Two - Year Development Plan

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Two -Year Development Plan

Office of the Academic, Cultural & Sports Affairs

Vision The Academic, Cultural and Sports Affairs envision in delivering quality higher education programs, promoting cultural consciousness and enhancing sports development.

Mission The Academic, Cultural and Sports Affairs shall provide academic instructions, cultural awareness and sports development directed towards the pursuit of a better quality of life for its clientele.

Goals and Objectives

Goal No. 1 Quality and Excellence Provision of undergraduate and graduate programs which meet international standards of quality and excellence.
Objectives: 1. Strive to become a center of development in Agro- industrial technology, forestry, teacher education, engineering, nursing, computer sciences, etc. 2. Strengthen general education programs to sustain current efforts in improving basic education. 3. Improve the selection, hiring, retention and policies for students. 4. Improve the selection, hiring, retention and promotion of faculty members. 5. Upgrade the quality of faculty members through intensive development program by increasing the number of recipients under the Universitys Faculty development Plan and by establishing stronger linkages with other organizations that provide scholarship and training to faculty members of SUCs. 6. Strengthen graduate education and research. 7. Identify the context and improve the delivery system of extension services, research and production without sacrificing the quality of formal instruction. 8. Increase graduates percentage passing in all licensure examinations particularly in Teacher Education and Engineering. 9. Endeavor to have all the academic programs to be accredited. 10. Implementation on Vertical Articulation of General Education.

Subject: Transitory Start on 2nd Semester 2011.

Goal No. 2 Relevance and Responsiveness Generation and diffusion of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines relevant and responsive to the dynamically changing domestic and international environment. Objectives: 1. Enrich existing undergraduate and graduate education curricula and undertake educational innovations or reforms to cope with the emerging needs and demands of a newly industrializing country. 2. Provide support to higher education programs, which are relevant and responsive to national and international developments. 3. Encourage and provide incentives for students to pursue programs related to the strategic needs of the country. 4. Provide opportunities for students to develop their learning capacity, leadership potentials and desirable attitudes and values.

Iba Campus Develop manpower resources in engineering, technology, trade and industry and other related areas to cater to the needs of the developing industrial sector in the province and the region. Candelaria Campus Develop manpower resources in fisheries and coastal management towards optimum utilization of the marine resources of the province. Botolan Campus Develop manpower resources for agricultural, agro-industrial and development and management towards improving and sustaining food production and income generation.

San Marcelino Campus Develop manpower resources and offer degree programs in the arts and sciences and teacher education to complement the initiatives towards the growth of the agriculture and industry sectors in the province and the region. Castillejos Campus Offer courses in business and public administration teacher education, computer science for effective and efficient management and governance in the business and the public sector.


Project/ Activities

Duration (YR) Strategies Target Output 1 2 X X 3 X X 4 X X 650,000.00/yr. OVPAA, HRMO, College Concerned Budget Unit Responsible

A. Upgrading of Faculty Qualifications and Competencies

Send faculty scholars for advanced degrees to accredited institutions Provide thesis/dissertation support to faculty Send faculty to seminars, trainings and workshop Conduct in service training and seminar

At least 5 Ph.D. year 5 MS/Years At least 5 applicant/year


At least 2 faculty per college/ year At least 1/semester X X X X X X X X 370,000.00/yr 25,000.00/yr

OVPAA, HRMO, College Concerned Directors, Deans and Unit Heads

Create new faculty positions. Based on priority areas of specialization

At least two (2) positions per year X X X X

338,009.60/1st 351,899.64/2nd 4th year

OVPAA, HRMO, College Concerned

Organize a committee to work on the Manual according to specified work plan

Printed Faculty Manual




Duration (YR) Project/Activities A. Enrichment and Enhancement of Course Syllabi and Curriculum Materials Strategies Review and consolidated course syllabi Prepare/ Update University Catalog Target Output 1 Enriched and consolidated course syllabi Printed University Catalog X X 2 X 3 X 4 X Budget Unit Responsible

B. Curriculum Development and Enhancement

Review existing graduate and undergraduate curricular programs to meet CHED and AACUP requirements Design and offer relevant curricular programs. Prepare University Catalog Create new faculty positions. Based on priority areas of specialization

All programs reviewed and updated 1 Ph.D. Program 4 MS/MA Programs 10 BS Programs

25,000 (MOOE)

All Colleges Concerned

At least two (2) positions per year X X X X

338,009.60/ 1st 351,899.64/ 2nd 4th year 100,000.00

OVPAA, HRMO, College Concerned

Organize a committee to work on the Manual according to specified work plan

Printed Faculty Manual


Development Direction C. Curriculum Evaluation Revision & Expansion


Project/ Activity

1.1 Evaluation and Revision of existing programs and development of new programs

a. Evaluation and revision of the following programs b. Development of new programs such as: BSIT- Major in Fashion Design

