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Empower E-Workforce Management An Introduction


eWFM/ Empower

Provide real time information on what an agent is currently doing and comparing it
to what they are to be scheduled to be doing. Allow agents to request time off and receive automatic approvals. Allow the team managers to preplan off phone activity by scheduling time into an agents schedule. Allow the agents the ability to sign up for extra hours or voluntary down time. Allow Operations access to view IDP that is updated real time throughout the day.

How does eWFM Impact Me?

Automate many existing Transcom processes and reduces the need for certain Tandims, Allow agent flexibility with shift trades, vacation with automated approvals and reduce wait times. Improved response time when requesting coaching, meeting etc Allow for greater visibility of agents activities vs. scheduled to improve performance.

Process Overview
Process Calling Sick line Checking Breaks and Lunches Extra Hours Go Home Early Holiday Lieu Options Payroll Permanent Shift Trade Preplanned OPE: Coaching Team Meeting and Training Real Time OPE Schedule Requests Shift Bid Shift Giveaway Shift Swap putting someone in OT Shift Trades Unpaid Time Off Paid Time Off Vacation Accrual Methodology Select Option 2 in IVR for eWFM Empower > Schedule Viewer Empower > Schedule Editor Empower > Schedule Editor No Change at this time No Change at this time Submit Schedule Investigation Tandim BST to Schedule Empower > Urgent Issues call RTR for Approval Submit Schedule Investigation Tandim TBD Submit Schedule Investigation Tandim Submit Schedule Investigation Tandim Empower > Schedule Editor Empower > Schedule Editor TBD TBD

Logging In
In order to begin you need to log in. Once you are given your login go to the login page. This can be accessed through Favorites>eWFM> Empowerlink Type in your login information and click the OK button.

You will then be logged in!

The web client user interface is divided into two panes: 1. a navigation pane on the left 2. an application workspace on the right.

Most of the links in the navigation tree are options for selecting applications. This image shows what you see when you first log in.

When you click a link in the navigation tree, the page, or view, for that application appears in the pane on the right. Each applications view includes a toolbar at the top that contains drop-down menus, toolbar buttons, and descriptive information, as shown below.

Common Menu and Toolbar Items

Common Menu Common Menu and Toolbar Items

and Toolbar Items

The modules within this course will take you through each of the tools you will soon be using.


Logging Out
Click the Logout link to log out.

You will then be logged out!


Agent Check-In


Agent Check-in
The Agent Check In view displays a summary of schedule information for a specific date. At a minimum, each row of this report shows: The employee name The code of the work segment associated with this date The time at which the earliest segment for this date starts The time at which the latest segment for this date stops What does this mean to a Team Leader? Previews team schedule, inclusive of planned OPE, breaks and lunches Provides visibility into the team and what is expected for the day Identify and discrepancies and adjust accordingly


Agent Check-in
As an agent, your own schedule is automatically selected. As a supervisor you must select the employees.You can customize the report to show additional segment details.
Modify button

Click the modify button if you want to change the fields you are viewing.


Agent Check-in
Once you click the modify button you are able to check or uncheck fields that you will see.

As you can see, the breaks have been removed from view.


Week at a Glance


Week at a glance
The Week at a Glance view shows daily schedule information for a selected week. As an agent your own schedule is automatically selected; if you are a supervisor, you must select the employees. Each row of this report shows the employee name and, for each day of the week: The code of the work segment associated with this date The time at which the earliest segment for this date starts The time at which the latest segment for this date stops The general segment, if any, associated with this date


Account Balances
Personal Account Balances Group Allowance Balances Intra-Day Staffing Balances


Typically there are limits on how much time off or extra time can be granted on a given day for the staff as a whole, or for particular groups or categories of agents. Additionally, some requests (such as vacation) might require that sufficient time is available the personal account. Personal Account Balances: View the amount of vacation and lieu time accrual in a personal account Group Allowance Balances: View the amount of time available to your group on each date including GHE, BTO, extra hours, off phone allowance, etc Intra-Day Staffing Balances: View how many agents can be added or subtracted from the scheduled staff throughout a particular day


Personal Account Balances

To begin click the link for Personal Account Balances.

Using the Personal Account Balances view, you can find out how much time is available in each personal account for a selected employee as of today's date or a selected date. If you are an agent , your own personal account balances are automatically displayed.


