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Nelson Mandela

Group Members: Anuraag Srivastava Neelam Sharma Radhika Bharadwaj Trideep Goswami


Great Leader. Born on July18,1918 in Mvezo. His father was chief coucilor of king. "Bachelor of Arts" from "Fort Hare University" and also "Bachelor of laws".

Very sensitive to injustice. Apartheid system in 1948. 'Insane Policy'. ANC "not anti white, we are against white supremacy". He demanded liberty, democracy.


Got arrested in 1962. Eloquent speaker and made the difference between life and death.


Share the Vision

He was innovator and capable of realizing momentous social change. His vision was to make a democratic and free society in which all the persons live together in harmony and equal opportunities. He laid a democratic constitutional and political framework and set a new path for south Africa.

Challenge the Process

He was actively involved in anti-apartheid movement. For 20 years,he directed peaceful, non-violent campaign against the south African Government. In 1961, he committed to non-violent protest and cofounded MK, an armed offshoot of ANC.


He orchestrated a three-day national workers strike in 1961 for which he was arrested in 1962. He served 27 years in jail. During his time in prison, Mr. Mandela turned down numerous offers of freedom in return for accepting political compromises.


Empowering People

Mr Mandela's greatest problem as president was the housing shortage for the poor, and slum townships continued to blight major cities. He married Graca Machel on his 80th birthday He entrusted his deputy, Thabo Mbeki, with the day-to-day business of the government, while he concentrated on the ceremonial duties of a leader, building a new international image of South Africa. In that context, he succeeded in persuading the country's multinational corporations to remain and invest in South Africa.

Encourage the heart

Conducting his own defence in the Rivonia court room, Mr Mandela used the stand to convey his beliefs about democracy, freedom and equality. "I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities and so I stand with my people," he said. "It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die for my people." In the winter of 1964 he was sentenced to life in prison.

Model the Way

Relationship across racial lines.


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