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NGO participation in the DRR Initiatives of Local Government Units

Presented by: Maria Malu Fellizar - Cagay

Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP)/ Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines (DRRNetPhils) Sectoral Rep, National Anti-Poverty Commission Victims of Disasters and Calamities

RA 10121
The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010
Approved : May 27, 2010 Effective : June 24, 2010

Act Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)

Approved : September 27, 2010 Effective : October 7, 2010

Republic Act No. 10121

Shifts its focus from emergency relief and response (post-disaster) to disaster prevention and risk reduction (pre-disaster)

Paradigm shift
Top-down and centralized disaster management Disasters as merely a function of physical hazard Focus on disaster response and anticipation Bottom-up and participatory disaster risk reduction Disaster mainly a reflection of peoples vulnerability. Integrated approach to genuine social and human development to reduce disaster risk

Restructuring of Disaster Management Institutions

PD 1566
National DCC

RA 10121
Overseeing Implementing OCD
Regional OCD Provincial DRRMO City/Municipal DRRMO Barangay DRRM Committee

OCD (Secretariat)

National DRRMC
Regional DRRMC Provincial DRRMC

Regional DCC

Provincial DCC
City/Municipal DCC

City/Municipal DRRMC
Barangay Devt.Council

Barangay DCC

Key Players under RA 10121

National Government
Civil Society Organization

Local Government


What is the Civil Society Organization (CSO)?

> includes non government

organizations (NGOs), professional associations, foundations, independent research institutes, community based organizations, faith based organizations, peoples organizations, social movements, and labor unions.
(RA 10121,Sec 2. c)

Civil Society Organizations

> are non-state actors whose aims are

neither to generate profits nor to seek governing power.

> CSOs unite people to advance shared goals and interests. They have a presence in public life, expressing interests and values of their members or others, are based on ethical, cultural, scientific, religious or philanthropic considerations.
(RA 10121,Sec 2. c)

Who are we? DRRNetPhils ---- national network of NGOs

whose raison d'etre is to enable RESILIENCE through DRR ; mostly composed of national DRR learning institutions, humanitarian organizations advocacy groups and individuals and community-based organizations committed to DRR ( list DRRNet Members ---- i.e. CDP, BUKLOD TAO, DAMPA, PRRM, CCJD, PDRN, RDRRAC, SAC Ipil, Balay, ERPAT, CNDR, ULAP, WV Phils, CDRC,Coastal core, MACEC, UP-CSWCD, CBSUA, Ateneo School of Government, MO, EMI, PLAN, Oxfam, etc.)

DRRNetPhils call.. Institutionalize disaster risk reduction and management, strengthen local government capacity, and upscale peoples and communities resiliency to disasters.

DRRNetPhils works with: members of the PINGON (Philipine INGO

network) or the Mindanao INGO Network (mostly composed of the international humanitarian organizations --- Save the Children, WV, Plan, Christian Aid, Oxfam, ACF, CARE, UMCOR, etc. Mindanao CSOs committed to DRR work MinCode,EcoWeb, MuCAARD etc. and many community-based and managed NGOs and peoples organizations in your respective communities Aksyon Klima

Mindanao Emergency Response Network Multi-stakeholders Forum

Why engage CSOs?

HYOGO FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION (HFA) --underlying principle of multi-stakeholder engagement in Disaster Risk Reduction

MILENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS partnerships are preferred pathways to development

RA 7160 mandates the inclusion of the CSOs in the

development process

RA 10121 provides for the participation of CSOs in


NDRRMC (Sec. 5)


How can we help?

Risk assessment local hazard, exposure, vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities identification so that targeted action on RISK REDUCTION can be developed; baseline data

How can we help?

Setting-up of end-to-end Early Warning System (EWS), Public Awareness

How can we help?

Disaster Preparedness ----- preparation of contingency plans, evacuation plan, emergency drills, capacity building, public awareness, training for life-saving skills and strengthening of LGU lifelines in times of emergencies; organizing, preparation of DRRM and CCA plans

How can we help?

Knowledge Management --- providing trainings and capacity building on DRR for communities and setting up learning platforms and partnerships for DRR and CCA

How can we help?

Vulnerability reduction --- partnerships with LGUs on environmental management, sustainable livelihoods, universal access to healthcare ; disaster -resilient infrastructure (i.e houses in resettlement areas, rebuilding or retrofitting of schools)

Our role as CSOs is not to substitute the functions of the LGUs ---we are here to complement the work that needs to be done so that TOGETHER we can build better the

of the Filipino People

Daghang Salamat!

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