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(OB) Individual Behavior in Organizations








Human behavior is like jigsaw puzzles which differ from one another. Each person in an organization has unique behavioral patterns which varies from those of other individual. Each such behavior is directed towards the achievement of specific goals. Human behavior can be understood from three different prospective. a. Traditional Perspective b. Behavioral Perspective c. Behavior as an Input-Output System

a. Traditional Prospective: Prospective: > Theorists regarded human behavior as a StimulusStimulusResponse (S-R) process. (S- process. > The stimulus causes a corresponding response. (it response. evokes certain behavioral patterns in an individual) > This classic S-R model modified to S-O-R model (here O represents organism(desire) / human being who interact with the environment) > Individual observes the surrounding environment, imitates what others are doing, avoid doing certain things, and in the process develop a certain pattern of behavior. behavior.

b. Behavioral Perspective: Here behavioral perspective is explained through S-O-B model. S stands for situation, O stands for organism situation, or individual and B stands for behavior Individual plays a important role in this model. Both model. physiological and psychological aspect of individual are taken into consideration. consideration. Physiological aspects include personality of the individual. individual. The individual and the situation interact with each other. other. This is called perception and it becomes an integral part of the individuals personality as well as a part of his motivation. psychological process i.e. learning and motivation.

Since the variables S & O interact with one another, there is significant interaction and this is responsible for how a person behaves. behaves. The final variable in the model is behavior (B). Which (B). stands for behavior embracing both overt (unconcealed) and covert (concealed) responses. responses. According to behavioral scientists, there exists a twotwoway relationship between the variables O & B. B. All the variables interact with and influence one another. another.

S-O-B Model for understanding individual behavior in organization





Stimulus Environment

Physiological processes Cognitive process Psychological processes


Pattern of behavior

c. Behavior as an Input-Output System: InputSystem: Human behavior is viewed as a system model with an inputinput-output arrangement. arrangement. (stimuli in the form of inputs are processed and converted into output / responses) The input-output model also provides an insight into inputvarious other processes associated with behavior. behavior. The central processing region in which the stimuli are processed into responses is responsible for cognition (perception)

The process system includes perception and other related processes such as; * thinking * reasoning * problem-solving problem* decision-making decisionNote: Note: > Cognition (perception) refers to the act of knowing. > Knowing represents knowledge > Knowledge precedes (come before) behavior > Apart from cognition/perception, the central processing region is also responsible for storage of information and that is known as memory.







Let us find out various components of input-output inputsystem Inputs: > This refers to different stimuli received from environment that refers to inputs in the form of information about any events. events. > Such information is converted to a pattern based on the past experience and its relevance / importance. importance. > Thereafter, it is organized within the central processing region in such a way that it leads to coherent results. results. > Thus the inputs are responsible for the behavior of an individual in the input-output system. inputsystem.

Processing: Processing:

Information received in the form of inputs is sent to the central processing region by the receptors. receptors. Information is arranged in a logical and meaningful manner. manner. The personality traits of an individual and his experience effect the process of this arrangement of information. information.

After the input have been arranged, thinking, reasoning, or problem solving takes place in the cognitive (perception) region. region. However additional information is processed in the central cognitive region before output can be generated in the form of an individuals decision. decision.

Outputs: Outputs: * When stimuli are processed in the central processing units, various signal are generated that are either displayed through physical movements or verbal expression of thoughts. thoughts.

Note: a. The output that is generated is stored in the memory of the individual and act as a guide for future action.

The type of input generated is also influenced by various environmental situations i.e. > temperature > humidity > noise level

c. The motivational process does involve input-output inputprocess and provide a psychological base for the individuals behavior.

Motivation a basis for Input-Output system: Input> An individual is continuously exposed to various kinds of stimuli and his response in terms of output depends on his motivational level. Note: This forms the basis of the input-output system. inputMotivation can be broadly classified into two types: a. Primary or Physiological Motivation (it refers to lower level of motivation) b. Secondary or Socio-psychological Motivation (it refers Socioto higher level of motivation)




Regardless of how motivated you are, you cant be exactly like another person. person. Strengths and Weaknesses in terms of ability makes one relatively superior or inferior to others in performing certain tasks or activities. activities. Ability defers from person to person but it depends on how one uses the knowledge. Ability refers to ones knowledge. capacity to perform various tasks. tasks. Abilities are made up of two sets of factors: factors: A. Intellectual Abilities B. Physical Abilities



Dimension of Intellectual Ability

Dimension Number Aptitude Description Ability to do speedy & accurate arithmetic Job Example Accountant: Computing the sales tax on a set of items Plant Manager: Following corporate policies on hiring

Verbal Ability to understand what is read comprehension or heard & the relationship of words to each other Perceptual speed Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning

