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The main goal of science at the primary level is to lay the foundation for building a society that is culturally scientific and technological, caring, dynamic and progressive. This is to be achieved through providing opportunities for students to acquire sufficient skills, knowledge and values through experiential learning that inculcates the sense of responsibility towards the environment and a high regard of natures creation. Emphasis is given on the mastery of scientific skills needed to study and understand the world. Scientific skills refer to process skills and manipulative skills.

At the lower primary level, elements of science are integrated across the curriculum. Science subjects and science related subjects are crucial and students at early age must be exposed or made familiar with it so as to prepare them for a more advance study in the future. The effort to produce more science and technology experts must be accompanied with the nurturing and increasing of environmental awareness. A scientific problem may be approached in a mathematical context.

Other goals of science education: ` Gaining of systematic studying habit ` Gaining the skill for using tools and equipment and laboratory ` Gaining the skill of/in putting theoretical knowledge into daily practice ` Being able to analyze phenomenon in terms of cause-effect relationship ` Gaining the skill of creative thinking ` Attracting attention into science and scientific study ` Comprehending the relationship between math and science ` Comprehending the ways of obtaining information via researches ` Being able to establish the relationship between natural events

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Being able to cope with daily problems via scientific methods Gaining general science knowledge Students critical thinking skill is improved Giving to the student skill on learning how to learn Comprehending scientific subject as understanding and explaining the nature Comprehending the relationship between science and technology Being able to reach a conclusion by experiment and observation Gaining the skill of accruing and using information Gaining the skill of preparing a project either individually or in a team Being able to comprehend scientific knowledge that forms scientific subject Being able to use the problem solving method for learning science

First, in the science curriculum contents is not being taught as a subject but as aims or objectives of certain subjects. Many teachers are using hands-on methods in order to teach the primary students. For examples, teacher allows students to find the answer by observation from the experiment. Besides, science education prepared children and taught them about environmental issues. Science subject must stress the environmental awareness factors in its curriculum contents. Thus, it has been taught to students as early as year 1 (7 years old).

For example, teacher let the students have a nature walk and giving some task to do. Teaching science incorporates creativity, imagination and decision-making skill. Among the decision-making involved are content of lessons, teaching strategies, laboratory preparation and class management preparation. Teachers duty is not only to explain, provide notes and use the teaching board or other teaching aids. Science teachers need to ensure that students are fascinated by the lesson plans.

The teachers pose some questions to let the students to think and find out the answers. The students will improve their thinking skill. Teachers want the students to know scientific concepts and definitions of scientific words, and to develop inquiry abilities and critical thinking skills. Understanding science is generally interpreted as passing a test. Teacher as a role model should stimulate pupils curiosity and develop their interest about the world around them. Thus, the students will be more interested in science education and gaining more knowledge.

Website I:\A Study on Malaysia Primary School Science Education Foundation for Environmental Knowledge.htm eo.pdf

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Wong Yong Sun Ching Weng Pheng Chang Pei Shang Lem Suk May


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