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GIS is a data-driven data - based information datasystem. GIS is a data-driven data - based information datasystem. system. Map making is only one capability of GIS. GIS. It is mainly based on database management concepts. concepts. It allows to access data, update data, manipulate data and analyze data in ways that are not possible with other technologies. technologies.

GIS data and maps must be maintained

GIS is designed for use in the operating environment of the organization for specific service delivery. delivery. The data or the system itself will not be used if the data are obsolete or inaccurate. inaccurate.

GIS is most useful when geographic references are registered on a consistent & continuous coordinate system

GIS identifies and displays the spatial relationship between different parts of an area. This requires locating each map sheet in its proper place within the geographic area. A continuous and consistent coordinate system help attain this.

GIS has Topology

Computers cannot see map as human can Definitions of relations between points, lines and areas must be established. established. This relationship is called Topology Topology essential for various analysis I GIS

GIS has many uses and should be shared by various functions Value of information increase if it is shared by many who need it.

GIS requires huge resources to develop. Multiple develop. uses and shared systems can reduce duplication of common data and the cost of the system maintenance. maintenance.

GIS Contains Hardware and Software which constantly undergoes changes. A delay in acquiring GIS hardware and software in anticipation of future price cut or technological breakthrough is not prudent. prudent. The benefit of the system cannot be realized until a database is created and implemented on the system. system. Future improvements in technology will enhance the use of data not restrict it. it.

GIS Grows incrementally in terms of technology, cost and administrative support

Long term commitment needed to assure success. GIS cannot be fully functional within a short span of time, as building of database and application requires lot of time.

GIS Causes Changes in Procedures, Operations, and Institutional arrangements

It eliminates compartmentalization of data storage and individualization of data coding.

This results in changes in procedures responsibilities, security measures, standards and organizational structure.

A Cadre of Trained, Educated, Motivated and Dedicated people is essential for the success of a GIS Programme Technical problems can be resolved with money and time

Staff without motivation, dedication, creativity and willingness to accept changes and new ideas will only spoil the project.

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