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Sponsorship Termination Readiness Assessment Profile


Sponsorship is given to the poorest of the poor. Those who in spite of the fact that public education is offered for free, there still remains not enough money for expected expenses such as school supplies, uniforms and transportation.

Certain institutions help these impoverished children by coordinating a partnership between sponsors the children. Typically an organization will pair up a child with a sponsor who normally pledges to help send a child through school until high school.

While the system itself is inherently good, it inherently develops a learned dependence in the child and in many real occasions in their families who forget that sponsorship is not forever.

If successful, this scale is meant to help identify recipient is to terminate their relationship with their sponsor and move on to independent living. When applied in pre-test post-test fashion may also help determine if readiness has been instilled in individuals who were at first determined to be unprepared.

The Pilot Examinees

The Pilot Cases of this evaluation will be Junior and Senior Students of the Bohol Deaf Academy,(BDA) beneficiaries of sponsorship as coordinated by the International Deaf Education Association (IDEA).

It is a real concern for BDA and IDEA that despite training and orientation regarding what to expect after graduation from high school, many graduates see these two institutions as vital to their seeking employment to give them jobs or look for jobs for them or hopes that IDEA will support them through college as well.

Special Considerations

The Deaf in general have a marked academic delay to their hearing counterparts most especially in the area of reading comprehension

. This evaluation is therefore written in:

a more readable format With straight forward questions And minimal grammatical complications.

Customized Likert Scale

The choices: Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly Disagree was replaced with Yes-yes, Yes, Don t Know, No, No-no respectively. The later rendition makes better sign language sense.

Administration of the Test

Seniors and Juniors were given the questionnaire. There was a minimal interaction which could not be avoided between examiner and examinee in case certain words needed to be signed. To further minimize examiner bias, I assigned a deaf student to supervise the exam. And answer only direct questions.

Administration of the Test

The answer sheet was designed to have personal data at the bottom of the page to further signal that the scale was not academic and not graded to put the respondents at ease.

Further action
Feelings of readiness to terminate a sponsorship relationship will be referenced with many possible factors. Parental support, popular opinion, age, economic status, personal goals a need for belongingness.

Further Action
The scale is meant to be a spring board for exit interviews, readiness seminars etc. The test can be taken again to see if important concepts have been learned.

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