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The only disability in life is

bad attitude
Scott Hamilton

Excellence is not a skill, it is an

Ralph Marston

1. What characteristics contribute to making your workplace a positive place to be? 2. What about your student life makes you feel good about yourself? 3. What are some of the things that you enjoy doing that are associated with your student life? 4. What external benefits are associated with your student life? 5. What would make your life even better?

Draw and exchange cards

y Which attribute is most important to you? y What was most important to you during this exercise? y What did you learn about yourself? y What imbalance did you identify? Is it important for

your future? y What changes can you make to yourself?

y Have you been affected by someone s negative/positive

attitude? y Discuss real life examples where you have transferred your attitude to others, negatively or positively y Discuss how self-talk affects our attitude

Hire for attitude Train for skill

SO: Solitary Self reliant; takes initiative May be seen as quiet or arrogant Works in own way Can socialize but sometimes shy Detached and purposeful Makes up own mind Resourceful Does not make small talk

Fits in, not necessarily the leader Seeks company Hates to be alone Loyal and provides support May be easily persuaded by the group out of need to be accepted Changes behaviour to fit in Resolves differences between others Participative, enjoys making decisions with others

May be dominant and stubborn Seen as pushy May talk loudly Gets the point across Determined, sometimes risk taking Gets what he wants Can tread on toes May be seen as a show off but also gains respect Critical, demanding, takes responsibility May lose sight of how people are affected

Keeps matters to himself Gives way rather than argue Easy to get on with Often good team member Accommodating; not easily annoyed May avoid sharing what is on his mind Avoids confrontation Tries hard to please Co-operative, respectful, helpful

Imaginative: Sensitive ; aware of others feelings Emotional, expressive Makes decisions with heart rather than head Easily hurt by criticism Spends too much time on small things Often discouraged and frustrated, but also intuitive and creative Responsive to feelings and ideas

Sees things logically Usually composed; has feet on the ground Likes orderly, structured behaviour Not easily distracted, does things in a controlled way Objective and analytical, sees the essential point Likes information and facts May miss subtle issues that bother others

Lively and impulsive Likes change and situations which are fast moving and different May find it difficult to stick to one thing or finish what is started Amusing, enthusiastic, infectious excitement May be seen as lacking in depth May forget organisation though he may produce a great effect

Calm, stable, dependable Patient with others Composed and unflustered by events Takes things as they come Slow, deliberate approach allows others to depend on him Could appear dull and unresponsive Predictable Smug : may be the type who says I told you so Orderly

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