Personal Account Balances

The table shows each personal account's code, description, and balance: that is, the amount of time currently available, in hours and minutes (for example, 120:00).

To display balances for a different date, click the Select Date toolbar button or click the Previous Day or Next Day button on either side of it.

Previous Day Select Date

Next Day


Personal Account Balances

To see a history of the transactions in a particular account, click that account's (in the last column) to display the Personal Account Details view.

To go back to the previous screen click the Back button.


Group Allowance Balances

The Group Allowance Balances view shows the group allowance balances for the selected account and month, in hours and minutes. Use these balances to judge whether or not a schedule change request that will use up some of the available time is likely to be approved. A balance of zero or less means that no more time is available for that date. Keep in mind that this view provides an earlier snapshot of the balances; if you enter a schedule change request, the balances may be different when it is evaluated.

To begin click the link for Group Allowance Balances.


Group Allowance Balances

Once you click the link a pop up will open. You will need to select the campaign as well as the month/year. Click OK when you have done that.


Group Allowance Balances

There are 2 views that you can choose from for this page. You can change the view from the drop down menu.
Calendar View

Details View


Group Allowance Balances - Calendar View

This view provides additional information, in tabular form, about each group allowance balance in the selected month.The same toolbar buttons are available as in the Calendar view. The table also shows the following information for each date:
Allowance: The original amount of time allotted. Official Transactions: The amount of time already taken by approved requests (Hours), as well as the number of requests involved (Count). Open Transactions: The amount of time already taken by requests still waiting for approval (Hours), as well as the number of requests involved (Count). Time Since Last Update: How long ago the balance for that date last updated, in days (d) hours (h) and minutes (m).


Group Allowance Balances - Calendar View

To update the balance for a particular date, click the corresponding Update Balance button in the Options column.
Options Button

Once you click it the allowance time will update.

To return to the Calendar view, click the drop-down list on the toolbar and select Calendar View.


Intra-Day Staffing Balances

To begin click the link for Intra-day Staffing Balances. Once you click the link a pop up will open. You will need to select the campaign as well as the date. Click OK when you have done that.


Intra-Day Staffing Balances

This view shows the intra-day staffing balances for the selected staff group and date, as of the last time the balances were updated. Use the displayed balances to judge whether or not a schedule change request of less than a full day can be approved. For example, suppose you want to request a few hours of overtime or time off, change your shift to a later time, or do a different type of work during the last part of your shift.


Intra-Day Staffing Balances

Before entering your request, view the following balances for the intra-day periods that will be affected by it:
Allowable Increase in Staff The number of additional agents that can be scheduled to work in this period. A value of 2.00, for example, means that no more than two agents can be approved for extra work time. A zero or a negative number usually means that a request for work during that period will not be approved. Allowable Decrease in Staff The number of scheduled agents that can be allowed to leave or do something else during this period. A zero or a negative number usually means that a request for time off (for some other type of work) during that period will not be approved.


Intra-Day Staffing Balances

The Time Since Last Update column shows how long ago the balances for that period were last updated, in days (d) hours (h) and minutes (m).


Request Viewer


Request Viewer
The Request Viewer view displays current status and other information for the schedule change requests your agents have entered. Agents can cancel a request before it has been approved, resubmit a request that was denied, and rank deferred requests that are part of a request bid. The display shows either requests created during a specific date range or requests affecting dates within a specified range. As a Team Lead you may be asked for reasons why a member of your teams request has failed. The request viewer is where you will go to research this information.


Request Viewer
Once you have logged in click the link for Request Viewer.


Request Viewer


Request Viewer

To see the reason a request has failed, simply click on the status beside the request. It will open a window then displaying the reason(s) the request has failed.


Request Viewer


Request Viewer


Request Viewer


Request Viewer


Web Notifications


Web Notifications
Use this view to read messages sent events related to your teams work schedule. Depending on how your system has been configured, you might receive notifications about changes to schedules, schedule change requests submitted, and schedule trade requests submitted by an employee.


Web Notifications
When you exit this view, all messages that were retrieved are discarded, whether or not you have actually read them.


