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Communication Skills

Transfer of information with the other persons in a better way.

To communicate with other people through writing is called writing skills.

Points to ponder
What is good writing? Writing process. Types of writing. Problems & solutions in writing.

Writing skills
content Accuracy Cohesiveness Relevancy Sufficiency Handwriting

What is good writing?

Good writing speaks authentically, one human being to another. Good writing tells the truth. Good writing is effective. Good writing is readable.

Assumptions for good writing:

Using books and internet. Using dictionary. Reading newspaper. Daily observations.

The writing process have five stages

Pre writing. Drafting. Revising. Editing. Presenting.

1- Prewriting

To find a topic or collecting some ideas for given topic is called pre writing. Prewriting begins the moment you starts to collect ideas.

Choose your topic wisely and understand about it, recall your observations about the topic & develop the characters according to your topic.

2- Drafting

writing down the collected data on paper is called drafting. When you draft, you just let the words to flow. later you can look for mistakes in grammar and spelling.

while drafting you should: 1-Begin by writing an introduction that will catch your reader's attention. 2- write from your notes and add to them

3- Revising

After getting your ideas on paper you have to revise them. The goal of revising is to make your writing clearer and more interesting to your reader. Add or delete information where needed.

To begin revising, look back at the assignment and check: 1- Is my sketch is easy to follow? 2- Is my sketch vivid and accurate? 3- Is my tone natural? Does it should like me talking? 4- Is my writing appropriate for my audience?

4- Editing

The object of editing is to correct errors in spelling, grammar & punctuation. To edit, read your draft watching for mistakes. Use proof writing symbols to make change on your draft.

Basic points for editing:

Make sure that forms of verbs & pronouns are correct. Look for mistakes in punctuations, capitalization & spelling. Look for extra words or words that Have been left out.


To present or to share your work to others is called presenting. There are several way to share your writing. Each way of presenting requires a different kind of final copy. your final copy should be clean and readable.

Points for presenting:

Find out the requirements of presenting your work. Be sure your work is prepared properly. Present your work in the way you have chosen.

Types of writing

Types of writing:
Personal writing. Descriptive writing. Narrative writing. Expository writing. Persuasive writing. Business and technical writing.

Personal writing

Personal writing
your personal writing expresses the real you. Through personal writing you can look at yourself, share your feelings. The personal writing is just like your best friend. Sometime you write about yourself and sometime about others.

The way to express your ideas:

the easiest way of personal writing is free writing. When you write freely you do not have to worry about punctuation, spelling or even making sense.

The ideas for free writing:

The ideas for free writing can come to you almost anywhere, and mostly the topic in which your interested . For example, if you are interested in movies so you can express your idea from this topic.

Types of personal writing

Types of personal writing

1- writing a diary. 2- writing poetry. 3- writing autobiography. 4- writing personal letters,

Personal essay
A personal essay expresses you point of view about a subject you have experienced a subject other then yourself.

An autobiography is a person's written account of his or her life experiences, thoughts and feelings .

Basic points:
It provides all the information your readers will need to understand your sketch. Be sure the story convey a sense of who you are! Make clear why the episode you are describing had such a effect on you Tell what happened; do not just comment on it.

Personal letters
the letters you write to your friend or relatives are types of personal writing in which you share your thoughts.

A personal letter is like a gift that lasts a long time. You can hold and reread it. It is not like a phone call, where the words are gone away when you hang up.

Descriptive essay

Descriptive Essays
The purpose of a descriptive essay is to describe a person, place, or thing in such vivid detail that the reader can easily form a precise mental picture of what is being written about.

The author may accomplish this by using imaginative language, interesting comparisons, and images that appeal to the senses.

Painting a pictures with words

An effective written description is one that presents a clear picture to your readers. With strong description you can help your reader see what you see.

Using transitions:
Words and phrases such as (after, on the left and in back of) are called transitions. The good use of transitions is very important to give your descriptions.

Describing a scene:
To describe a scene think about every thing of it. Asked yourself questions to generate details. When you are drafting a descriptions, make a quick sketch of the scene, which can help you to decide how to order your details.

Describe a view from top of a the hill. Describe the inside and out sided of a rural shop. Give a account of room in which you are sitting.

Narrative writing

Narrative writing:
The first important thing to remember about a narrative essay is that it tells a story. The author may write about: an experience or event from his or her past. a recent or an ongoing experience or event. something that happened to somebody else, such as a parent or a grandparent

The second important thing about a narrative essay is that the story should have a point. In the final paragraph, the author should come to an important conclusion about the experience that has just been described

Methods of writing a Narrative essay

Good stories tell about characters who are involved in sort of action in a contain place, and events are presented in a clear order. Your story depends very much on characters. If you use perfect characters according to the events the story will be perfect.

2- Plot and scene

The story plot also acts a big role. The good sketch of scene will also make your story perfect. Real life stories may come from successes or failures in the lives of real people. They may come from accidents or struggles.

