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Democratic Origins And Revolutionary Writers, 1776-1820

Members of group: Nguyen Thi Kim Uyen Phan Thi Ngoc Lien Hoang Thi Thanh Trang Nguyen Thi Bich Phung

I. Introduction II. Content 1. The American enlightenment - Characteristics - Typical authors 2. The political pamphlet - Characteristics - Thomas Paine 3. Neoclassism - Epic - Mock epic - satire

4. Poet Of The American Revolution - Philip Freneau - Other Poets 5. Writers Of Fiction - Characteristics - Typical Authors 6. Women And Minorities - Characteristics - Typical Authors

- American literature excessively depends on English literary models. + lingering identification + excessive imitation - Revolutions grow gradually out of new sensibilities and wealth of experience Revolutionary writers. - Revolutionary writers could never find roots in their American sensibilities.

- Literary stagnation + most American authors had to pay printers to publish their work + lack of audience + the absence of adequate copyright laws pirating. The high point of piracy corresponds with the low point of American writing.

1. . The American Enlightenment

a. Characteristics: - Marked by an emphasis on rationality rather than tradition, scientific inquiry instead of unquestioning religious dogma, and representative government in place of monarchy. - Themes: the ideas of justice, liberty, and equality as the natural rights of man.

b. Typical authors
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
First great man of letters An important figure at the 1787 convention at which the U.S. Constitution, never lost his democratic sensibility - two self-help books + Autobiography : - Describes his scientific scheme of self-improvement - List 13 virtues - Put the idea of perfectibility to the test, using himself as the experimental subject + Poor Richards Almanack - Book of useful encouragement, advice, and factual information, amusing characters exhort the readers in pithy, memorable sayings. - One To-day is worth two tomorrow self-improvement

* Contribution - The project of self-improvement blends the Enlightenment belief. - Breaking tradition ( the old-fashioned Puritan tradition) - Helping other ordinary people become successful through two self-help books - Promoting universal public education

Hector St. John De Crevecoeur (1735-1813) - The first to exploit the melting pot image of America - Letters from an American Farmer (1782) Giving Europeans a glowing idea of opportunities for peace, wealth, and pride in America.

2. The political pamphlet

a. characteristics: Thrilling patriots and threatening loyalists Filling the role of drama Political writings had to be clear, logical, lucid and suitable. - Literary life was the proliferation of newspapers. b. Typical author and works Thomas Paine (1737-1809) - Common Sense the cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind-> voicing the idea of American exceptionalism still strong in the US Declaration of Independence and the Federalist Papers

3. Neoclassism
Epic Mock epic satire

a. Epic
* Characteristics: - A long, dramatic narrative poem in elevated language, celebrating the feats of a legendary hero. - Expressing the great American Revolution * Many writers tried to write epic but none succeeded such as : Timothy Dwight

b. Mock Epic
* Characteristics - Using the natural voice - Not luring poets into a bog of pretentious and predictable patriotic sentiments * Typical works: MFingals (1776-1782) of John Trumbull

c. Satire
* Characteristics - Containing social comment and criticism - Main subject: political topics and social problems - Typical works: + The Contrast by Royall Tyler + Modern Chivalry by Hugh Henry Brackenridge

4. Poet of the American Revolution

Philip Freneau (1752-1832) - poet of the American Revolution - Themes: American subjects, democratic ideals - Writing style: + natural and colloquial + incorporated the new stirring of European Romanticism + escaped the imitativeness and vague universality of the Hartford Wits

- Famous works are The British Prison Ship, The Wild Honey Suckle also and other typical works others: Noah Webster with Dictionary and Spelling Book Jedidiah Morse with American Geography

5. Writers of Fiction
Characteristics: - American literature began to be read and appreciated in the US and abroad. - Themes: American subjects, historical perspectives, themes of change, and nostalgic tones. - Form: prose, initiated forms

b. Typical authors
CHARLES BROCKDEN BROWN (1771-1810) - First professional American writer - To be seen as the precursor of romantic writers - Typical works: Wieland (1789), Arthur Mervyn (1799), Ormond (1799), and Edgar Huntley (1799) developed the genre of American Gothic. - Writing style:

WASHINGTON IRVING (1789-1859) - Theme: the most dramatic aspects of American history such as the discovery of the New World, the first president and national hero, and the westward exploration. - Famous works: Rip Van Winkle and The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow in the collection Sketch Book Of Geoffrye Crayon + significance: the Sketch Book gave America something it needed in the brash, materialistic early years : an imaginative way of relating to the new land.

- Writing style: delicate, elegant, yet seemingly casual style; creating of rich, nuanced tones and emotional effects. * Contribution: - Building the new nations soul - Discovering and helping satisfy the raw new nations sense of history

JAMES FENIMORE COOPER (1789-1851) - Themes: + the transformation of the wilderness, the sea, the clash of people from different cultures + a deep tension between the lone individual and society, nature and culture, spirituality and organized religion. - Typical works: the collection Leather-Stocking Tales, the Pioneers (1823) - Writing style: tragic note


a. PHILLIS WHEATLEY( c. 1753-1784)

- Theme: religion - Writing style: neoclassical style. - Famous work: To S.M., A Young African Painter, On Seeing His Works + significance: praise and encouragement another talented black it confronts white racism and asserts spiritual equality

b. Other women writers

- SUSANNA ROWSON (c. 1762-1824) + Americas first professional novelist + Famous work: Charlotte Temple (1791) + Theme: feminist and abolitionist themes and depicting American Indian with respect. - HANNAH FOSTER (1758-1840) + best-selling novel: the coquette (1797) - Others: Judith Sargent Murray, Mercy Otis Warren

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