Training Methods

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Guided by: Mr. Fredi R. Zaveri

Presented By: RUSHAB B SHAH Section B, Roll No. 28.

TRAINING METHODS There are different methods of training, forms and types of training methods are inter-related. The best technique for one situation may not be best for another situation. That means each method is suitable for the particular situation.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRAINING METHODS On the job training Job instruction training Vestibule training Demonstrations and examples Simulation Apprenticeship Classroom methods


Master mechanic teach the trainees and also provide immediate feedback according to their learning. Under this kind of training the trainee is placed in new job and is told how it may be performed. Employees are coached and instructed by skilled co workers, by supervisors, by the special training instructors. They learn the job by personal observation and practice.


The trainee learns on the actual equipment in use in the actual environment of his job. It is highly economical since no additional personnel or facilities are required for training. The trainee learns the rules and regulations by observing their day-to-day applications. So he can be easily sized up by the management. It is the most appropriate for teaching the knowledge and skills which can be acquired in a relatively short period.


Instructions often highly disorganized and haphazard and not properly supervised, because of inability of the experienced employee to impart skills to the trainee. Learners are often subjected to distractions of a noisy shop or office. Low productivity is also a major drawback when the employee is unable to fully develop his skills.


The preparation of the trainee for instruction. This includes putting him at ease and giving general description of job duties and responsibilities. Presentation of the instructions, giving essential information in a clear manner. Make a trainee to perform the job and then give him a feedback and correct his errors if any. Encouraging questions and allowing the trainee to work along and the trainer follows up regularly.

VESTIBULE TRAINING ( TRAINING CENTRE TRAINING):It is a classroom training which is often imparted with the help of the equipments and machines which are identical with those in use in the work place. When many employees are to be trained for the same kind of work, this method is used. Advantages: Distractions are minimized because training is given in a room. The correct method can be taught without interruption in production. It permits the trainee to practice without the fear of supervisors observation.

The splitting of responsibilities leads to organizational problems. An additional investment in equipment is necessary; though the cost may be reduce by getting some productive work done by trainee while in the school. This method is of limited value for the jobs which utilizes equipment which can be duplicated. The training situation is artificial.


y Here, the trainer describes and displays that how to
perform the job. Demonstrations are used in combination with lectures, pictures, text materials, discussions, etc. y Teaching by examples is effective in mechanical operations or interpersonal relationships, for job duties and responsibilities, for informal group standards, supervisory expectations etc.

 In this method, actual working conditions are
duplicated.  Simulation method is most widely used in aeronautical industry.  Here, trainee interest and employee motivation are too high.  This training is essential in cases in which actual on the job practice might result in a serious inquiry, a costly error or the destruction of valuable materials or resources.  This method is very expensive.

y This method of training is widely used for the training in crafts, trades

and in technical areas. The field in which apprenticeship training is offered are numerous and range from the job of a draughtsman, a machinist, a printer, a tool-maker, a pattern designer, a mechanic, carpenters, weavers, fitters, jewellers, die-sinkers and electricians. Each apprentice is given a programme of assignments according to a predetermined schedule. Advantages: y A skilled workforce is maintained. y Immediate returns can be expected from training. y The workmanship is good. y The hiring cost is lower. y The loyalty of employees is increased and opportunities for growth are frequent.

CLASSROOM METHODS Lectures Conferences Group discussions Case studies Role playing Programmed instructions Laboratory training

y It is very difficult to say that which

method/technique is more useful than other. Methods are multifaceted in scope and dimension. The best technique for one situation may not be the best for another situation. Effective training should provide motivation to the trainee to improve job performance.


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