phases Traveling wave induced on the rotor Rotor slips either slower (motoring) or faster (generating) than the stator wave


Parameter Estimation
How? Frequency domain characterization Sweep frequency from 100 to 600 kHz (region where action happens), do it for every phase, measure responses of the others.
2 0 -2 5 200 300 r be 3 m Nu 2 e as Ph 4 -4 100 400 Frequ 500 (kHz) ency 600 1
Experiment Model

1 of the 6 datasets from the freq. domain characterization


Driven Excitation
Drive with VDi

+ Power flow measured at A, positive INTO machine

Results: Driven Excitation

Model used as a tool to define operating point: Drive angles: -30.4 -110.1 -195.7 -217.7 -254.6 degrees @ 402.9kHz Driving Voltage: 1.6Vpp. Assumed gap: G =4.28um Rotor conductivity: s=0.75nS vs. -60 -120 -180 -240 -300 Sum of the Per Phase powers:

Self Excitation

Measure voltage here

Results: Self Excitation

Beyond ~215krpm the EQS generator self excites. All power produced is dissipated in the inductors. It should be possible to extract power under self excitation, with a suitable load. Eigenfrequency predicted by model: 411.9kHz @ 262krpm.

Limited by a rotor conductor nonlinearity

Results Nonlinearity Included

Power vs. Speed at various voltages, 411kHz

Fabrication is simpler as compared to gas turbine generator. High power density. Very small in size.

Poor efficiency(14%). output power is < 1W.

It can be used to supply the power for LEDs. By series connection, it can be used in cameras and DVD players. Useful for soldier portable power applications.

If the rotor is made to rotate with 2.4 Mrpm then 4-5 W power will be generated, so that every battery(4-5 W) can be replaced by EQS induction turbine generator. It does not require any fuel.

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