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BY: C.Sushmitha,Nithin Das & Joshua

Imagine yourself as a dietician working in a 3rd world country. According to MedicinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia, malnutrition is the condition that occurs when your body does not get enough nutrients. A 7-year old child named Bryan has just visited you 7and you diagnosed him with kwashiorker. The kwashiorker. government does not know what kwashiorkor is all about as this word is new to them

Kwashiorkor is an acute form of childhood protein-energy proteinmalnutrition that occurs when there is not enough protein in the diet.

What causes kwashiorker?

Kwashiorkor is most common in areas of Famine, Limited food supply, Low levels of education (when people do not understand how to eat a proper diet).Ignorance of nutrition can be a cause. This disease is more common in very poor countries. It often occurs during a drought or other natural disaster, or during political unrest. These conditions are responsible for a lack of food, which leads to malnutrition.

What are the signs/effects of kwashiorker? Changes in skin pigment

Decreased muscle mass Diarrhoea Failure to gain weight and grow Fatigue Hair changes (change in colour, texture or thinning hair) Increased and more severe infections due to damaged immune system Irritability Large belly that sticks out (protrudes) Lethargy or apathy Loss of muscle mass Rash (dermatitis) Shock (late stage) Swelling (edema) (edema) distended abdomen an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates Loss of teeth Anorexia

To cure Bryan of kwashiorker: kwashiorker:

Giving him more calories and protein will correct kwashiorkor. However, he who have had this condition will never reach their full potential for height and growth. The treatment depends on the severity of the condition. People who are in shock need immediate treatment to restore blood volume and maintain blood pressure. Calories should be given first in the form of carbohydrates, simple sugars, and fats. Proteins are started after other sources of calories have already provided energy. Vitamin and mineral supplements are essential.

To cure Bryan of kwashiorker: kwashiorker:

Since Bryan have been without much food for a long period of time, eating can cause problems, especially if the calories are too high at first. Food must be reintroduced slowly. Carbohydrates are given first to supply energy, followed by protein foods. He must have developed intolerance to milk sugar (lactose intolerance). He will need to be given supplements with the enzyme lactase so that they can tolerate milk products.


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