Physical Target 2nd Summer sem sem 1 1 1 1st

Amount Required 2nd Summer sem sem 1 1 1 1st

Source of Fund



Graduate School Committee thru: 1.MM Curriculum Devt. Committee 2. MAT Curriculum Devt. Committee 3. MAED Curriculum Devt. Committee

1.2 Accreditation of Graduate Programs

a. Accreditation of the following: 1.BSME, BSCE 2. BHHRM, BSFE 3. BSIT

1 1 1 RMTU Committee on the Accreditation

D. Implementation of the Vertical Articulation (VA)

Transitory Period = 2nd Semester


VPACSA, Director of Instruction, Chancellor, Executive Deans

E. Research Development Along Set Research Agenda

2.1 Strengthening of the Researched organization

a. Selection of Research Teams in each group

2.2 Reengineering and implementation of the Research Agenda and retooling of faculty and Research Function

2.3 Applied Product Research

a. Preparation of Graduate School Research Action Plan b. Identification of Research objectives c. Selection and tasking of Research Teams/Groups d. Evaluation / Critiquing of Research Topics e. Preparation of Research Proposals f. Critiquing of Research Proposals g. Implementation of Research Projects h. Evaluation Research Projects i. Dissemination of Info. on Research Projects a. Conduct of applied product research by selected faculty research team/group

3 3 3

1 3


Partner LGU/ Funding agency & GS Budget on Supplies & Materials

Research Team

2.4 Expansion of Research linkages with research institution, NGAs, NGOs, etc

a. Visits to LGUs, research institutions, funding agencies, etc. for expansion of research linkage

2 Partner LGU/ Funding Agency

Graduate School Committee

2.5 Expansion of research linkages

a. Consultancy Services to LGUs and other institutions (public or private) on appreciate technology dissemination packaging of services for capability building

Partner LGU/ Funding Agency

Research Committee / Teams

F. Development of Extension Services along Set Extension agenda

3.1 Strengthening of the Extension Organization

a. Selection of Extension Chairmen in Graduate School

4 Dean, GS

3.2 Reengineering and implementation of the Research Agenda and retooling of faculty and research function

a. Preparation of Graduate School Research Action Plan b. identification of Extension objectives c. Meeting/Conference on Extension Services d. Established of continuing Professionals Education Extension Service (CPEES) with Civil Service Linkage

2 10

2 10 10 Graduate Budget Partner LGU/ Funding agency & GS Budget on Supplies & Materials

Graduate School Committee

Graduate School Committee

4.1 Designation of Faculty Coordination for Techno

1 Dean, GS

4.2 Consultancy Services by identified faculty

Partner LGU/ Funding agency & GS Budget on Supplies & Materials

Designated Faculty

G. Faculty Extension to LGUs. NGAs, NGOs, and Private Institutions/Organizations

6 Partner Institution

Graduate School Faculty and Dean

H. Expansion of Extensions linkages with LGUs, NGAs, NGOs and business establishments (techno/services package)

6.1 Consultative Meetings with LGUs, NGAs, NGOs with business established

1 Donations/ grants, GS Budget for Supplies & Materials

Graduate School Committee

6.2 MOAs on Extension Services with LGUs, NGAs, NGOs with business establishments




Duration Project Activity Strategies Coordination with accredited review centers and learning institutions Target Output 1 Increase passing percentage of students in the professional board examination set by the Philippine Regulation Commission. X 2 X 3 X 4 X Budget Unit Responsible

Establishment of local professional board review center for engineering, education, nursing, agriculture, forestry, law and accountancy.

Identification of pool of reviewers for various courses

Development of expert/ reviewers in all various courses

Training of identified potential reviewers

To equally and surpass the national passing percentage

X Administration Director of the Professional Board Review Concerned College Deans

Preparation and construction of review testing materials

Construction of review and testing materials.

