Research Objectives, Questions & Hypothesis Dr. Azadeh Asgari

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Research Methodology


Dr. Azadeh Asgari

Research Objectives
A continuation of the problem statement.
May be written in the form of a general

objective which is GENERALLY STATED and RATHER WIDE, followed by the specific objectives which are more focused and direct.

Characteristics of Research Objectives

Outline the scope of the research Give a picture of how to perform the

investigation Give an idea who would be the subjects of the research

e.g.: To examine if there is a significant
relationship between readiness for selfdirected learning (SDL) and needs for language skills, perceived language competence, and teaching experience.

Research Questions
The research objectives being posed as

questions or derivatives of the objectives being posed as questions.

OBJECTIVE: to identify the differences in

form 2 mathematics performance based on gender

Characteristics of Research Questions

Should be

significant to be studied and

would add knowledge to the body of knowledge.

Should be ethical (would not cause physical

and psychological injury to anyone, or to the environment).

Characteristics of Research Questions

Should be

feasible (could be studied and

would not take too much time, energy, and cost).

Should be

clear (most researchers would

agree to the meaning of key descriptors in the questions).

Research Hypothesis
Tentative statements as solutions to the

problem. Tentative statements on relationships between two or more variables. An educated guess of conditions of a phenomenon. A reasoned speculation about how two or more variables are related to each other.

Suppose you want to find out the effect of higher level cognitive questions on students learning in geography classes but has no basis for formulating a hypothesis:
What is the objective of this research?

to determine whether higher level cognitive

questions affect students learning in geography classes

What is the research question of this research?

What is the effect of higher level cognitive questions on students learning in geography classes?

If These Is Basis For Formulating A Hypothesis:

Higher level cognitive questions will significantly affect students learning in geography classes Higher level cognitive questions will significantly improve students learning in geography classes

Criteria of Research Hypothesis

Borg & Gall (1989) identified four criteria:

1. Should explain expected relationships that exist between two or more variables, 2. Researcher should have strong reasons based on concrete evidences or theories to formulate the hypothesis which is to be tested, 3. Should be as short as possible but clear, 4. Should be testable.

Types of Research Hypothesis

a. HO: Null Hypothesis= Statistic Hypothesis = No relationship Hypothesis or No Difference Hypothesis b. HA: Alternative Hypothesis = Research Hypothesis c. Directional Hypothesis vs Non Directional Hypothesis

Examples of Research Hypotheses

Gifted students have higher motivation towards

mathematics. There exists a positive relationship between IQ scores and scores on a Mathematic Interest Inventory for 11 year old students.. There exists a positive relationship between English grades and grades achieved in Mathematic. There is no significant difference in customer satisfaction between ethnic groups.

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