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Group Quiz

Age is not relevant measure of talent. True of False? Age should determine rank in any organization. True of False?

Absolutely nowhere shall age automatically determine rank

The Rule of St. Benedict (Rule, 63)

Hundreds of university research studies have consistently shown that age is not related to innovative capability, entrepreneurial thinking, or sophisticated decisiondecision-making skills. Talent is not dependent on age. To Benedict, the issue of age is irrelevant. Under the Rule, there is no such thing as age discrimination.

Group Quiz

In determining promotion, what should be the prior basis, merit or seniority?

In determining ranking, what should be the prior basis, merit or seniority?

How to Play Merit Card

Benedict established a two-pronged twoapproach to rank based primarily upon merit, and secondarily on seniority. The merits and talents slated for a position have to be superlative and overriding, particularly if a junior individual is to be promoted over more senior members. Anything less lends itself to charges of nepotism.

Group Quiz

Enumerate benefits and advantages of seniority in an organization.

Where Seniority Fits In

Someone who came to the community at the second hour of the day must recognize that he is junior to someone who came at the first hour, regardless of age or distinction. (Rule, 63) Once the major positions were filled on the basis of merit, Benedict saw the great value in maintaining a sense of rank by seniority in the organization. Where merit and talent are the brains of a cohesive organization, seniority is its backbone.

Where Seniority Fits In



Institutionalizing seniority does several important things: Seniority encourages long-term longcommitment to the organization. It provides a powerful incentive, an opportunity to gain respect and status by simply making an honest commitment. Seniority honors this commitment. The values of commitment, longevity and sustainability are always in the forefront.

Where Seniority Fits In

3. Seniority institutionalizes organizational continuity. Organizations evolve, expand and diversify. Within this everever-changing environment, seniority provides an important reference point for continuity. 4. Seniority provides an explicit measure for experience. Senior members have already traversed the organizational learning curve and can transfer this knowledge to newer members. 5. Seniority provides an established and recognized political system. To some extent, seniority can preempt destructive organizational politics. It can often save the organization from backstabbing and backroom dealing by cliques.

Group Quiz

How do we balance merit and seniority?

Balance the Power of Merit and Seniority

Seniority without merit and talent simple becomes stagnant union shop. Merit and seniority serve dual but complementary organizational roles. Talent and skill constitute the organizational intellect. Rewards based upon merit will always provide the creative and entrepreneurial power of an organization. Parallel to this, however, seniority is carefully honored, respected and leveraged. By recognizing the tremendous asset of accumulated experience and organizational commitment, seniority becomes the backbone of the organization.

Group Quiz

How do we show the value of seniority?

The Rule of Maturing Worker

People do age and slow down overtime, or can fall ill or become incapacitated; ultimately people need to retire from the demands of daily work. Benedict makes clear statement to the leader to make provisions for them (Rule, 37) As people age and mature: 1. do not expect the same level of physical productivity 2. instead reduce workload 3. provide additional assistance if necessary It is clear that their role, position, or status is never diminished in the eyes of the organization. Their seniority and respect always remain intact.

The Rule of Maturing Worker

The Rule also outlines the expectations for proper retirement. Even in the 6th century, a full pension and program of health insurance were provided. But Benedict makes a point of suggesting there is a balance for the pensioners and the sick. The respect given to the retires and to their memory after death, is particularly evident in Benedictine organizations. Pictures of the deceased with short biographies are posted in the monastery, and each year the biographies are read to the assembled members of the community as a tribute. Benedict saw this respect as part of the contract of stability and the relationship that ensures cohesiveness in highhighperforming organizations.


In the company that you have created, design a ranking system that balance the importance of merit (talents & accomplishments) & seniority of the employees What benefits could you give your employees that would encourage > merit (talents & accomplishments) > seniority (longevity)


Make a one page research and reflection paper on how St. Benedict and his rules influenced the different sectors of society. Conclude the paper with your own insight on how St. Benedict and his rules could have possibly influenced you life, explicitly or implicitly?

Course Project

Create a BLOG-site about St. Benedicts Rule of BLOGLeadership. Contents: 1. Rule of Leadership 2. How St. Benedict and his rules influenced the corporate world. 3. Feature any person from the corporate whose practices h as been influenced by St. Benedict 4. Testimonies from the Alumni on St. Benedicts influence into their lives 5. Invite friends to view and comment on your site.

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