Marketing of the review center through flyers, & streamers and media

Expansion and penetration of outside and non- RMTU graduates

Research Undertaking

Conduct research every year

To find out strengths and weakness board



Project Activity Duration Strategies Target Output 1 1.Modification of the office lay out More convenient office lay out X 2 3 4 5 Cost/Budget (Php) Unit/Persons Responsible

Office of the President Registrars Office Budget Office Supply Office University Engineers Office X X X X Office of the President Budget Office Supply Office Registrars Office CCIT Office of the President Chancellors Office Deans Office Office of the President Chancellors Office HRMO Registrars Office 60,000.00 Office of the President Budget Office Supply Office Registrars Office

2.Computerization of enrolment

Automated registration

Rationalization of operation of the registrar s office

3. Reloading of the Campus Registrar

More time at the Registrars Office

4.Hiring of Additional Staff/Employment of Student Assistants

Better delivery of services

5.Manualization of Academic Policies & Office Procedures

OUR Manual of Operation


CLPC Development Direction

Department/ Campus Development Strategy

Department/ Campus Project/ Activity 1st sem

Physical Target Source of Fund 2nd sem Summer


Cultural Development Program

a. Participation of : 1. faculty 2. Students in cultural devt. program of the college 80% 80% 80% RMTU Cultural Fee Area Chairman and Graduate Student Council

Cultural and Sports Development

Sports Development Program

a. Participation of: 1.faculty 2. Student in sports devt. program of the college 50% 50% Contribution from Students Area Chairman and Graduate Student Council



1.1 Enhance and strengthen the graduate course/degree programs of RMTUGraduate school

1.1.1 SeminarWorkshop in updating course description/ syllabus and other related activities

1.1.2 Lecture and workshop and output presentation

Updated graduate coursedescription /syllabi

June, 2011August 2011

June, 2011August 2011

Php 5,000 per session

Dean, Associate Deans, GS Secretary, & GS Consultants

1.0 Attain academic Excellence in Graduate ProgramOfferings of the University.

1.2 Attain quality instruction in all courses/ programs in the graduate school.

1.2.1 Seminars/ Training on Updates in GS program study and research

1.2.3 Regular monitoring of teaching/learning output in the college

Quality instruction in the graduate school

June, 2011June, 2012

June, 2011June, 2013

Php 5,000 per academic year

Office of the Dean & GS Student Organization

1.3 Improve the GS faculty profile

1.3.1 Sending GS faculty to seminars/ training national and international forum

1.3.2 Enhance national and international linkages

Enhance academic excellence

June, 2011June, 2012

June, 2011June, 2013

Php 10,000

Office of the Dean & GS Student Organization/PA , Graduate Programs







2.0 Develop RMTU Graduate School efficient and effective research capability 3.0 Present the first RMTU Graduate Manual approved by RMRU Board of Regents

2.1 Enhance research capability of GS-faculty and students

2.1.1conduct research capability seminarworkshop to faculty and students

2.1.2 Presented of research proposals/out of GS faculty/ students in a research forum

Determine research efficiency of participating groups

June, 2011June, 2012

Php 10,000

Office of the Dean & GS Student Organization

3.1 Publish RMTU Graduate School manual

3.1.1 Review GS manual presented in 2006 for recommendation and approval

3.1.2 Committee review and finalization

Present RMTU GS manual to the University Presidential for approval

June, 2011June, 2011

Php ______

GS Dean, Associate Deans, Office of Admission/ Registration/ director for Instruction & other GSFaculty

4.0 publish RMTU Research Journal/ News/Letter/ BulletinMasters Pen

4.1 produce a new issue of RMTU Research journal/ student bulletin

4.1.1 Re-activate GS faculty/ students Publication

4.1.2 Assign GS faculty/officials to published GS Research Journal likewise the GS students editorial staff/officials

Published the new RMTU GS Journal/ Students bulletin Masters Pen

June, 2011June, 2012 June, 2012June, 20122013

Php ______

GS Faculty/ Students and the RMTU Administration

5.0 Achieve level 1 in the AACCUP accreditation

5.1 Attain AACCUP Recommend ations and findings to meet the minimum requirements for accreditation

5.1.1 Follow-up of output in the different key areas of the UUCCUP Found to be poor/not available

5.1.2 Assess/Check output regularly (per trimester) to assigned Chairperson/s in every areas of accreditation

Present completed requirements available per Area requirements for accreditation

June, 2011June, 2012

Php ______

GS Faculty/ Students and the RMTU Administration


Improve physical facilities of the Graduate School

To attain the minimum requirements terms laboratory, and other auxiliary servicefacilities of the graduate School

Identify all possible financial resources and priority structures by the GS

Increase some possible schools fees such as laboratory fees, tuition fees among other Improve the enrollment in the GS thru coordination/ma rketing with the LGUs and other agencies

Improve laboratory and other physical facilities

June, 2011June, 2012

June, 2013

Php ______

GS Faculty/ Students and the RMTU Administration

Strengths Opportunities

1. 1. 2. 3. Competent faculty members Strong linkage with accredited review centers and center for institutions. Upgraded Curricula.

Productivity and Employability of graduates in local and global market.




Low Passing Percentage.

1. 2.

Proliferation of private review centers. Mis-match of labor and supply and demand.

Prepared by: Thelma Q. Meer, Ph.D

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