Ability to identify visual similarities Fire Investigator: Identifying clues & differences quickly & accurately to support a charge of arson Ability to identify a logical sequence in a problem & then solve the problem Ability to use logic & assess the implications of an argument Market Researcher: Forecasting demand for a product in the next time period Supervisor: Choosing between two different suggestions offered by employees Interior Decorator: Redecorating an office Salesperson: Remembering the names of customers

Spatial (space) Ability to imagine how an object visualization would look if its position in apace were changed Memory Ability to retain & recall past experience

Physical Ability


Nine Physical Abilities

Strength Factors

Dynamic strength Trunk strength Static strength Explosive strength

Flexibility Factors

Extent flexibility Dynamic flexibility

Other Factors

Body coordination Balance Stamina



Nine Basic Physical Abilities

Strength Factors 1 2 3 4 Dynamic strength Trunk strength Static strength Explosive strength Flexibility Factors 5 6 7 8 9 Extent flexibility Dynamic flexibility Other factors Body coordination Balance Stamina Ability to coordinate the simultaneous actions of different parts of the body Ability to maintain equilibrium despite forces pulling off balance
1 maximum effort requiring prolonged effort Ability to continue22 over time

Ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time Ability to exert muscular strength using the trunk (particularly abdominal) muscles Ability to exert force against external objects Ability to expand a maximum of energy in one or a series of explosive acts Ability to move the trunk and back muscle as far as possible Ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movement

Biographical characteristics
From organizational context main characteristics are;

Age Gender Race Social group Marital status Tenure employee in the org. Religion Biological Foundation (Heredity) Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Age: It is opinioned that ; Older employees make valuable contribution by virtue of their experience and sound judgment. judgment. They have high work ethics and are quality conscious. conscious. They are perceived; inflexible, unwilling to adapt to new perceived; technology or method of working but can accept provided training. training. However they have lower rate of avoidable absence compare to younger generation who tend to absent. absent. If productivity is less due to age factor they are compensated by additional experience. experience.

Gender: It found that; There are few differences between men and women on performance. Women also display; . Problem-solving ability . Analytical skills Problem. Motivation level . Interpersonal skills and . Learning ability Note: A few differences I.e. > Men are more aggressive but > Women are more comply with instructions but more unstable on job higher turnover. > Absenteeism is more since they cope with family responsibilities.

It relates to racial groups mostly for genetic and anthropological reasons (though it is not widely encouraged) When it is connected to OB it relates to;  Employment outcomes; - personal selection decisions - performance evaluation - pay - workplace discrimination Note: (more visible between African/American situation)

Social group: > Reservation benefits are extended to certain social groups. groups. (% seats are reserved) > Preference given to categories, recognized as scheduled cast, scheduled tribe, and other backward classes. classes. Marital status: status: responsibilities. > Married people have greater responsibilities. > They prefer steady job they are stead and reliable. reliable. > They take fewer leaves of absence and mostly have job satisfaction. satisfaction.
Note: Note: (effect of divorces, widowhood, and more modern trends i.e. livelive-in relationships on performance yet to be studied)

Tenure in the org:  This is studied to understand the relationship between a persons productivity and his tenure within an organization.

It is observed that people having vast experience in an organization likely to be more productive & satisfied. Persons tenure in the previous organization is the best way of predicting whether he is likely to stay for long in the present job.

Religion: This has a significant contribution in OB. OB. In most countries, law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees based on their religion. religion. Many opinions and judgments on this front-differs from frontcountry to country. country. There has been a strong opinion on this issue and different attitude towards different religion in different country. country.

Biological Foundation: (Heredity) The process by which characteristics are given from a parent to the child through the genes. genes. Heredity determines characteristics traits such as; as; > physical stature > gender > temperament > muscle composition & reflexes > energy level and > biological rhythms

Hereditary traits are determined by individual ancestor's biological, physiological, and psychological makeup. makeup. The combination of inherited traits of a person as well as certain environmental factors give rise to unique behavioral pattern in an individual. individual. This behavior is the individuals response as he tries to adjust to the environmental conditions. conditions.

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity: Identity: In most countries law has no discrimination against employees on sexual orientation and in some there is antianti-discrimination policy and some ignore it. it. Some companies implement policies to protect gay rights etc. etc. Some companies offer domestic partner benefits for gay couple; couple; American express, IBM, Morgan Stanley, Motorola, Wal-Mart etc. Waletc. Some are against domestic partner benefits rather nonnondiscrimination clauses for gay employees. employees. Such situations do have effect on OB. OB.

The Ability-Job Fit Ability-

Employees Abilities

Ability-Job Fit

Jobs Ability Requirements


References and summery


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