Key Positioning - Presentation

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Brand Key

Brand Key:
5. Values & PersonalityThe brand values- what the brand stands for & believe in- and/or its personality

6. Reason to believeThe proof we offer to substantiate the positioning

8.EssenceThe distillation of the brand s genetic code into one clear thought.

4. Benefits The
differentiating functional & emotional benefits that motivate purchase

7. Discriminator- The
single most compelling & competitive reason for the target consumer to choose the brand

3. Insight That element of all you know

about the target consumer & their needs ( in this competitive environment) upon which the brand is founded

1. Competitive environmentThe market & alternative choices as seen by the consumer & relative value the brand offers in that market

2. Target The person & the situation for

which the brand is always the best choice, defined in terms of their attitudes & values, not just demographics

Brand Key
The key positioning can be used for two different purposes: 1.To map a set of objectives for the brand; and 2. To capture the reality of the brand, i.e., where it is today in the hearts and minds of it s consumers.

The three elements shown in the base of the key refer to external conditions: a. The context in which the brand is competing (The competitive environment) b.At whom the brand is aimed (The target). The problem or opportunity the brand is seeking to address ( the insight).

The External Conditions

1. Competitive Environment describes the choices available to the consumer, with which your brand competes. It is not a description of the product category as defined by ourselves, research companies or our retail customers. 2 .Target describes the chooser of the brand, who may be the buyer or the user. This is the person for whom the brand is or wants to be the first choice. The Chooser should be defined in terms of attitudes, behaviour and values as well as socio economics. Sometimes it will be helpful to specify the situation in which the brand will be the first choice 3.Insight means seeing inside the consumer . An insight is that one aspect of all you know about the consumer which shows you how the brand can best solve a problem, or create an opportunity for them. The insight is specific to the Competitive Environment, and to the Target.

The consumer s view of the brand

4. Benefits These describe the ways in which the brand solves consumer problems or offers an improvement in some aspect of their life the reasons to buy. Brand benefits will be functional, emotional and / or sensory. 5.Values & Personality values describes what the brand stands for an believes in. Personality describes how the brand behaves 6.Reasons to Believe This is the evidence why the brand is better than alternative brands. It could be superior product details, expert endorsement, an emotional reason related to the values of the brand or its heritage. 7.Discriminator This expresses the single most compelling reason for the consumer to choose the brand, e.g. Dove wont dry my skin like soap can, because it contains one quarter moisturising cream . Selected from all the elements of the Brand Key ( but not using them all), it expresses in one brief sentence what gives the brand its competitive edge.


The consumer s view of the brand

8.Essence this distils the brand s Positioning into one clear, defining thought. For instance, the Dove essence is Femininity restored to me and my skin , or the Magnum essence is My Ultimate indulgence , whereas the Discriminator tells me what the brand offers me that s better than the competition, the Essence is its genetic code what the brand is all about.


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