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Presented by: Naveen Kumar M.E. ECE Roll No. : 112610

y In the model-based approach, the spectrum estimation

procedure consists of two steps. (i) We estimate the parameters{ak}and{bk} of the model. (ii) From these estimates, we compute the power estimate.
y There are three types of models :y AR Model y MA Model y ARMA Model


What is AR Model?
y A model which depends only on the previous outputs of the

system is called an autoregressive model (AR).

y Note that: AR model is based on frequency-domain analysis.  AR model has only poles while the MA model has only zeros.

AR Model Equation
The AR-model of a random process in discrete time is defined by the following expression:

y where a1,a2 ..,ap coefficients of the recursive filter; y p is the order of the model; y

(t) are output uncorrelated errors or simply White noise.

Need for selection of model order

y An order selection criterion is used to determine the appropriate

order for the AR model.

y The model parameters are found by solving a set of linear

equation obtained by minimizing the mean squared error.

y The characteristic of this error is that it decreases as the order of

the AR model is increased.

y One of the most important consideration is the choice of the

number of terms in the AR model, this is known as its order p.

y If a model with too low an order, We obtain a highly smoothed

y If a model with too high an order, There is risk of introducing

spurious low-level peaks in the spectrum.

AR Model Order Selection

y Two of the better known criteria for selection the model order

have been proposed by Akaike (1969,1974.)


Known as Finite Prediction Error (FPE) criterion.

= estimated variance of the linear prediction error. N = number of samples. p = is the order of model.

2) The second criterion proposed by Akaike (1974),called the

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

decreases & therefore the AR model is increased.

also decreases as the order of

increases with increases in p.

Difference between FPE & AIC

(i) FPE (p)
y y

Is recommended for longer data records. It never exceeds model order selected by AIC

(ii) AIC (p)


Is recommended for short data records.

3) An alternative information criterion, proposed by Rissanen

(1983),is based on selecting the order that minimizes the description length :-

4) A fourth criterion has been proposed by Parzen(1974). y This is called the Criterion Autoregressive Transfer (CAT)

function & defined as

y The order p is selected to minimize CAT(p)

y Texture modelling of visual content. y Speech processing. y Models for future sample predictions

y AR models linearly relate the signal samples which is not valid

for many real-life applications, where there may be many nonlinearity.

y The experimental results, just indicate that the model-order

selection criteria do not yields definitive results.

y The FPE(p) criterion tends to underestimate the model order. y The AIC criterion is statistically inconsistent as N

y The MDL information criterion is statistically consistent.

y Proakis John G. , Digital Signal Processing 4rd edition y Comparison of Criteria for Estimating the Order of

Autoregressive Process:


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