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The Goals

1. To believe in comprehensiveness, to be able to prove it and to realize it in his daily life. 2. To determine the sources of shariaa, and to know the areas of Ijtihad. 3. To adopt the median way to deal with Fiqh issues. 4. To learn the Aquida of Ahlus-sunna wal-jamaa and Ahluswalknow what MB allows 5. To be able to refute all the misconceptions about the MB belief 6. To get familiar with the ideologies existing in his community, to point out acceptable ones 7. To acquire the skill of uniting the hearts and the art of illiminating differences

The First Principle

Islam is a comprehensive system which deals with all spheres of life. a) It is a country and homeland or a government and a nation. b) It is conduct and power or mercy and justice. c) It is a culture and a law or knowledge and jurisprudence. d) It is material and wealth or gain and prosperity. e) It is Jihad and a call or army and a cause. And similarly, it is true belief and correct worship.

10 steps to understand how to understand

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

To study how to authenticate each principle and establish it as a point of reference To Review the Historical background that formulated each Principle To be aware of the contemporary context that called for the principle To be able to define all the terminologies used within the principle To point out the misconceptions refuted by the principle To determine the relations between each two principles, in their respective order as well as in their total perspective To specify the related topics from the Manhaj that serve to better understanding the principle To be able to transform the principle into a set of targeted Tarbawi goals To comprehend the contribution of the principle in unifying the Jama a s ideology, fulfilling its end goals and its contribution to the vision To be able to derive practical assignments to help embodying the principle in one s life and character


8. 9.


1 - To study how to authenticate each principle and set it as a point of reference

A presentation that crystallizes this very important characteristic

The plan for colonial invasion

Demoralizing people Westernizing Education Corrupting Policies Controlling the economy







New Orders




Governing Laws


The Crisis

3 - To be aware of the contemporary context that called for the principle

1. 2.



Imperialist aggression leading to fractioning, division and disunity of the Ummah Exploitation of resources by foreign companies and spread of Reba between social classes Anarchy and profanation which spread secularism destroyed the belief and overthrew the morals Alienated from their ancestors virtues to the blind imitation of the west

3 - To be aware of the contemporary context that called for the principle




Deviated from the divinely revealed laws to the man-made unjust imperfect mandealings Disorder and corruption in Education which busted their generations Despair impotence and cowardice that killed their spirit, precluded their sacrifice and handicapped their efforts

4 - Terminologies used within the principle

Eg. from the 1st principle:
System: State: Homeland: Governement: Nation: etc

Eg. From the 5th

Imam etc

Al Islamu Nizamun Shamel

Nizamun: A system is


a combination of components that act together to perform a function not possible with any of individual parts
Study the following: 1- The contemporary Muslim conditions at time of Imam 2- The enemies continuous conspiracies that led to these results 3- The different Islamic and non-Islamic ideologies non4- Shades on Surah Albakara

Yatanawalu mazahira_lhayati jamyyaan

Encompassing all aspects of life

The life of a human is an integral unity of all his aspects and cannot be dealt with partially.

Political - Ethical - Social - Economical Legal - Academic - Cultural - Spiritual and... Jihad
that s why it needed a lot of elaboration as will follow

Dawlatun wawatan aw houkoumatun wa ummah

or in other words the collection of all spheres of executive entities within a country

Dawlah: Watan:


or resources encountered within the bordures of a country including the land itself and all its related history , past and future


Houkoumah: Ummah:

or the cabinet formed by the president and all his assisting ministers and departments and the laws they adopted to rule with

government nation

or the people themselves living on the territories and their ties, with all other ethnicities and minorities

Kholoukon wa kouah aw rahmatun wa adalah

Khoulouk: Kouah:

manners and their subordinates, cannot be considered a plus without strength but restrain it from being transgression

ethics the collection of basic


ethics, and without which good manners become differently translated

strength The only way to enforce mercy the main trend for all ethics

and the end goal to apply justice


and the pivot of the relationship with Allah, self and all others

justice the balance of all the above

Madatun wa tharwah aw kasbun wa ghina

disvaluing all substances

material Islam control valuing and wealth no one has a control over earnings no limit

Tharwah: kasbun: Ghina:

of Allah is guaranteed and respected

other s wealth except with Islamic bylaws concerning earning and savings

as long as it is earned from halal, both rights of employer and employee are preserved

richness no limit as long as the right

Thakafatun wa kanoun aw elmun wa kadhaa

Thakafah: Kanoun: Elm: Kadhaa:

culture law knowledge Jurisprudence

Jihadun wa daawah aw jayshun wa fikrah

Jihad: Daawah:
reach freely every body

jihad strive in all spheres, starting from jihadunnafs up to daawah army

jihad against Islam s enemies, in order to make the word of Allah the highest

the main goal is to make the word of allah to


an organized jihad should always be

bounded with islamic structure, ethics and strategic goals


The only islamic jihad or army is the one which is gathered under an islamic banner and for an islamic cause


Kama Annahou

Ibadatun sahihah correct worship

Akidatun Sadikah true faith



5 - Misconceptions refuted by the principle

Find out the current mistaken beliefs or misunderstandings related to the principle. Sort them in descending order. Determine how the clear understanding of the principle may clear out and refute the misconception

6 - Correlations between principles

Between each two

1 is the full picture of the distorted Islam 2 is the gate for adding to or taking from 3,4 are constraints from 2 5 is complementing 2,3 and 4 6 is how to extract Hukm from the above and so on

Grouping them in clusters

6 - Correlations between principles


1 4 3 2

7 - Related topics from the Manhaj that serve to better understand the principle
For example

Surat Albakarah (selective verses)

for comprehensiveness (principle # 1)

Seerah and History (recommended books)

The historical memory of the Ummah ( most of them)

Alsefat elkhabareyah (from 10th -12th)


8 - Tarbawi goals targeted by the principle

Transform the principle into achievable, observable and measurable goals

Conceptual Behavioral Practical Social Economical

9 - Contribution of the principle in fulfilling the Jama a end goals


in it  Call for it  Raise accordingly  Apply whenever possible

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