Web Notifications
In the message list, new and unread notifications appear in bold text. The messages retrieved during this session are listed in the order they were sent (Timestamp column), newest to oldest. To read a message, click it in the list to display the text in the view pane at the bottom of the window.You can adjust the horizontal window divider by dragging it up or down. All messages have been composed by an administrative user and are generated automatically from stored text and selected variables (placeholders), such as name and date.


Web Notifications
To retrieve new messages immediately, click Check Messages button. alert if you have new messages. You will see an

To delete all messages from the current list, click Clear. Whether you use this option or not, all displayed messages are deleted when you exit Web Notifications.


Empower E-Workforce Management Schedule Editor & Segment Entries



Segment Overview Viewing agent segments Adding, changing and deleting segments Schedule/Segment Audit Process


Segment Overview


Segment Definition
What is a Segment? A segment is defined as a state that an agent is scheduled to be in during part of their scheduled shift. Segments in our existing environment are referred to as standard schedules or OPE. eWFM Segments Include: GHE Segments Training Nesting Unable to Work Back Up Role Break/Lunch Vacation LOA Absence/AWOL Over Time Meetings Etc.

Shift Container (Paid or Unpaid Time An agents full schedule for the day)


Team Leader Expectations

With Empower, Team Leaders will have the ability to add, change or delete agent segments -7 days to +7 days Resource will continue to be 100% accountable for queue management and updating pre-planned segments Audit of team to ensure accurate segment tracking Restrictions have been applied to Team Leader segment entries:
TL will have the ability to add, change or delete unplanned segments  TLs will have the ability to add Coaching 1-1 and Coaching Team Meeting  TLs will have the ability to add an ABST segment on the day of. TLs will be restricted to add, change or delete pre-planned segments


Segments RASIC
eWFM Segments
Absence Planned Leave Of Absence Rest Day (Manila) Split Shift Interlude Statutory Holiday Suspension Vacation (Paid or Unpaid) Absence/AWOL Unplanned Unable to Work (Tech Issues, etc) Break/Lunch Coaching Meeting Training Off Phone Time (Back-Up Role) Overtime Shift/Work Segment Training

Team Leader
Informed Informed Informed Informed Informed Informed Informed Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Informed Responsible Informed Informed Informed

Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Informed Informed Responsible Informed Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible Responsible


Viewing Agent Segments


Schedule Editor
Click the link in the navigation pane for Schedule Editor. This will be the section where all segments or segment packages will be added, or modified from.


Schedule Editor
You will see in the top right corner the View you are seeing, the selected agents name, the date range, and Request Mode visible on the screen.You can change the employee you see here, by clicking on the Employee Selection Icon


Schedule Editor
Once you click the link youll see the page is in the default Segments view.


Schedule Editor

Schedule Editor

You will have the ability to change to another view Resolutions View.


Segment View
Lets take a closer look at what we are looking at in Segment view.
Break segments Lunch segment

Edit Date Shift time(s) Campaign Copy Delete

As you can see by this example, the shift starts at 08:00. The first break is at 09:30 and goes until 09:45. The shift then resumes until 11:50 when lunch is scheduled. At 12:20 the agent needs to be logged back in for the next block. The last break is at 13:45. Unique to this view is the Copy/Delete/Edit buttons.


Resolution View
Lets take a closer look at what we are looking at in Resolution view. We are told the agents prefer the Resolution view.You decide for yourself what you prefer.

Lunch segment


Break segments

As you can see by this example, the shift starts at 08:00. The first break is at 09:30 and goes until 09:45. The shift then resumes until 11:50 when lunch is scheduled. At 12:20 the agent needs to be logged back in for the next block. The last break is at 13:45. Unique to this view is the times in brackets, example (1:30) or (0:30). This shows how long the segment is.


Adding, Changing and Deleting Segments



When you are in Segments View you will see 3 buttons. Copy / Delete / Edit


Adding Segments
Segments can be entered in one of two fashions. Either by segment package or individual segments, and can be either detailed, or general. In most cases, segments will always be entered using the detailed method.

Detailed Segments have a specific start and stop time, where as, general segments entered would apply to an entire shift. Segment packages are groups of segments that are required to complete certain entries.


Adding Segments
To add a segment to an agents schedule, select the employee you wish to add the segment to, then simply click on the Add Segment icon. A dialogue box will open up.


