Breath Holding Times

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Experiment 8

Pailma Pascua Ramirez Refuerzo Reyes

Peter Colat

David Blaine

Beating of the heart, movement of muscles cell division ---> OXYGEN Oxygen lungs alveoli- throughout the body It ensures a steady supply of oxygen to the cells of the body needed for cellular respiration, the complete breakdown of glucose by the cells of the body (Chiras, 2012).

The respiratory system is made up of a gasexchanging organ (the lungs) and a pump that ventilates the lungs, Ganong (2010).
 Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide  Homeostasis

To observe and explain the length of time for which breath can be held

80 70

After Normal Inspiration After Normal Expiration


60 50 40 30

After Maximum Inspiration After Maximum Expiration

28.09 24.28


After Hyperventilation After Bag

10 0

CO2 has strong indirect effect in stimulating neurons in the chemosensitive area H+ has strong direct effect Why?

Breaking point the point at which breathing can no longer be voluntarily inhibited
 Due to increase in PCO2 and decrease in PO2

Individuals can hold their breath longer after removal of carotid bodies
 Stimulated by a rise in PCO2 or H+ concentration

or a decline in PO2  Chemical regulatory mechanisms adjust ventilation so that:

Alveolar PCO2 is held constant Effects of excess H+ in blood are combated PO2 is raised when it falls to a potentially dangerous level

Respiratory minute volume (amount of air inspired minute) is proportional to metabolic rate
 Link between metabolism and ventilation is CO2,

not O2

Partial pressure
 Gases expand to fill the volume available

Atmospheric Pressure N2 O2 CO2 H2O 597.0 mmHg 159.0 mmHg 0.3 mmHg 3.7 mmHg 760 mmHg 78.62% 20.84% 0.04% 0.5% 100.0%

Alveolar Air 569.0 mmHg 104.0 mmHg 40.0 mmHg 47.0 mmHg 760.0 mmHg 74.9% 13.6% 5.3% 6.2% 100.0%


Alveolar air is only partially replaced by atmospheric air with each breath
 To prevent sudden changes in gas concentrations

in the blood
Which makes the respiratory control mechanism more stable Helps prevent excess increase and decrease in tissue oxygenation, carbon dioxide concentration and tissue pH

Carotid Bodies Aortic Bodies

Decreased Arterial Oxygen Stimulates Chemoreceptors

Impulse rate is particularly sensitive to change in arterial PO2 in 60 mmHg 30 mmHg Hemoglobin oxygen saturation decreases rapidly

Increased Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Ion Concentration Stimulates Chemoreceptors

 Indirectly  Direct effects are about seven times more

powerful in the respiratory center

Carbon Dioxide: stimulation via peripheral chemoreceptors occur as much as five times as rapidly as central stimulation

 Inadequate oxygenation of blood in lungs due to: Deficiency of oxygen in atmosphere Hypoventilation  Pulmonary disease Hypoventilation due to increased airway resistance or decreased pulmonary compliance Abnormal alveolar ventilation-perfusion ratio Diminished respiratory membrane diffusion

 Venous to arterial shunts  Inadequate oxygen transport to tissues by the

Anemia or abnormal hemoglobin General circulatory deficiency Localized circulatory Tissue edema

 Inadequate tissue capability of using oxygen

 Spastic contraction of

smooth muscles in bronchioles  Blocked, narrowed airways  Troubled breathing, wheezing, chest tightness, and fatigue

Sleep apnea
 Absence of spontaneous

breathing  Minimum of 10-second interval between breaths

 Collapsing of the alveoli  Causes: Total obstruction of

airways; lack of surfactant in the fluids lining the alveoli

 Inflamed bronchial tubes  Caused by smoking, exposure to second-hand

smoke, or breathing in chemicals or air pollution

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

 Inflammation of the walls of the lung airways or

alveoli or chronic bronchitis  Pulmonary Emphysema

Damaged lines of air sacs Excess air in lungs

 Tubercle bacilli Invasion of infected tissue by macrophages Walling off by fibrous tissue tubercle
Protective mechanism to prevent progression of infection

If untreated, bacteria spreads and walling off fails formation of abscess cavities

Pulmonary Fibrosis
 Scarring of the lung tissue

Rhinitis (stuffy nose)

Periodic Breathing
 One breathes deeply for a short interval and

breathes slightly or not at all for an additional interval

Cheyne-Stokes Breathing

 Provide O2  Eliminate CO2

Breaking Point
 Hyperventilation delays breaking point  affected by the PCO2 and PO2

To observe and explain the length of time for which breath can be held

Arthur C. Guyton M.D., J. E. (2006). Textbook of Medical Physiology. China: Elsevier Inc. Bruce M. Koeppen, B. A. (2010). Berne & Levy Physiology 6th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier. Kim E. Barrett, S. M. (2010). Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology. Singapore: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Marcovitch, D. H. (2005). Black's Medical Dictionary. London: A & C Black Publishers Limited. MD, L. C. (2010, August 223). Restrictive vs. Obstructive Lung Disease. Retrieved January 24, 2012, from WebMD: O'Sullivan, S. B., & Schmitz, T. J. (2007). Physical Rehabilitation, 5th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

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