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A growth enabler in tourism industry


Introduction SWOT Analysis Process of Destination Marketing. Factors of growth Different targets of Destination Marketing Ad campaigns by different states Use of Social Media Benefits of Destination Marketing Tourism growth in India An Example Conclusion References
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Destination Marketing is selecting a consistent brand element mix to identify and distinguish a destination through positive image building Every country in the world is a brand and can differentiate itself from others and subsequently can generate sales via international tourism.


A way to communicate a destinations unique identity to visitors. A means of differentiating a destination from its competitors. A uniform look that all destination partners can consistently use. A symbol, name, term or design, or combination of these elements.


SWOT Analysis
STRENGTH Diversity of tourism resources World heritages Cultural and ethnic diversity WEAKNESS Limited hotel supply Insufficient train tickets availability Inconvenient domestic transportation Dirty & Unhygienic image THREATS Successful marketing activities by neighbouring destinations International disputes with a bordering country Terrorism, Naxalism etc.

OPPORTUNITIES New outbound markets from Asia Increased investment in tourism sector


Process of destination marketing

Identifying target markets Analysing motivational factors of target visitor markets Developing a marketing plan with promotional goals Developing an advertising campaign with a wellfocused theme aimed at target markets Developing a media and public relations strategy Funding a marketing plan adequately Evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing plan
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Different Targets of DM
Foreign Tourists Domestic Tourists Medical Tourism Adds to GDP


Ad campaigns by states


Ad campaigns by states


Ad campaigns by states



Key Factors of Success

o Differentiate your country/region from competing destinations. o All beach resorts boast of their unparalleled white sand, clear water, fresh sea food, etc., but whats the difference ? o Find out the difference that attracts your target segments.

o Do not try to be the number 1; be the only one .

Law of Distance and Expectation

o The farther and longer one travels, the more value he/she expects.



Use of Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, E-mails etc. It doesnt cost anything, just time. Feedback and reviews. Building a customer relationship. Latest news and discounts.



Benefits of Destination Marketing

Fosters a unified and cooperative approach to build the citys reputation and create a prosperous business climate within the city. Corrects out of date, inaccurate or unbalanced perceptions. Provides a unifying theme to create product and business development opportunities for city businesses.



Tourism Growth in India

According to World Tourism Organization estimates, India will lead in South Asia with 8.9 million arrivals by 2020. The tourism industry earns foreign exchanges worth 21,828 crore. Previous year the growth rate of the tourism sector of Indian economy was recorded as 17.3% . The growth in the tourism industry is due to the rise in the arrival of more and more foreign tourists and the increase in the number of domestic tourists.



The factors for the growth of the Tourism sector of India

Increase in the general income level of the populace Rapid growth of the Indian economy Aggressive advertisement campaigns on the tourist destinations



Dubai from desert to destination

It has been proven that positive brand images have helped several economies boost their exports, attract tourism and visitors, residents and investment. Dubai is one such example. Years ago Dubai was a desert city It survived on limited oil and trading The oil was running out As a destination tourism now represents 22% of the states GDP and is 3 times higher than that of oil.
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Destination Marketing helps in creating an entirely different image of any destination. Several countries which are completely based on tourism have used this concept well in creating there brand image. E.g. Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand etc. In India itself there are locations like Nainital, Shimla they are dependent on summer season for their business. With the help of DM it can promote its winter season also.
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References ml Twenty benefits of a city branding strategy by Bill Baker. Strategic Destination Marketing by Masato Takamatsu, Japan Tourism Marketing Co. Destination Marketing by School of Travel Industry Management, University of Hawaii, Manoa Destination Branding by Trevor Owen, Alpha Tours, Dubai
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