Adding Segments

Adding Segments

Select the start and stop time, then click on the Code: box, a list of segments available to you will populate.

The list is quite large, so scroll to the appropriate segment and select it.
Please note that some segments are regional based and should only be used in those regions


Adding Segments
Next, select a Start time and End time for the segment (detailed) or place a check mark in the All Day box (general). As stated before almost all segments will be detailed segments to maintain accuracy.
Please note that some segments require a memo to be entered, so it is a good habit to just enter them in for all. Memos will be visible to all who can look or view the segments (including other agents) so personal information should be kept out.


Aspect Workforce Real Time Adherence Training


What is Perform?
Perform is a combination of Real Time Adherence and Agent Productivity that gives team leaders and managers better visibility of what agents are actually doing in comparison to what they were scheduled to be doing. RTA is a proactive tool that shows alarms after certain thresholds when agents are not doing what they were scheduled to do. Agent Productivity is the reports that come across the following day for the previous day with compliance and signed in percentages. These tools help Team Leaders manage their staff more effectively and be proactive to problems as opposed to reactive.

These do not replace existing policies or procedures, but rather assist the Team Leaders when it is time to engage them.


Compliance reports have two measurements:
Component Sign-in % Compliance % Description What % of my scheduled time was I signed in for? What % of my breaks, meetings etc did I take when I was scheduled to take them?



Why is compliance important to our customers, our people and our business?

Are available to answer our customers when they call Can evenly distribute the workload across all Agents Optimise productivity across the business.


Benefits of Schedule Compliance

Leads to an increase in productivity as agents are in the right place at the right time, which improves customer service.

Ensures equitable distribution of staffing throughout the day as agents are taking their breaks as scheduled.

Results in an increased grade of service for customers.


Non-compliance - Impact on Customers

Available Agents Av.Delay (ASA) Service Level (GOS) (x% in 20secs) 75% 66% 55% 40% 22%

55 54 53 52 51

18 sec 28 sec 46 sec 84 sec 201 sec

750 calls are received between 9 - 10am Each call takes 240 seconds to handle The goal in this example is to answer calls in under 20 seconds.


Non-compliance - Impact on Customers

When the scheduled number of agents are available to answer customers calls, meeting the ASA target of 20 seconds is easy. With 55 Agents available, the delay in answering the calls would be 18 seconds. With 54 Agents available, the delay in answering the calls would be 28 seconds. The impact of having only 51 of the 55 scheduled Agents available is an additional 3 minutes of wait time and would be very noticeable to the caller. This also results in GOS being only 22% in 20 seconds. So you can see the impact of not being where you should be can have a large impact on the customer waiting time.


Non-compliance - Impact on Agents

Available Agents Av.Delay (ASA) Occupancy Idle

55 54 53 52 51

18 sec 28 sec 46 sec 84 sec 201 sec

90% 92% 94% 96% 98%

10% 8% 6% 4% 2%

Occupancy = workload / number of available staff As occupancy increases, idle time between calls decreases - The job becomes more stressful as the available Agents have to work harder.


Non-adherence - Impact to Agents

In the example, with 55 agents available, the occupancy rate is 90%.

This means agents would talk to customers or complete after-call work for 90% of the hour and 10% of the time would be idle, waiting for calls to arrive -In other words they would have an extra 6 minutes of time to spread throughout the hour to catch their breath between calls.

In the previous example, occupancy rates rise quickly when a few agents arent where they are supposed to be. Every time a scheduled agent becomes unavailable, everyone else has to work a little harder. Occupancy goes up about 2% with the loss of each agent. This means the idle time between calls during the hour gets shorter and shorter. The closer the call arrivals are, with no idle time, the more stressful the job will be.


Real Time Adherence

What is Real Time Adherence (RTA)?

RTA is live (real time) reporting of: What an Agent is scheduled to be doing (eg. on the phones or off the phone) What activity they are actually doing (eg. Active, On Hold, Not Ready).


