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MDGs are unfair to Africa - William Easterly, NYU

Reasons for Failures or Slow Progress

Lack of seriousness from the start Insufficient development assistance from developed donor countries Inefficiencies in use of development aid Corruption and poor governance Weak institutions Entrenched inequalities Structural causes of poverty

Findings of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health

Only a handful of diseases and conditions are responsible for most of the world s health deficit
HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, Malnutrition

Effective health interventions already exist to either prevent or cure the diseases which take the greatest toll on human lives.
These interventions do not reach the billions of the world s poor.

Findings of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (2)

Both increased funding for health and strong commitment by governments are needed Also, broad support from the international community and partners from all levels of society

Implications of Interventions
330 million DALYs would be saved Accelerate economic growth
Lower fertility rates Higher investments in human capital Increased household savings Greater social and macroeconomic stability

Break the poverty cycle $180B per year in savings

International Actors in Global Health

May be individuals, groups, institutions or even states/governments Although actors may be involved in national or global policy, it should not be assumed that all groups, institutions or states act with one voice Institutions reputations are key in the fulfillment of their goals and objectives for global health

International Actors in Global Health (2)

There has been a huge increase in the number and diversity of actors involved in global health since the establishment of the UN System at the end of WWII
World Health Organization UN Children s Fund UN Program on HIV/AIDS UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Food Program International Labor Organization UN Office on Drugs and Crime World Bank UN Population Fund UN Development Program Food and Agriculture Organization UN High Commissioner for Refugees UN Environment Program World Trade Organization

International Actors in Global Health (3)

Types of Organizations:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. UN Agencies Multilateral Development Banks Bilateral Development Assistance Programs Foundations WHO Related Partnerships International Non-Governmental Organizations/Civil Society Organizations 7. Other Special Programs 8. Public-Private Partnerships for Health 9. Corporations

Why Cooperate?
1. Stengthens cooperation to create consensus around the world and advocate in behalf of different health causes. 2. Need to share knowledge/Need for technology transfer 3. Need to set global standards for health activities 4. Many aspects of global health are international/global public goods
Externalities Surveillance of diseases

Why Cooperate? (2)

5. Need to assist in financing health efforts in poorer countries

For next meeting (November 23, 2011)

1. Quiz on International Actors + Assigned Readings 2. You will be grouped in groups of 6-7. I will upload (by Thursday) an assignment on countries progress on the MDGs to be done by the group for submission. 23 groups will be randomly chosen to give a 5-7 minute presentation on their work. 3. Case study/case discussion (Cases and guide questions to be uploaded by Thursday)

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