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Collections of Inspirations

1. Caring Produces Result
 People wont care how much you know until they know how much you care, Communicate your concern for people first, then you can ask them to do anything You are renting a workers behavior, not buying his or her soul. You have a right to expect professional and productive behavior on the job. Demand that, but stop when the end-of-day whistle blows. Every area has its own culture, customs, and minorities. Learn, respect, and value these differences. Incorporate them into your management. Express your gratitude for a job well done, and mean it. People produce extraordinary results when they feel appreciated. Find out what your employees need from you in order to get the job done Loyalty is the natural response to loyalty. For the most part, you get back what you put out By owning up to your mistakes, you clear the air and send an important message about responsibility If authority doesnt equal responsibility, its a setup for an employee to fail. Thats not fair

2. Realize: To Most People, Its Only a Job

3. Honor Differences

4. Say Thank you 5. Ask Your Employess What They Need 6. Loyalty Begets Loyalty 7. Admit When You Are Wrong and Quickly 8. Authority Must Equal Responsibility

34.Know Your Working Style
   Be aware of when your style serves the organization and when it doesnt. When it is inappropriate, change or leave Get to know the strengths and weaknesses of your people. Use this information to improve results. Different situations require different roles: decision maker, information giver, leader, follower, ambassador, team player, individualist. Define and communicate your role and the roles of your team members Unless you are in the military, orders are usually not received well. People want to be asked. A request invites participation and cooperation. People need to know whats expected and how they will be evaluated. Feedback should be timely, regular, constructive, and honest Spend your time, money, and attention on your good people. Dont inadvertently reward poor performance. People like to play and win. Celebrating successes, even small ones, reinforces winning behavior

35.Know Your Team Members 36.Define Roles Clearly

37.Make Requests Instead of Issuing Orders


38.Provide Feedback, Both Formally and Informally 39.Reward Good People and Good Performance 40.Celebrate Success

41.Leave the Old Job Behind
      Dont hang on to the old job when you are promoted. Make a clean break. Put it in the past There is a difference between real power and organizational chart power. Discover who really makes the decisions in your company Lay out procedures to manage daily operations. Do not make decisions on these matters other than to change established policies or procedures Managers often mistake surface issues for the real problem. Look beyond symptoms to find the underlying causes Know your options; you always have more than one. If you dont line them, keep looking The higher you go, the lonelier its gets. You need a personal support system. Enroll a group of people who you trust and who understand management. Share the ups and downs of the job that no one else would understand. Asking for help is a sign of wisdom and strength. No one goes through life or work alone When too much is asked of you, decline or renegotiate. Reorder priorities or drop lower-level tasks. Dont set yourself up for failure by overextending

42.Know The Real Organizational Chart 43.Set Up Systems 44.Find and Deal with Real Problem 45.You have Choices 46.Cultivate a Personal Support System

47.Dont Be Afraid to Ask for Help


48.Just Say No

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