Example - Planned schedule including segments




12 12:30






Total Scheduled Time = 450 mins of Phone Time


Example - Comparison of scheduled to actual phone time


10 10:15





8:15 Late


10:30 Late

12:15 12:45 Late


5:00 Late

Total Scheduled Time = 450 mins of Phone Time Actual Total Phone Time = 435 mins (97%)


Example - Comparison of scheduled to actual phone time






3 3:15


Black = Scheduled work time Red = Actual logged in time Blue = Time not compliant with the schedule


Compliance Calculation








Total Scheduled Minutes = 450 mins of Phone Time Total Sign On Minutes = 435 mins (97%) Total Compliant Minutes = 390 mins (87%)


Schedule Compliance Benchmark

No one expects agents to get 100% compliance. Our target is not 100% as we know people do get stuck on calls from time to time or get to work a little late

Transcom Schedule Compliance Benchmark is set at 98% Compliance Target will be set by individual program.

How Do Manage Schedule Compliance? Real time monitoring of agent activity compared to agent schedule Real time agent management to drive schedule adherence Real time updates to correct errors in schedules and segments


Systems Training



What does RTA do?

RTA is live (real time) reporting of:

 What an Agent is scheduled to be doing (eg. on the phones or off the phone)  What activity an Agent is actually doing (eg. Active, On Hold, Not Ready).

Displays discrepancies immediately so Team Leaders can be proactive and address them as they happen.


RTA Logging on to RTA

1. Login to using the following credentials: Username: citrix username Password: citrix password


Launch RTA_1 in your applications list


Make sure you have the options as below:

*Select STC CMS for programs other than Talktalk 4 . Please select Open New Workspace if this is the first time you are launching RTA


Viewing the Real-Time Adherence Interface and Workspace

Menu Bar Toolbar

Workspace Status Bar


RTA - Opening Activity and Schedule windows

From the Menu bar go to File New or select the icon from the toolbar.

Select Create New Window and select Activity.

Repeat the process selecting Schedule


RTA - Tiling Activity and Schedule windows

Select Window Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically


RTA Selecting a team

Select View- Employee Selection and filter your Team from the employee tree Team Current.


RTA Viewing real-time data (Main Display)


Renaming the windows

To rename the schedule and activity windows select from the toolbar or right click and select Properties from the menu. In the title rename the window.

88 88

Adding Additional Windows

You can add additional windows and filter them to show different teams by going to File- New or using the icon in the toolbar.

89 89

Displaying Alarm Windows There are different ways to view windows in RTA.

This example shows a focused Activity window which filters certain alarms in a separate window


Filter Alarms or Agents within Windows

Schedule or Activity alarm windows may be filtered to include only certain alarms or agents. You many want to monitor a single activity of special interest like Hold or Wrap Up time To Filter Alarms: Highlight the title bar of the window to filter. Choose View - Filter Alarms or click the icon. Use the selection interface to move desired alarms to the right (Selected) side. Alarms may be removed by moving them to the left (Available) side. To Filter agents use choose View Filter Employees or click the icon


RTA - Schedule Alarms

Schedule alarms are associated with the beginning or end of an Agent's shift or segment.

Begin Break Early Begin Exception Early Begin Shift Early Begin Shift Early End Break Late End Exception Late End Shift Early End Shift Late Insufficient Data Signed In Unexpectedly Signed Out Unexpectedly Working On Break Working On Exception

Long Definition
Sign out for break early Sign out for exception early Sign in for shift early Sign in for shift late Sign in from break late Sign in from exception late Sign out from shift early Sign out from shift late Insufficient data alarm Unexpected sign on Unexpected sign off Working on break Working on exception


RTA Alarm Actions


Begin Break Early Sign Out for Break Early


STEPS FOR Resolution


Begin Break Late


Begin Exception Early


Begin Shift Early


Begin Shift Late


End Break Late

1. Team Lead reminds the agent of his break Agent is not following the correct break schedule. Check empower. Follow existing COM schedule procedures. 1. Team Lead reminds the agent of his break Sign Out for Break Agent is not following the correct break schedule. Check empower. Follow existing COM Late schedule or engaged in a long call procedures The agent went on AUX earlier than scheduled. (Example: Agent is 1. Team Lead locates agent and investigates Sign Out for Exception reason for starting the exception early. scheduled to be on meeting from 10:00 Early Follow existing COM procedures. - 10:30 BUT agent pressed AUX 3 at 9:30) 1. Team Lead locates the agent. Agent should be asked to log off and log back in as scheduled The agent logged in to AVAYA earlier Sign In for Shift Early than scheduled 2. For approved OT, team lead can update the agents segment 1. Team Lead will inform RTR if the agent can not be located. 2. RTR/TL will assign ABST-NCNS segment. 3. If the agent then appears in WOX, note the Agent isn't logged in to the phone as Sign In for Shift Late login time and code the agent as late from the scheduled. start of their shift to login time. 4. All agents flagged with ABST-NCNS segment will need to be investigated, and proper attendance segment added. 1. Agent should be asked to follow the correct Sign In from Break Agent ended her break LATE break schedules. Use existing COM procedures. Late


