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Becoming A Change Agent

Diane Weklar
The Weklar Consulting Group

Becoming A Change Agent

We all see problems

At work, in organizations, thru society

We all know there is a better way At issue

We dont know how to change it
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Each one of us can become a changechange-agent The process is the same

No matter the size of the problem

A unit at work Affecting the whole community Changing the world

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

The Process for Making Change

Is simplethough not easy simple Requires strategy execution

The number one requirement to be successful

Quality of Strategy usually ranks 2nd Resources rank 3rd

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

The Process for Making Change

Identifying the issue Pinpointing the actual problem Determining what can be done Establishing the team Creating the action plan Monitoring accountability Making an impact
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Dealing with Impediments Overcoming the preconceived notion of it cant be done Is the largest issue to overcome Both for yourself and others
Learn to bypass NOs!
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Vision and Perseverance are Key


What are you really trying to accomplish


You need to have/get the skills to get it done


The mystery glue that holds it together Provides the extra drive to make it real
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent Identifying the Issues

My electricity bills are too high!

I thought deregulation would lower my bills

Why do I have to try on tons of clothes to find something that actually fits? The internet was supposed to make my life easier

But Im inundated with spam and I am terrified of online identity theft

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent Pinpointing the Problem (research)

ERCOT & the PUC do not include consumers when planning changes

Clothes Sizing
Each clothes line has its own sizing with major return problems (up to 40% online)

Does not deal with privacy issues Difference between security & privacy
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Determining What Can Be Done

Lower Electricity Bills

Get consumers involved with ERCOT & PUC actions

Clothes That Fit

Develop standardization of fit

Design a method of preserving personal information online
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Establishing The Team

You cannot do it Alone

Determine the strengths and functions that you need to take the next step

That complements what you bring to the table

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Establishing The Team

DFW Electric Consumer Coalition


Privacy, Inc.
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Team Leadership
Every team must have a leader

Set the Vision Maintain the Vision Be the Motivator Understand how the ripples of change will affect
The Team The environment the team is changing

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent Creating the Action Plan

DFW Electric Consumer Coalition

Organize electric consumers

Governments, corporations, trade groups

Develop a standardized fit system by age, ethnicity, and product preferences

Privacy, Inc.
Develop virtual email and credit card ability to preserve personal information online Educate public re: differences of security and privacy
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Monitoring Accountability
Effective Strategy Execution Requires

Strong Project Management Assigning responsibility for each activity

Timelines need to be established

Good Communication among and between all team members Ability to be flexible and refine programs when issues become apparent Continually motivate and focus on Mission
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Making An Impact

Educate, Educate, Educate

Use all vehicles (networks,media)

Overcoming Objections
YesIt can be done! Yes

Getting People Involved

You cannot do it alone
The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Making an Impact
Understand that change takes time

More time than you ever imagine

You have to share your vision

Over and Over and Over again

The full Team is your sales force

Encourage and motivate the team to take ownership of Mission

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

What You Can Do Today

Find your passion

What problem would you like resolved

Find an organization that deals with that issue

Volunteer and learn all you can

Cultivate that CAN DO attitude

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

All Change Starts With One Person Make the Next Change come from YOU

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

You Dont Have to be Great To Get Started But You Have to Get Started To Be Great

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

Becoming A Change Agent

Diane Weklar
President The Weklar Consulting Group 280 W. Renner Road Suite 3926 Richardson, TX 75080 972.235.3846

The Weklar Consulting Group 2004

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