New Developments in Performance Appraisal

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New Developments in Performance Appraisal

Presented By:ROHIT KUMAR MBA 2nd Sem Roll No. 39

Annual Performance Appraisals

Purpose: To measure annual performance against objectives established in performance plan Steps:
1) Ask employee to complete self evaluation form 2) Complete appraisal form 3) Schedule performance appraisal discussion in advance

Completing the Appraisal Form

 Performance notes kept over course of the year  Employees self evaluation  Feedback from key customers  Observations of supervisor

Preparing Individual Development Plans

Develop performance plans for each employee based upon the areas of past performance that need improvement and the areas of future development that an employee can strive to attain.

How to Prepare Individual Development Plans

Review training and educational records Identify educational/training opportunities Consider job rotation Identify sources of assistance Follow through on commitments

VBAs Executive Performance Appraisal System

A New Approach to Executive Performance Management

Executive Performance Appraisal Plan Development

Development Team was comprised of Directors from the field Field survey was conducted with the best ideas incorporated in the final plan Performance expectations from senior level VBA management were incorporated in the final plan

Elements of the Executive Performance Appraisal System

Element 1 - Balanced Scorecard Performance Element 2 - Organizational Support/Teamwork Element 3 - Leadership Development Element 4 - External Relations Element 5 - Workplace Responsibilities

The Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecards for each business line contain the following key elements:  Speed  Accuracy  Unit Cost  Customer Satisfaction  Employee Development

Appraisal Smart

A Sophisticated Web-Based, Enterprise-Wide Performance Appraisal / Review System Based on International Best Practice

Managing and Administering the Employee Performance Appraisal / Review process need not be so stressful, time-consuming and paper-intensive any longer

Appraisal Smart offers an innovative, cutting-edge approach to administering Employee Performance Appraisals/Reviews, and will place you at the technological forefront regarding this crucial Human Resources and Managerial function It not only automates Performance Review administration - it elevates it to a superb relationship, productivity and behavior modification tool, effectively driving change, productivity, development of core competence, and ultimately: bottom line results The Appraisal Smart solution is not just an electronic document management tool - it is an interactive Performance Management Support System

Appraisal Smart Accommodates any kind and combination of Performance Measures such as:

Goals Objectives Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) Competencies

References uQ g_performance.ppt petency_development/ppt/personal_skills.ppt raisalTrainingMerged.ppt


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