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EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Week 2: What is design?

Design is the process whereby structured activities change

and record the state of information that exists about a designed object.

A methodology is a set of structured activities Total Design Concept Pugh suggests that Total Design
incorporates all possibilities that the artefact (or its design process) may come into contact with. e.g. social, environmental, economic, political

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

How is the design process structured? What does the process need?
People, Innovation

Where does the process start? Conceptual design gives the basic shape and functions, the way
something just has to be to perform its function. Practical design gives the means by which something can be made on time and on budget Management of the constraints and conflicts that lie between conceptual and practical design Design Methodology is a cyclic and iterative process. A structure within which complexity, constraints and conflicts are managed
Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Design Problem
a need or desire for change in the existing state of information about a designed object

Problem definition
who defines the problem? Client? Inventor? Product development team?

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Design Methodology



Conceptual design

Design Problem

Practical design


Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Design Methodology Design Problem Conflicts Conceptual design


Practical design

Constraints Until the best possible result is achieved, within the constraints.
Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

How is a solution developed? Depends on - the nature of the problem Depends on - the resources available

Depends on - the client Depends on Is it just an engineering solution?

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Who carries out the engineering design work? What are the needs of the design?

Individual engineer, consultant Small team or group Large team as part of an organisation An organisation

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

The individual engineer/consultant Tends to operate in a very specific field of capability, can also be found in SME that have a particular engineering/design requirement as part of their main function. For: Responsive, Good communication between designer and client, imaginative and creative. Freedom to choose work, Reward, Breadth of work, Direction, Job satisfaction Against: Narrow capabilities, Work flow, Office management, Legal responsibility, Client restrictions, Long hours, Stressful work, Restricted capability, Market forces, Isolation

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Small teams Small teams may be small companies who specialise in certain design problems or who possess sufficient breadth of capability to tackle a variety of problems. Small teams may also grow from a specific design remit within a large company or organisation For: Multi-disciplinary capability, cross-fertilisation, workflow and office management becomes an SEP, Collective decision making, Work on bigger projects, Creative diversity of team members Against: Some loss of freedom, Still long hours

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Large teams in organisations Large teams tend to comprise small teams for larger and more ambitious projects For: Usually well resourced and more ambitious Against: Limited freedom, some inertia, Whole company may be dependent on design team success, Design becoming distant from product/client

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Large Organisations Typically government/military funded For: Well resourced and very ambitious Against: Reluctant to change, Significant inertia, Creative diversity may be viewed negatively, design can be too distant from product/client (project overrun)

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Describe the design process for a 2MW wind turbine including installation.

Key Words Design process, conceptual, practical, constraints, conflicts, methodology, management, complexity, client, problem, definition, development, resources, desire, disciplines, response, communication, workflow, market forces, creativity, diversity, team, inertia, ambition, total design..

Dr Alan Owen C512

EN2703 Strategy of Design & Manufacture

Coursework Describe a complete strategy for the design and installation of a 2MW wind turbine.

Design process

Dr Alan Owen C512

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