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Business 478 Sheppard


Bus. 478 / 2011-1 2011TITLE: Administrative Policy

PREREQ: Core & 90 credits Core

INSTRUCTOR: Jerry Sheppard


WMC 4387
Wed. 12:40 1:20, Fri. 12:40 1:20 & by Appointment
Contact me in person, by phone or E-mail & we ll set-up an appt. set 2010 by J. Sheppard 0-2

Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Rowe & Sheppard

Strategic Management: Management:

Competitiveness & Globalization, Concepts & Cases
3rd Canadian Ed.


Ireland, Hoskisson, Rowe & Sheppard

Nelson (2009).


Course Description
+ Provide you with an intro. to B. Pol. intro. Pol.
Goal: enhance your ability to insightfully develop, articulate, implement a strategy.

Coverage: strategic mgmt. process: Coverage: mgmt. process:

i.e. strategy formulation and implementation.

Case studies, will support lecture & discussion of course topics. topics.

2010 by J. Sheppard


( more on this when I get to the grading sheets )

Individual Grade (74%) 30% Individual Paper % 25% Midterm 14% Participation 5% Contribution to group (5 X 1% each) Group Grade (26%) 12% Written Analysis 14% Case Presentation
2010 by J. Sheppard 0-5

Group Selection Form (Top)

Name B. Gates A. Grove P. Kives M. Milkin M. Wexler Student ID # 9930199301-1234 9930299302-1234 2000120001-1234 2000120001-5678 2000220002-1234 Title CEO COO CMO CFO (CHR) Concentration Marketing Mgmt.Science Marketing Finance H.R.M.

2010 by J. Sheppard

Class Assignments
(The Basics)
Week 1 Jan. 7 Week 2 Jan. 14 Week 3 Jan. 21 Week 4 Jan. 28
Performance External Enviro. Internal Enviro. Bus. Level Strat. Comp. Dynamics Corp. Level Strat. Review on Performance (Scan) Enviro. Ind. & Comp. Analysis Res., Capabilities, Core Comp.s Porters Gen. Bus. Level Strat.


Detail, Cases, Presentations Chapters

Strat. Mgmt. & Competitiveness Text Ch. 1
Case Chapter

Text Ch. 2 Text Ch. 3 Text Ch. 4 Text Ch. 5

Comp. responses, 1st, 2nd mover TextCh.6&7 Diversification, Vert. Integration

2010 by J. Sheppard 0-7

Class Assignments
Week 5 Feb. 4 Week 6 Feb. 11 Week 7 Feb. 25 Week 8 Mar. 4 Corp.Governance Corp. Governance
Case: Interbrew -AMBEV Interbrew 2010 by J. Sheppard

Restructuring & International Strat Cooperative Strat. CooperativeStrat

Detail, Cases, Presentations Chapters

Mergers, Downsize / Corp. & Entry
Case: Keating Inc.

TextCh. Text Ch. 8 & 9 Handout Text Ch 10

Case 28

Corp. Level & Entry Strategies

Case: Target Stores MIDTERM

Text Ch. 11
Case 19

Class Assignments
Week 9 Mar. 11 Week 10 Mar. 18 Wk. 11-13 11Mar 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 8

Corporate Control,

Detail, Cases, Presentations Chapters

Corp. control & reward systems

Ch. 12
Case 26

Structure, Rewards Assigned Case: Ryan Air Strategic Leadership Entrepreneurship Presentations Presentations Presentations
Strategic Leadership Case: Nucor in 2005 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Cases: Act E.Coast Choice Cases: Haier,LOreal, Choice Haier,L Cases: Nintendo,YMCA,Choice

Text Ch. 13
Case 24

Text Ch. 14
Cases 1,12, Cases 17,20.. Case 22,30,

2010 by J. Sheppard

Group Selection Form (bottom)

(1=most favored)

Present on Week 11 11 11 12

CASE # 1: 12: 17: 20: 22: 30:

CASE Name Activplant East Coast Trail Your Independent Choice Haier LOrals Business Strategy Your Independent Choice Nintendo Wii YMCA London Your Independent Choice

2 3 1

12 12 13 13 13

This is due Jan 21, 2011

Grade for Strategic Analyses

Section of report
Grade range is 0.0 4.3



Include Corp. Philosophy and stakeholder analysis. General External Environment & Porters Industry Environments Subheadings. Including explaining the firms core competences (VRIO) Subhead.s. Incl. Business, Corp., International & Co-op. Strategies . . . .

Mission, Objectives, Goals, Stakeholders General & Industry Environment Resources, Capabilities / Core Competencies Bus., Corp., International & Co-op. Strat.s Synthesis Criteria, Evaluation & Recommendation Implementation Average

3.0 3.0 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.3

3.3 3.5 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4

How Strengths match the Opportunities & how the weaknesses match the threats. . Create criteria & alternatives, evaluate & recommend something. .

State an action plan & needed structural & . control changes that may be required. Average


2010 by J. Sheppard

Group Member Grades

Group Name: ________________ Grade range Fill in only the column that is 0.0 - 4.3. applies to your group Title 4 Person Comments Group 3.7 OK CEO: COO: CMO: CFO: CHR: Total: 12.4

3.5 3.8 1.4

So-So Good! zzzzz

This is due April 8, 2011

2010 by J. Sheppard 0-12



Name _______________________ Student # _______________________

General attendance A+ A (Missed Classes)

A- B+ B

B- C+ C

C- D

Comments: I missed because of a flood at my house.

On-time attendance A+ A (Late Classes)

A- B+ B

B- C+ C

C- D

Comments: ______________________________________

Minutes of Sleep or A+ A Newspaper Reading

A- B+ B

B- C+ C

C- D

Self Evaluation

Comments: ______________________________________

Contribution Quantity

A+ A

A- B+ B

B- C+ C

C- D

Comments: I said an incredibly enormous amount.

Contribution Quality

A+ A

A- B+ B

B- C+ C

C- D

Comments: What I said was not all that informative.

Other (Specify)

A+ A

A- B+ B

B- C+ C

C- D

Comments: ______________________________________

This is due April 8, 2011


Other (Specify)

A+ A

A- B+ B

B- C+ C

C- D

Comments: ______________________________________

2010 by J. Sheppard

2010 by J. Sheppard


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