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Role and Structure of Training

y For organizational productivity training assumes great

significance . Though it is a type of education training is job oriented. It is skill learning . Education is wider scope and general in purpose whereas training is organization specific and practice based. y Training is grater significance for the success of modern organizations. Training plays vital role in developing and strengthening these competencies . Change of technology demands more knowledge , skills and abilities and technical expertise.

y Training is continuous and perennial activity . y Human evolution is a part of the history. y Alvin Tofler - Only change is permanent y It helps acquire and required professional knowledge,

Skills , ability, attitude, habits. y Live with competency .

y Hesseling

Sequence of experiences or opportunities designed to modified behavior in order to attain a stated object . Any activity which deliberately attempts to improve a person s skill at a task.

y Oatey -

y Training = Education + Development y Training & Development Need =

Standard Performance Actual Performance

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Development Development focuses on theoretical skill and conceptual ideas. Concern with related enhancement of general knowledge & understanding of non-technical organization function. Is for managers & executives Prepares for future job. Focuses long term accruals.


Training focuses on technical, 1. mechanical oriented operation. Concerned with specific job ,skill & 2. behavior.


3. 4. 5.

Is mostly for non managers. Focuses on current jobs. Focuses short term gains

3. 4. 5.

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Training Is one shot deal.

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Development Is continuous on-going process. May result in personal growth & development of overall personality. The motivation is intrinsic.

6. 7. 8.


May result in enhancement of a 7. particular job skill. Is the result of organizational 8. initiative and hence motivation is extrinsic. Is job oriented process and is 9. vocational in process.


Is general in nature and strives to inculcate initiative, enterprise, creativity, dedication and loyalty among executives.

10. Can be classified into 2 major types 10. No such classification is possible. a) on the job, b) off the job training.

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Training is usually imposed


Development activities such as those supplied by management development programs, are generally voluntary. Here the staff members have experience and knowledge , a clear direct relationship between self development and career success. No evaluation for development is possible.


The staff members may have no 12. clear perception of the relationship between learning & career development. Evaluation for training considered to be essential. is 13.


y Training = Subsystem of HRD y Training = result achievement y Value addition in an organization . y Change in system to achieve better then earlier.

y Increase Moral y Increase quality y Continues activity y Tool to deal with problem y Skill achievement y Change of technology y Diversification tool

y To train the employee in the companies culture and ethos. y To prepare the employees both newly recruited and already

y y y

employed to meet the present as well as the future requirement of the job and the organization. To train the employees in order to improve the work methods and skills so as to increase quality and quantity of output. To prevent obsolescence. To prepare employees for higher level responsibilities. To increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of employees by updating them on latest concepts and techniques.

y To facilitate succession planning to build up a second y y y y

line of competent employee. To reduce supervision and wastage and accident. To ensure economical out-put of high quality. To develop inter-personal relations. To foster individual and group morale with positive attitude and cordial relations.

y The role of training is constantly being re defined

what s certain is that it s expensive, and must therefore be a considerable contributor to the organization. y The new expectations of training have not materialized, this new program examines what s needed and more importantly how to deliver measurable strategically based results. The new training model is the basis for the program incorporating the latest techniques in getting results and achieving and exceeding training key performance indicators.

Those attending this program will: y Be able to use a training model to achieve strategic alignment with all training activities y Will be able to understand and use the new training model which covers the complete training cycle y Understand the key outputs from training and how these need to be measures. Performance-Competence knowledge y Be able to use the new model for resolving conflicting priorities. y Understand the relevant success/cost and values of blended training including: e learning, distance learning coaching, mentoring, traditional training and self-help. y Be able to produce unit costs for training and calculate the return on investment of all training activities. y Examine and improve the trainer delivery for existing courses and techniques for significant improvement in the future. y Be able to use two formulas to calculate optimum size and budgets for an effective training function y Use the new track method for development and succession planning

y Implementation of the methods taught will provide the y y y

y y y y

organization with: An improved unit cost per training day Establish bench marks from which improvements can be made Get training better defined so the organization can see the relationship between training expenditure and Performance/Competence and improved Knowledge Be able to see added value results from training activities Have a more cohesive link between organizational objectives and training focus. Have the skills upgraded of those attending. Avoid having a training function of the present and past.

y To be inline with the latest thinking and actions in effective y y y y

training Learn not only the theory but also how to do it in a practical environment. To gain mastery of the measurement of training outcomes To use techniques and methods that are inline with future needs To be able to understand the strategic role and organizational value of training and to be able to explain it to others To use the models and questionnaires on the course in the work place

y Strategic Thinking y Innovation y Training Mastery y Analytical y Forward Planning y Results measurement

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