Writing dialogue
Dialogue is the word spoken by the characters in a story. Well written dialogue can help to bring characters and events to life

Points for writing good stories:

To write an effective real life narrative ,you should Use your list to help you compose . Establish characters place and action. Include interesting details. Create interest with your first paragraph.

Keeping a story on track:

To yell a story that is clear the events and details need to be arranged in a logical order. May stories can even be told without words. When you begin to write a story you may find too many details but you have to tells the relevant details that are essential to your story. Events should also be put in order. Write each part of the event as a separate sentence

Finish the job

Every well written narrative has a conclusion. The conclusion should give expression to reader that the story is complete

The life history of great people written by others is called biography

Describe an accident which happened in your home. A quarrel in the family. Describe an important incident in your life and say how it effected you at the time and later on.


The writing in which we tend to persuade the reader is called persuading writing. On purpose of persuasive writing is to make readers think or feel a certain way about an idea or a product. Another purpose is to make reader take action, sometime it does both.

If you are good writer and convey your message to reader very softly and clearly, then reader will change his mind and will take stand for what you convince him


There are many forms for persuasive writing these are, You write a persuasive letter to people who know you in letter you can use cards as well. Because you know the people who will read it, so you write according to their mind

The second form is to write an article in newspaper or in magazine. For this if you persuade the one person you will use his name and give him the message if you are writing for all people of a town, community or country you will have to write more carefully because there are lot of people and their thinking are different.

To write a persuasive essay you should, State clearly is your main goal. Give at least two support statements End with a remainder of what you want people think or do.

When you have a goal you are really care about, the challenge is winning over your audience. To choose a goal you have to think about these questions, Do I know enough about this topic. Do I care about this tpoic.

Why should people adopt your ideas? You need to provide convincing reasons.


Whenever you try to convince some one of something you need to keep your audience in mind. Different people have different interests and different reasons that appeal to your audience

You have to tell evidence which will support your goal and your reasons. Evidence comes in two forms FACTS; Facts in statements that can be proved

OPINIONS; An opinion is a personal belief or feeling.It can not be proved.


After gathering the evidence you have to organize. Then choose the evidence and sometimes you have to give strong evidence first.


Expository writing, is writing that shares knowledge. It in forms or explains sometimes by defining, classifying or giving direction.

Comparing And contrasting two things Comparing contrasting analysis is one kind of expository writing. When you compare two thing ,you explain how they are similar and when you contrast them you explain how they differ.

TO ORGANIZE THE DETAIL When you write comparison and contrast you shall need to keep your detail organize you should, Examine your subject; Think about on subject and list descriptive detail and then list of second subject.

STORY WHAT YOU SEE; Once you have listed some details, you can sort them for comparison and contrast .At this point some writer use Venn diagram. It is a diagram consisting of two ovals. Each containing detail of one subject. The common detail are given where oval overlap.

Writing a report
It is a type of expository to write a report gather information from a variety of sources. Organize what you learn and present it in your own words to inform your readers.

Reports are built on informative facts, statistics, examples. So you shall need to do some research. A good place to begin looking is the library. You can use encyclopedias and other reference work to start your report.

Book Report
Reading is a ticket to adventure and when you want to share your experience of reading then you have to write a book report.

Give Reasons
Why should people adopt your ideas? You need to provide convincing reasons.

Consider Your Audience

Whenever you try to convince someone of something you need to keep your audience in mind. Different people have different interests and different levels of knowledge. Choose reasons that appeal to your audience.

You have to tell evidences which will support your goal and your reasons. Evidence comes in two forms: 1. Facts. 2. Opinions

Facts are statements that can be proved.

An opinion is a personal belief or feeling. It can not be proved as you gather evidence, write down the source of each fact or opinion you intend to use.

Organizing Your Arguments

After gathering the evidence, you have to organize them. Choose the evidences which are stronger to your audience. And sometimes you have to give stronger evidence first.

Business and technical writing

1. 2. 3. 4. Business letters Memos Application forms Incident report

Business letters
Business letters are formal and are
usually written to unknown people. A neat , brief, well organized letter makes a good first impression and encouragement and positive response.

Characteristics of business letters

The letter is addressed to a specific person. The writer tells the purpose of letter. He request additional information . The writer makes specific questions. He thanks the person for his help.

Types of business letters

Request letter Complaint letter Opinion letter Application letter

Request letter
In which you request to your reader for something, be brief and state your request clearly

Complaint letters
In which you complaint against some problem, be polite, describe the problem accurately and request a specific solution

Opinion letters
In which you give your opinion state the issue briefly, state your opinion in the first sentence or two

Application letters
Write to a specific person, describe the job or program for which you are applying,

A memo is a brief note that communicates important information, memos use polite language and have a friendly tone

Types of memos
Announcement Reminder Request Assign a task

Application forms
An application is a formal request for something a job, membership in a group and award. Fill the form with attention and care according to the instructions

Types of application
Membership or school application Event application Award application Job application

Incident reports
An incident report uses a specific form to record information about something that has interrupted normal activity or caused a crisis

Types of incident reports Theft Accident Safety violation



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