RTA Alarm Actions

End Exception Late Sign In from Exception Late

Late from pullouts such as Training / Meeting / Coaching. Etc. Possible extended pull outs without informing OSC. Logged out of AVAYA earlier than scheduled

STEPS FOR Resolution

1. The Team Lead should update RTR of the end time of the pull out. 2. Team Lead should update the end time of the exceptions in Empower. 1. Investigate why the agent is in ESE (check if the agent is still signed in or in an Aux code) 2. If required Team Lead to code Empower schedule with proper attendance segment. 1. The agent should be logging off as it is the end of the shift. 2. In case of OT, Team Lead should inform RTR for the duration of Overtime. 3. RTR will then update eWFM with Overtime package.



End Shift Early

Sign Out for Shift Early


End Shift late

Sign Out for Shift Late

Agent is still logged in to AVAYA and is still in available / on AUX beyond the shift. - Agent is not scheduled to be at work for the day and is not scheduled for OT but is logged in to AVAYA. - Someone might be using an incorrect AVAYA login ID. - The agent might be confused of their schedule. - The schedule in EWFM might be incorrect. - Agent logged off from AVAYA within or at the middle part of the shift. - Agent might have logged off due to system / AVAYA issue


Sign In Unexpectedly

Unexpected Sign On

1. Investigate if the agent is scheduled to work at the time of the alarm. If so update RTR that agent requires a schedule and inform RTR of what that schedule should be. 2. Send the agent home if not scheduled.


Sign Out Unexpectedly

Unexpected Sign Off

1. Team Lead investigates the reason for the agent signing out from their phone early. 2. Team Lead can update segment to proper Attendance segment, if RTR has already added the MIA segment.


RTA Alarm Actions

CODE DEFINITION POSSIBLE SCENARIO - Agent is showing in AVAIL and forgot to take his break -Agent is using incorrect AUX -- Agent is on ACW and forgot to press the proper AUX for break - Agent did not logout from LUNCH as scheduled Agent is taking in a call but is scheduled to be on Training / Meeting / Coaching etc. STEPS FOR RESOLUTION


Working On Break

Working On Break

1. Ask agent to follow Break Schedule given. 2. Confirm agent is taking their break, and adjust AUX code.


Working on Exception

Working on Exception

1. Team Lead locates agent and investigates why agent is taking calls during the exception period. 2. Adjust segments as required for the exception to reflect when agent actually started it.


RTA Features and Benefits

Features Real time visibility of schedule adherence Real time visibility of activities as they occur Immediate alerts for Team Leader assistance. Benefits Enables Team Leaders to investigate adherence issues proactively leading to: Increased productivity Increased efficiency Improved customer service.


Viewing Employee Information - Employee Detail

To get schedule details and state and alarm information for an agent ,double click on their name or use the icon from the toolbar.


Viewing Employee Information - Employee Monitor

To monitor an agent more closely select Employee Monitor. To access this use the icon from the toolbar or right click and select monitor from an agents alarm.

The monitor displays a bell icon if the agent is on an alarm


Alarm Summary Report

Organizes alarm information and helps identify problem areas. Consolidates information from alarm windows with other employee and workspace data. Useful if you have been in a meeting and would like to know what has happened when you were gone. You must have kept your workspace open in order to run this report.


Generating a Real-Time Adherence Report

Select Reports > Alarm Summary Report or click the toolbar button. Enter the required setup information on the General, Settings, and Format tabs. Click OK to run the report. Print by choosing File > Print or clicking the toolbar button.


Alarm Summary Report


RTA provides visibility of an agents current activity and what they are scheduled to be doing Empower will replace Quartz for all of the agents scheduling needs.


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